If you are experiencing hair loss, you may have already paid a visit to your local pharmacy in search of a remedy. While there you might have found yourself in an aisle with shelf after shelf of creams, ointments, shampoos, sprays, fungicides, and vitamin or herbal supplements all claiming that they could stop your hair from thinning further. Some of them may have indicated they could even re-grow your missing hair.

In spite of what you may have seen on the pharmacy shelves, or on late-night infomercials, there are only two medications which have been FDA-approved, and which doctors routinely prescribe, as treatments for hair loss--minoxidil and finasteride. And of these, the more commonly prescribed is finasteride, in the pill form Propecia.

It is possible to stop hair loss with Propecia because male pattern baldness has been closely connected to an imbalance of the hormone dihydroxytestosterone, or DHT. DHT is created when the 5-alpha-reductase enzyme interacts with testosterone; researchers were able to stop hair loss with Propecia, which inhibited the 5-alpha-reductase enzyme and kept DHT from forming. In other works, they were able to stop hair loss with Propecia by intervening in the testosterone-enzyme-DHT cycle.

When Propecia was tested on a group of men suffering from mild or moderate androgenic alopecia, some of the men saw hair growth after only three months; and eventually 86% of them experienced re-growth of thinning hair. Over 90% of the men had no additional hair loss for the two years of the study, so the researchers had managed both to stop hair loss with Propecia and to re-grow hair in a majority of the study's subjects.

While attempting to stop hair loss with Propecia has produced minor sexual side effects in less than 2% of the men using it, Propecia is considered safe for adult men. Women, however, should not try to stop hair loss with Propecia; it is known to cause birth defects.

It is also not suitable for young children because it can lead to abnormal sexual development.

Because the longest study done to hairlosstreatmentshelp.com stop hair loss with Propecia only lasted two years, the long term effects of using Propecia are know yet known. But those who have decided to stop hair loss with Propecia must consider it a permanent part of their hair care regimen; those who discontinue it will have a recurrence of their hair loss. Propecia, fortunately, is taken in pill form once a day and does not require the application of messy creams or ointments.

You can also find more info on hairlosstreatmentshelp.com/Hair_Loss_Treatment_Shampoo Hair Loss Treatment Shampoo and hairlosstreatmentshelp.com/Natural_Hair_Loss_Treatments Natural Hair Loss Treatments. Hairlosstreatmentshelp.com is a comprehensive resource to know about Hair loss Treatment.

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Who doesn't want to be noticed and look beautiful? Everyone wants to look best. And when it comes to looks, hair plays a vital role too. Healthy, soft, shiny hair is an instant booster to your overall appearance. And if you are the proud owner of a gorgeous crowning glory then go ahead and flaunt it! Make other jealous of you. It is surprising how many treat their hair with disrespect. They don't give it the care needed and use harmful synthetic products. Result: hair fall, dandruff, frizzy hair etc. and then they wonder why their hair is not shiny, flowing and sexy like in the ads in spite of using the same shampoo or conditioner! Well they need to understand some facts of hair care. Hair is a delicate, growing organ (it's in fact a modified type of skin) in need of lots of care.

Even a simple basic routine of oil massage-shampooing-conditioning is enough. All you need is to use the right kind of product. Remember, hair needs to be treated carefully with a lot of attention towards proper nutrition to maintain a healthy growth. Instead of the synthetic hair oils from the market, use oils from your kitchen cupboard. Using warm olive oil, castor oil, almond oil, etc will do wonders to your hair. When infused with herbs like camphor (Kapoor), Hibiscus, mint, Shikakai, essential oils like lavender, jasmine, etc. it nourishes the hair to the roots and imparts softness, resiliency, luster and vibrancy to the hair.

A nice warm head massage is to be followed up by wrapping the hair in a warm towel for 20-30 minutes and then wash off using a herbal shampoo and finish off with a herbal conditioner. To add that final touch, use apple cider vinegar as the final rinse for your hair. Once dry, style as you want.

A complete range of hair care aromatherapy and Ayurveda products are available to choose from. They are a safe choice as they have no side effects. Many of the ingredients used in them are available in the market for you to buy and make your own herbal hair care product which will be 100% chemical free especially as no preservatives are added in.

