Do you have a black hair care guide to help you know when you're on the right track with your regimen, product selections and styling? Here are some problems and their solutions that a good guide can help you figure out.

1. Problem: Breakage

Is your hair breaking and very weak at the ends? Seeing little hairs on your shoulders and in your sink every time you comb your hair isn't good and it will ruin your hair's health and growth quickly.

Solution: Protective Styling

If you've never tired protective styling it might just be the solution to your breakage problem. These hairstyles (like buns and braids) protect your ends by keeping them out of the air. They stay moist and dryness, split ends and breakage from friction is almost totally eliminated.

2. Problem: Over-processing

Do you have issues with your hair always being over-processed when you go to the salon? If your hair is getting weak and damaged over time because of chemical services, something has to change.

Solution: Stretching Relaxers

The answer to your problem is stretching out your hair relaxers. This means if you usually get your hair done every 6 weeks, wait 10-12 to give your hair time to grow out more. Having more new growth makes it harder for the relaxer to overlap onto your already straightened hair.

3. Problem: Dryness

Does your hair snap crackle and pop when you run a comb or brush through it? One of the biggest issues for black hair is dryness. If you have a relaxer or other chemical application in you hair, dryness becomes an even bigger problem.

Solution: Deep Conditioning

If your hair is dry the only way to restore it is to hydrate with a thick conditioner and heat. Using heat (especially steam) opens up the shaft of your hair letting the conditioner penetrate into the deeper layers.

This seals more moisture into your hair and leaves it feeling softer, smoother and more flexible.

The best hair care results come from having a complete black hair care guide to healthy hair.

Camille Godwin is a professional makeup artist, notorious hair fanatic, certified product junkie and creator of Black Women Beauty Central. Discover black hair care tips, beauty tips articles, videos, free tools and special reports for black women and women of color.

Get a free beauty tips e-course when you sign up for Black Beauty Buzz, a monthly e-zine filled with tips, advice, reviews and video how-to's.

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All of us have seen hair fall off our head. In fact, everybody loses around 100 strands of hair, on an average and that is a small number compared to the total number of hair on your head. But frequently people find out that they are losing far more than that. When your body starts doing that, you find yourself heading on the path to hair loss. The hair follicles are capable of regenerating your hair but when hair is being shed faster than it can be replaced, baldness occurs. Hair loss can be quite a difficult prospect for you both socially and emotionally. Although people are very hesitant to say that they want their hair back. You have to realize that there is nothing wrong in consulting medical help for hair loss.

Losing your youthful glory

Though there is no consensus among medical authorities on the underlying mechanism of the occurrence of hair loss, major causes have been identified and are being thoroughly researched. Of course, heredity can be considered a major factor as a majority of people with baldness has had a history of hair loss in their family. Hair loss can also be a manifestation of some underlying disease like diabetes or an overacting thyroid. Hair loss has also been attributed to stress, medications or medical treatments like chemotherapy and poor nutrition. Women will also experience some hair loss after childbirth and during menopause. Improperly done hair care treatments like straightening, dyeing and bleaching and hair styles which put excessive stress on your hair contributes generously to hair loss.

DHT - The major culprit

Men usually experience a receding hairline or male pattern baldness. In women, a uniform thinning of hair is generally observed. There are also other types of hair loss of varying severity. Hair loss is primarily triggered by two conditions - hormonal imbalance and decreased blood flow to the scalp. Dihydrotestosterone or DHT is a powerful sex hormone that is a facial hair growth promoter but adversely affects the hair on your head. DHT is actually testosterone converted by 5-alpha-reductase enzymes. It is believed that DHT initiates a process known as "follicle miniaturization" in persons who may have hereditary hair loss. In this process, DHT acts on the follicles causing thinning of the hair strands and weakens it till the hair in the affected area looks like baby hair. Hair growth is also hindered when the blood flow to the scalp is reduced.

Propecia - Defending your hair Hair loss treatments are big business these days as people try everything from drug-based treatments to surgery to bring back their old glory. For all the demand, FDA has so far approved only two drug-based treatments. Propecia from Merck & Co. is the popular brand name of finasteride and is commonly prescribed oral prescription medicine for controlling male pattern baldness. Finasteride has an inhibiting effect on the enzyme 5-alpha-reductase preventing the formation of DHT and thus bring hair loss under control. Propecia is to be taken daily and positive results will be noticeable on long-term use up to 2 years. Due to its androgen suppressing effect, Propecia is not meant for use in women, especially pregnant or nursing women.