But before you go in for any of the natural products, you should know your hair type, color, texture, quality so accordingly you can choose the right kind of products and improve on it. Proper care will give you healthier and better looking hair but when ignored it will lead to hair loss, breakage, split ends, dull hair.

Maintain a healthy lifestyle. Treat your hair like a baby. Pamper it, nourish it. Give it the right nutrition, not only externally but internally too. Eat the right kind of diet that provides the essential vitamins and protein. Include at least two kinds of nuts in your daily diet. Deep conditioning once a month is essential to maintain the softness and provide nourishment to the hair. If you suffer from dandruff, use a good quality anti-dandruff shampoo twice a week only. Make sure the shampoo suits your hair.

By following simple steps of massage-shampoo-conditioning combined with balanced, nutritious diet, you will have lustrous, strong, beautiful hair to flaunt as you want and leave other gasping over your crowning glory.

An apple a day keeps the doctor away but did you know that it aids in hair growth too? Research has shown there are various ways of using apple or its forms to maintain a healthy crop of hair. Apple cider vinegar, made from apples, is an amazing hair tonic. Visit: naturalhairgrowth.net naturalhairgrowth.net. Please add your inputs on Natural Hair Growth Blog.

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It has been a long time that people have been ending the problem and torment of hair loss. There are several reasons for hair replacement surgery clinics. Different individuals tend to suffer from different types and patterns of this condition.

1) Here is a list of some of the common reasons for hair loss:

a) Overdose of vitamin A

Overdose of vitamin A. Do not eat vitamin supplements unless prescribed by the doctor. Also check that you are having a diet that has balanced amount of vitamins and minerals and does not provide you overdose of a specific vitamin.

b) Antidepressant therapy

This therapy is really important for people with symptoms of severe depression. However, some of these medications may lead to loose your hair. Ask your doctor to prescribe some other medicines to you.

c) Over or under active thyroids

Thyroid problems may lead to severe hair loss. Get your TSH T4 tests done immediately and get appropriate treatment.

d) Pregnancy

Pregnant women tend to lose more hair within a period of about three month after their delivery. The reason is that one experiences high levels of certain hormones during pregnancy. This keeps the hair intact that would normally fall out. Once the hormones return to normal levels, these hairs fall out and normal growth cycle starts.

e) Improper hair care

This may be one of the main causes. People tend to indulge in excessive combing, brushing, and hair unfriendly hair styles such as braids, ponytails that pull the hair. Over usage of chemicals such as dyes and bleaches tend to result in hair loss.

f) DHT level

Excessive levels of DHT, because it prevents the availability of the nutrients to the hair, thereby causing hair falling.

g) Protein and iron deficiency

This is the major reasons. Unfortunately, hair falling starts only when the body recognizes the deficiency. This would be after about three months of deficiency. You can solve this problem easily via including good amount of protein and iron in your diet.

h) Medications

Medications prescribed for arthritis, birth control pills, blood pressure and depression can result in hair loss. You must consult your physician or health care practitioner to get another medicine prescribed for your problems.

2) Here are some other causes:

a) Use of blood thinners

b) Hormonal problems, Hormonal imbalance

c) Chemotherapy medicines, Cancer therapy

d) Stress

e) Genetic

f) Scalp and fungal infections

g) Long illness, Diabetes, Lupus

h) Male or female pattern baldness

i) Surgery

j) Anticoagulants

There are several reasons for loosing hair as mentioned above. However, treatment given on time will definitely save you from a lot of embarrassment. Do not take supplements without consulting a physician or get into any hair treatment.

Watch out for hair fall symptoms and act instantly.

For more Articles, News, Information, Advice, and Resources about HAIR LOSS please visit hairlossinsights.com HAIR LOSS INSIGHTS and hairloss-domain.com HAIR LOSS ADVICE

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As you may already know, your hair is your timeless crowning glory; thus, you have to properly take care of it and keep it shiny, manageable and healthy-looking at all times. When you have healthy hair, people will perceive you as confident, hygienic and of course, beautiful. I am pretty sure you have seen how bad you looked when you had unruly hair despite the great clothes you wore. If you seek to make a good impression of yourself and you want to stand out in a crowd, you have to care for your hair appropriately, and ALWAYS. And using the right hair beauty products will see your hair at its best at all times.