Rogaine - Quicker and User friendly

Rogaine from GlaxoSmithKline is an easy to use, solution form (2% & 5%) of minoxidil that can be applied directly to the scalp to rejuvenate it. Minoxidil is a vasodilator that promotes blood flow to the scalp, thus encouraging hair growth. Rogaine is also available as direct use foam. The 2% solution can be used by either gender but the 5% solution is meant for men. Rogaine can have a positive result on your hair within 6 months. Side effects may include dizziness and irritation of the scalp.

Or else ...

You can also opt for Saw palmetto or nettle root extract, which are also DHT inhibitors if you prefer natural hair loss remedies without the possible side effects. If have a deep pocket, you can also opt for a cosmetic surgery known as hair transplantation. But all in all, it is easier to maintain your remaining healthy hair with proper care than hope to grow new hair.

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Before You Remove Body Hair

A decision to remove your hair is no small decision. However, you don't have to be concerned that you're going in the wrong direction. Nowadays, getting your body hair cut off is not just for females anymore, but products for men's hair removal are sold too. If body hair gets out of control, you don't have to worry about not having the options to remedy this. Smooth, tidy body skin is something that men can now enjoy just as much as the female. If you're not going for a drastic removal of all your body hair, consider simply getting it thinned out.

Today, it is easy to get your hair removed, with all the technology and treatments sold in current stores for hair removal. That dreaded unibrow can be a thing of the past, as well as excess chest hair, when you take advantage of men's hair care products. Remember, you don't have to end up living with excess hair problems the rest of your life. You can get rid of your unwanted body hair without a problem when you use men's hair removal products. Men are even dyeing their hair today. There's no reason why you can't treat your hair removal problems, especially as more and more hair products and treatments are coming out designed for just men.

Techniques To Remove Body Hair

If you are 100% ready to get rid of that excess hair you've been troubled by, there are some guidelines and techniques you should be aware of. First of all, if you're going for the eyebrows, there are a few steps to remember. When you're doing men's hair removal, eyebrows are a bit tricky because if you thin them out too much, you'll take away from a masculine appearance. A good pair of tweezers is important when dealing with unwanted eyebrow hair. Start slowly as you go along, working from outside and from around the center. However, if you are trying to remove a lot of back or chest hair, perhaps consider waxing as a good alternative option in hair removal. Waxing is done either professionally or at your home.

There are some kits offered in stores with waxing strips that can be applied directly onto hair patches after they are heated. If it's your first waxing job, be careful, especially if you're doing it at home. There are salons that offer men's hair removal, and provide budgeted waxing techniques that will give you the idea of how the technique is done. Besides waxing, there is a technique today that is known as sugaring. This is a 100% natural, healthy paste that will remove the hair follicle from the root as it is applied onto the patches of hair. Sugaring is unlike waxing in that it doesn't cost that much pain or money. It is done in a paste or gel form most of the time. The paste sugaring method is comprised of a warmed, thick mixture that is applied and then quickly removed, pulling the hair out of the follicle. Sugaring gel is applied and removed also to get rid of the excess hair. Many people are more and more choosing this natural and easier method since it offers a safe alternative to waxing.

Things To Remember

Remember always to go slowly, and take things easily, when you're doing men's hair removal. Especially if this is your first time removing your body hair, you should just try to take it all easy. If you're going for removal near the approximations of face or upper chest, you should definitely stay away from going overboard with the look. Men's hair removal should be done with care if you are a businessman. Dramatic eyebrow makeovers won't look good, however stylish they may look to you. Simply take your time and know what you need before it's done.

For more detailed information on men's hair removal check out Matt's blog which provides a plethora of mens hair removal tips.

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Hair here hair there! Hair hair everywhere!!

Is this your nightmare? If yes, then you have some simple ways to reduce it right there in your kitchen.

Use any of the following easy to make recipes for stopping hair loss:

1. Massage hair with olive hair and leave over night. Wash off the next day as usual. Olive oil works as a hair tonic. It is also referred to as liquid gold for the hair. Olive oil is rich in essential fatty acids which keep the hair cuticles moisturized.

2. Boil a handful of henna leaves in mustard oil (in a ratio of 4 tablespoons to one cup). Filter and store in a sterilized glass bottle. Massage this herbal oil before a head bath every time. If possible leave it over night or at least for 30 minutes before washing your hair. This is very effective in treating hair loss.

3. Massage bhongra juice to reduce hair loss.

4. Oil of Sagvan seeds too can be used for head massage to stop hair fall.

5. Mix equal amount of almond oil and warm castor oil for head massage at least once a week.

6. Rinse hair with mix of apple cider vinegar and sage tea to help in hair growth.

7. Use the following hair pack: mix amla powder and one egg. Apply and leave for half an hour before washing.

8. Applying a mix of aloe vera gel and triphala herbal powder for 3 - 6 months continuously will help in new hair growth.

9. Massage coconut milk into the roots. Make sure you cover full scalp. Leave for an hour and wash off with warm water. Using it for 3 - 4 times a week will give amazing results. Instead of coconut milk you can also use aloe vera gel.

10. Drinking of coconut water regularly prevents hair fall.

11. Include nuts in your diet.

12. Boil fenugreek (methi) seeds in coconut oil or olive oil. Cool and strain. Store in a bottle and use as massage oil every time before head bath.

13. Including amla in any form in your diet will help control hair fall.

14. Whip one egg in henna powder and curd and use as a hair mask. This will help prevent hair fall.

15. Massaging with warm castor oil 30 minutes before head bath will give excellent results.

16. Mix equal quantity of lime seeds and black pepper. Make into a paste using water or ginger juice. Massage into hair and keep for a few hours before washing off.

17. Make a protein rich hair conditioner using 2 teaspoon of olive oil, 2 egg yolks and 1 cup filtered water. Beat the egg yolks till frothy, add in the oil and beat till well blended. Add water and massage into hair covering every possible hair strand. Keep for 20 minutes and rinse as usual. This conditioner nourishes hair and stimulates hair growth and is mild enough to be used daily.

An apple a day keeps the doctor away but did you know that it aids in hair growth too? Research has shown there are various ways of using apple or its forms to maintain a healthy crop of hair. Apple cider vinegar, made from apples, is an amazing hair tonic. Visit: Please add your inputs on Natural Hair Growth Blog.

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Hairs are one of the greatest assets. It has now become a multi million dollar business and is still growing very rapidly. One who can't afford extra expenses can manage it through natural herbal ways as well as through some effective home remedies.

Herbal Shampoo for Hairs

1. Shampoo of Multani Clay: Immerse 100 gm multani clay in water. After two hours make a paste and apply gently in the hair. Wash the hair after 5-10 minutes in winters with warm water and normal water in summers. If hair is very dirty do it twice a week; the hair becomes soft, silky and long. It brings a cool and light feeling.

2. Shampoo of flour of gram pulses: Apply paste of flour of gram pulse made with water on the hair twice a week and wash the hand after an hour. The hair becomes black, dense, clean, shining and soft. It also relieves itching or cures boils in the head.

Home Remedies for Hair Care

1. Add one-gram black pepper in 100 gm of curd and apply in the scalp. Now wash the hair with warm water once a week. The hair becomes black and beautiful and stops falling.

2. Mix eclipta alba, black sesame, dry emblica myrobalan and sugar candy in equal quantities (all in powdered form). Take six grams in the morning on an empty stomach daily and drink 250 gm of milk over it. Take this treatment from one years, along with it take vegetarian food, and do not indulge in sex.

3. For graying of hairs, add black sesame and eclipta alba in equal quantity, chew one teaspoonful of this mixture in the morning on an empty stomach and drink fresh water over it. Take daily for six months. It is successful for all persons up to 40.

4. To prevent hair fall, mash beetroot leaves in heena paste and apply on the head also cures dandruff.

5. Warm 300 gm coconut oil with 3 gm of black pepper added in it. When it starts boiling stop heating, sieve with a fine cloth and keep in a bottle. Massage with fingertips in the night gently.

Immerse peels of lemon in coconut oil for 8-10 days in sunshine. Now sieve and apply in the hair. Hair becomes black and shining.