So it is a must to spend money on hair beauty products of good quality. However, the first thing to achieving an impressive crowning glory is to know what kind of hair you really have. Study your hair carefully and then ask yourself if you possess dry or oily or damaged hair. If you have colored your hair, did the color contribute to its appealing appearance? Remember, hair beauty products are basically manufactured for specific hair types so if you are fully aware of your hair type, you know what kind of hair product is best for your mane.

It is important to shell out money for high quality hair beauty products because you would not doubt what it can do to your hair. If you want your hair to become straight, see to it you purchase a product that contains straightening or relaxing components. On the other hand, if your hair is regularly treated with chemicals to make it curly or to give it color, it is best to buy a hair product that maintains its good health despite the intrusion of chemicals. It is a must to get a reliable shampoo, conditioner and of course a product that provides hot oil to make your crowning glory healthier and more pleasant to touch and behold.

You also have to find the appropriate accessories and tools to care for your hair. Make sure you get a good blower that will come in handy in the morning before you go to work. You can also buy a styling iron that will help you achieve that instant straight hair look despite your wavy tresses. Best of all, do not forget to get a good hairbrush to make you eliminate those knots and help you manage your hair impeccably.

To enhance your hair's appeal, you should also buy pretty hair accessories; for instance, some nice little hairclips and charming headbands. This will enable you to change how you look every time.

If you are searching for great hair products and accessories, you can always go online. Be careful with your choices though. Online companies that sell hair beauty products abound such as extended lengths but this does not mean, you should immediately do business with them. Make sure to check out their offers and services. For instance, make a quick visit to the website of extended lengths. You will find that this company offers a myriad of products apart from hair beauty products. In fact, extended lengths also offers delivery of any product you have purchased from them through the site.

But it is also essential to do a background check. Be sure to know what other clients have experienced when they dealt with them. Extended lengths have obtained some bad feedbacks from previous clients. One customer claimed the company did not process the order she placed online. Hence, after two weeks of waiting, she was not able to receive any product that she paid for. This is a clear manifestation of bad business courtesy on the part of the company. So next time you do online shopping, visit review sites as well. You will never know if other people have undergone bad transactions with certain companies such as that episode with extended lengths.

If you truly care for your crowning glory, it is a must to purchase only the best hair beauty products for it.

For comments and inquiries about the article visit: ripoffreport.com/beauty-products/extendedlengths-com/extendedlengths-com-bad-busin-b7d4e.htm Extended Lengths

Janice Jenkins is a writer for a marketing company in Chicago, IL. Mostly into marketing research, Janice started writing articles early 2007 to impart her knowledge to individuals new to the marketing industry.

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Do you want to transition to natural hair, but not comfortable with cutting off the relaxed strands right away? Are you concerned with your hair breaking off during the transition period? Rest assured it is very possible to go through the transition process without experiencing tons of breakage. To clarify though, you will experience some breakage. However, it can be minimized with proper care and healthy hair care practices.

First, you must decide that going the natural route is right for you. It's going to take a lot of commitment to travel down this road of many stumbling blocks. Although, you may get weary some times throughout the process, you will also experience fun and a sense of freedom. This is possible, because you will start to realize as you experiment with different products and transition hair styles, that your natural tresses are versatile!

Secondly, you need to be prepared for the breakage. The breakage will happen at the demarcation line (which is the point at which your new growth/natural hair meets the relaxed hair). It is imperative that the demarcation line stays moisturized. This softens the new growth, allows for easier handling, and mitigates the risk of breakage. It is equally critical (especially if you have thin fine hair) to integrate protein treatments. These hair treatments strengthen your mane and provide a safeguard against damage. A major protein treatment can be done every 6 weeks and a mild treatment such as utilizing a re-constructor can be done once a week. Always remember that with protein you must follow up with a moisturizing conditioner.

Until you are ready for the "big chop" or going totally natural here are some ways to transition without cutting off all of the relaxed ends at one time:

? Choose hair styles that will serve as a protective regimen, blend both the natural and straight textures, and provide low manipulation. Some examples are roller sets, straw sets, flat twists, two strand twists, cornrows, sew in weaves, etc.

? Dust the ends or do really small trims throughout transitioning. This helps to keep split ends at a minimal, keeps the tangles at bay, and gives and overall cleaner look.

? Use direct heat (blow dryers, curling irons, pressing combs, flat irons, etc.) sparingly. Frequent usage of direct heat causes the hair to become dry, contributing to breakage. Additionally, it can also cause heat damage to the non-relaxed hair.

? Develop a regimen that includes shampoo, deep condition (light or heavy protein), moisturizing conditioner, and a leave in conditioner.

The key is in treating your strands like fine silk with proper care and attention. You will see that transitioning to natural isn't so bad. Plus, when you actually do get rid of all the relaxed ends, you will see that your natural hair is a nice length!

I am an African American woman who started a website thinhaircangrow.com thinhaircangrow.com for the purpose of teaching women about healthy hair care practices for thin and fine hair. I have learned so much on my healthy hair journey and want to share it with as many women as possible.

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One of the most common reasons why men and women lose their hair is due to poor cosmetic grooming. The unfortunate thing about this is the fact it is so preventable. Fortunately there are some steps you can take to put right some of the damage caused.

Speaking at the American Academy of Dermatology's 2004 summer conference, Dr Zoe Draelos offered a number of recommendations to improve the hair care regime:

1. Itching associated with seborrheic dermatitis can weaken and damage hair over a period of time so seek medical help if your scalp skin is itchy, red or scaly.

2. Long hair is more easily damaged. People with extensive hair damage should therefore consider a shorter style.

3. Hair growth slows with age and hair becomes thinner in texture. Older people should therefore ensure that only weaker chemicals are applied.

4. Take care when choosing grooming tools. Use a comb made from flexible plastic with smooth, rounded and coarse teeth. Use a brush with bristles that are smooth, ball-tipped, coarse and bendable. In addition brush as little as possible and avoid brushing wet hair.

5. Don't use tight rubber bands for ponytails as these cause excessive trauma and breaking of hairs. Likewise use hair clips loosely.

6. Understand the nature of your hair and adjust the intensity of your grooming to match. For example, curly hair tends to crack more easily than straight hair so be careful.

7. Make sure the hair is always cut with sharp scissors as crushing the end of the hair will encourage split ends.

8. The less that is done to hair in terms of styling, the healthier it will be. It follows then that care should be taken not to over-style with cosmetic products.

9. Hair coloring and bleaching are damaging to hair. If you must change hair color, try to stay within three shades of the natural color to minimize damage.

10. Hair relaxing and permanent waving are both damaging to hair and should only be used on a very limited basis.

You can find out more about treating hair loss by visiting the site listed below.

Richard Mitchell is the creator of the myhairlossadvisor.com myhairlossadvisor.com, website that provides information and guidance to those suffering from premature hair loss. Please go to myhairlossadvisor.com/index.html Hair Loss Solutions to find out more about the issues covered in this article.

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Do you have hair thinning problem? Is it affecting you socially? Have you felt you wanted to keep yourself in a shell to avoid people seeing your thinning hair? Please remember that you are not alone. Hair thinning is a problem more than 30 million Americans experience. Lot of things may be the cause of thinning hair for women and knowing them will help you arrest the problem.

What are the common causes?

o Hereditary

o Pregnancy and childbirth

o Thyroid problems

o Anemia

o Drug

o Stress

o Hair styling and chemicals

Hereditary cause

It is a common myth that the hair pattern comes from the maternal side of the family tree. This is untrue. Genetic hair characteristics may be copied from either side of the family tree. Therefore if you are related in blood to an individual with hair thinning or hair loss problem, you are likely to have that problem as well.

Pregnancy and childbirth

Before pregnancy occurs, women's hormones function properly. At the onset of pregnancy, hormonal imbalances occur. Three months after hormonal imbalances occur; hair will enter into the telogen effluvium or the resting phase. Resting phase is where the hair stop growing, shedding will then follow. Telogen effluvium and the corresponding shedding will continue until 3 to 6 months after childbirth. This is a major cause of hair thinning in women.

Thyroid problems

Hair thinning due to thyroid problem is not only a problem among women. Men with thyroid problems also experience hair thinning. Your doctor may be the only person to help you if the cause of thinning hair in women you are experiencing is due to thyroid problems.


Anemia is likewise a cause of thinning hair in women. You may need the help of your doctor to arrest this problem.


There are medications that cause hair thinning in women as well. Thus, if you are under any medication especially drugs for the treatment of arthritis, depression, anemia and thyroid problems, hair thinning can be attributed to this. Stopping the medication may reverse hair thinning. However, it is only your medical professional, who is qualified to advise this, if necessary.


Stress is another cause of hair thinning in women. Trauma and fatigue are likewise causes of thinning hair among women. Hair thinning may be reversible if the stress, trauma and fatigue are reversed. Thus, lifestyle may need to be in check all the time to avoid hair thinning that may lead to premature baldness.

Hair styles and chemicals in the hair

Too much hair styling and frequent processing of the hair may likewise cause damage in the hair shaft and scalp problems. Hair thinning will follow if this happens. Thus, for women to avoid the causes of hair thinning, seek the advice of your hair care professional before embarking on changing your looks as often as you want.

Hair care professionals will know what problems you may encounter with regards to your hair, so make sure you seek his advice before you put anything on your hair.

Being conscientious with regards to your hair may lead to avoiding causes of thinning hair in women. Live your life with full hair head if you take care of it well.

hairlossadvance.com/dht-blocker.html DHT Blockers
hairlossdefense.com hair loss treatments

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Hair care franchises are becoming increasingly popular and sought-after by many who want to break in to business ownership.  And understandably so, with numerous benefits which make it an extremely attractive franchise choice. This $55 billion industry is technology resistant with a built in demand: no matter the economy, people still need hair care. So, what else makes this business model such a compelling choice for a franchise business? Here are seven of the top features and benefits: 

Recession-Resistant. No matter the economy, people still need to get their hair cut. Unlike the latest trend or fad, hair care does not fluctuate with economic conditions. 

Keep Your Current Job. Few other franchise models have a system that allows the owner to remain in the corporate world.  Hair care does. You can keep your current position while fulfilling your dream of business ownership. You choose when and if you want to transition full time into the American dream. 

Perfect Passive Business. This category is perfect for investors who are interested in building a business, not buying a job, by developing multiple locations. 

Affordable Investment That You Control.  If your goal is to become your own boss, to be in business for yourself while utilizing the guidance and support of the franchisor, you can own and operate a single salon for a low initial investment. However, if you want to be the CEO of your own "empire", you have the option of purchasing multiple locations.  Your time is spent on marketing and recruiting as you expand to 3, 5, or even 10 locations.

No Industry Experience Required. Not to worry, no hair care or styling experience is required. A manager handles the daily operations. If you have strong leadership and people skills and a business background, you may want to look further into this opportunity.  

Recruitment Programs. Don't worry about finding stylists and managers.  Most hair care franchises provide a Recruitment Program that assist you in finding a great manager and top-notch stylists.   

Cash Business. No receivables. You're not left chasing down bad debt.  

As more and more corporate employees face downsizing, their options for replacing those large incomes with another "job" are bleak.  Also, an increasing number of baby boomers are opting for early retirement.  A hair industry franchise is a great second career choice for these groups, and a seasoned franchise consultant can guide you to the one that best fits your situation. You can experience the American Dream of business ownership, allowing for a nice income, while protecting your leisure time. A true winning combination.  

Register for your thefranchisingauthority.com Free Franchise Consultation.  The Franchising Authority will help you find your perfect franchise!

Cory Barber is a professional franchise consultant affiliated with the world's top franchise broker network. His free, confidential consulting services help guide you through the entire process of purchasing a franchise based on your background, skillset, lifestyle, and financial goals. For more information about his free Franchise Consulting Service, please visit: thefranchisingauthority.com thefranchisingauthority.com or contact Cory at his office: 877-271-4305. email: hair care 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Avanti is a professional manufacturer of hair styling tools and has introduced a distinctive line of hair care accessories such as hair straighteners and blow dryers. Avanti hair care accessories are regarded as an excellent option for those who want to derive salon quality hair styling results at home. Hence, there is no exception in the case of Avanti hairdryers. Each of Avanti hair dryers has its own specialties and is crafted with some unique features. Discussed further in this article are among the most sought after Avanti blow dryers, along with its astounding features.

Perhaps most preferred among the Avanti hairdryers is Avanti Ultra Professional Ceramic hair dryer or VIZIO that is incorporated with long life AC motor, extra powerful airflow, and two speed and three heat settings, in addition to its ceramic elements that help for stable and even distribution of heat across the hair, elimination of damaging spots, and efficient heat retention.

To add extra shine and gorgeousness to hair, one of the best options would be try Avanti Ultra Professional Ionic Ceramic hairdryers (OK GOLD), attached with built-in ion generator that releases millions of negative ions, which in turn help to eliminate frizz as well as to stop the growth of bacteria and fungi that affect the healthy functioning of your hair. Its features also cover six heat and two heat settings and motor with life of 1000 hours. Avanti hairdryers including Avanti Professional Ionic hair dryers, Avanti Ionic and Dual Voltage retail hairdryer, and Avanti ionic retail hairdryer are also superb options to derive complete benefits of ionic technology.

Likewise, opt for Avanti's OK SILVER (Avanti Ultra Professional Ultra Lightweight hairdryer), if you find your existing hairdryer too heavy to handle. Ultra lightweight DC motor, six heat and two speed settings, and well balanced profile are its highlights, among many others. Further, for fast results, one of the best options would be to try Avanti Ultra Professional Heavy Duty AC Motor, boasting of high velocity and extra powerful air flow. Top quality Avanti hairdryers also include Avanti Ultra Professional AC Motor hairdryers and Avanti Ceramic Retail dryer.

So next time when you decide to own a hairdryer, consider Avanti hair dryers! Shop it via Flat Iron Experts in order to enjoy superb deals on it. An online boutique with about a decade's expertise in the industry, Flat Iron Experts' all products including flat irons, curling irons, blow dryers, and beauty care items are attached with affordable rate tags. It also renders free shipping for purchases above certain limits.

Flat Iron Experts offers the extensive collection of flatironexperts.com/Best-Hair-Dryers-Professional-Hair-Dryer-s/191.htm best hair dryers in the beauty industry. We offer the best features of various avanti hair dryers, flatironexperts.com/category-s/171.htm babyliss hair dryers, zazen hair dryers etc online.

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Gradual thinning of the hair is worrisome to many as a shining bouncy mane has a significant contribution in defining the beauty of an individual specially women. The thinning of hair results in low self esteem and people are always ready to spend good amount of money to restore the lost beauty either by purchasing expensive happinesslifetime.com hair care products or going for special salon treatments. The result is sometimes satisfactory but in many cases these artificial treatments brings in frustration.


Very few people think of getting rid of the basic causes responsible for the thinning of the hair before starting the external applications, as the treatment should be carried out both internally and externally. Losing 50-100 hairs daily is normal and that does not lead to hair thinning as this loss is gradually replaced by a new crop.

Deficiency of vitamins and minerals, under nourishment, severe mental stress, prolonged illness, certain medications and hormonal imbalances are the main causes for the thinning of the hair, sometimes the genetic factors also contributing in it.

Herbal Remedies

Down through the history, the herbal treatments have been considered to be the most efficient way to enhance the beauty of the hair or to prevent its thinning out. Modern age people are also adopting the same treatments and the results are undoubtedly been satisfactory. Application of either the dried herbs or the essential oils gives good results in restoring the crowning glory. But the oils should be diluted before applying on the scalp.

1. Basil is an aromatic herb that soothes the nerves and relieves anxieties. Applying its juice on the scalp improves the blood circulation adding luster to the hair.

2. Burdock is rich in essential fatty acids and phytosterols that improve the scalp condition promoting hair growth. Its nourishing and antibacterial properties also help in removing dandruff.

3. Horsetail is rich in silica and phytosterols that keeps the hair follicles healthy and prevents excess oil secretion in the scalp.

4. Stinging Nettle prevents the hair thinning due to genetic conditions. It fights with the male hormone that is responsible for hair loss and shrinking of the follicles. Due to its antifungal properties it stimulates the blood circulation of the scalp.

5. Cedar wood oil has rejuvenating effects that helps in the follicle growth and improves the oxygen supply in the scalp.

6. Rosemary oil is sweet smelling oil that speeds up the growth of hair. It increases the moisture in the scalp and prevents dandruff.

7. Ylang ylang oil helps in stress reduction by relaxing the nervous system. It controls the production of sebum and maintains a healthy scalp for long time.

A balanced and nutritious diet must be accompanied with these herbal treatments to keep the hair beautiful and attractive for ever.

Read useful home-remedies-guide.com/hair-care.htm Hair Care Remedies. Also find simple and effective natural-cure-guide.com/home-remedies/hair-loss.htm Hair Loss Remedies.

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