Disclaimer: The reader of this article should exercise all precautionary measures while following instructions on the home remedies from this article. Avoid using any of these products if you are allergic to it. The responsibility lies with the reader and not with the site or the writer.

Copyright © Nick Mutt, All Rights Reserved. If you want to use this article on your website or in your ezine, make all the urls (links) active.

Read more about Home Remedies for Hair Loss. Also know some effective Home Remedies for Toothache. Visit Natural Cure Health Guide to find some easy and effective Home Remedies for common ailments.

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People who suffer from alopecia, a form of baldness will tell you that it is impossible to prevent, however, that is quite simply not true. In fact, as with most types of medicine, prevention of hair loss is much simpler and easier than trying to cure it.

A healthy Scalp

Preventing hair loss is primarily about looking after your scalp... head health! That means eating a balanced diet and with our modern lifestyles, ensuring that you take a comprehensive multivitamin routinely. Minimizing exposure to environmental stressors like too much sun, chemicals, etc and keeping your body and mind healthy goes a long way to caring for your scalp. Make sure you use only quality shampoo and conditioner on your scalp. The cheaper ones contain very low quality and often untested and dangerous chemicals which can not only cause hair loss but a variety of other unwanted side effects.

Hair Products

It is essential that the over-use of hair care products be avoided, as these damage your hair and the follicles. In particular, harsh shampoos, colorants and perming solution dry-out and weaken the hair as well as harming the hair follicles. This means washing your hair not everyday but every second day. Men in particular have no need to wash their hair everyday unless it is terribly dirty. It can also dry the scalp out considerably to do so.

Scalp Massage

Scalp massage has been recognised to help prevent hair loss for centuries and is still considered in many circles to be a useful tool to foster a healthy scalp. And if you know that you are at risk for hair loss, beginning early with the use of growth-fostering products such as lotions and shampoos may allow you to prevent or at least delay balding, potentially adding years to the life of your hair. If you are unsure where to start, consult with a specialist at a hair loss prevention clinic for professional recommendation about preventing the premature loss of your hair.

Learn more about the causes of hair loss [] on [].

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Hair Culture

Hairs spring from the skin, each having a root and a stem or shaft, which is generally rounded and varies and thickness. The chief part of the stem is of a fibrous character, the fibres being composed of soft cells with air spaces between them. The colour of the hair is due to the pigment scattered in varying amounts throughout the hair, while a white hair is produced by the formation of very numerous airspaces throughout the cells composing it. The root of the hair is set upon a fibrous papilla, from which it drives its nutriment. The root is deep and the growing part of the hair pushes the older part out through the cuticle.

The average rate of growth of hair is about 6 inches in a year, though in some persons when the hair reaches a certain length, it ceases to grow and is gradually pushed upwards till it falls out, to be replaced by a new hair which develops from a fresh papilla. Attached to the underside of each, follicle (the tube which contains the part of the hair embedded in the skin) is a small muscle. It is these muscles, which produce 'goose-flesh' when the hairs are raised. The sebaceous glands open into the follicles of the hair. It is the over active sebaceous glands which produce what fashion-conscious women call greasy hair. The secretion of the sebaceous glands reaches the surface by the hair follicle and serves to lubricate the hair and give pliability to the surface of the skin.

Blood, while it circulates through the skin, provides nutriment to the hair and if due to some defect the nutriment does not reach them, they start falling. No application of any oil or pomade or cream can provide the natural nutriment to the hair as is claimed by advertisements of hair-restorers. Only a vigorous massage of the head can activate the circulation of the blood in the skin and revitalize its function of providing the necessary nutriment to sustain the hair. Oil is merely a vehicle for massage; it has no other function. If massage is not neglected during childhood, a person is likely to have a full thatch throughout his life.

The skin that covers the scalp has to be healthy and the follicles and the sebaceous glands should function properly. The skin of the scalp must be thick and loose for a rich growth of hair.


Certain serious diseases are associated with partial loss of hair as one of their symptoms. They are: acute fevers, myxoedema (degenerative conditions of the subcutaneous and connective tissues due to a defect in the thyroid gland), syphilis, influenza, anemia and great anxiety or severe shock. Gradual premature baldness is generally hereditary. Sometimes it is preceded by dandruff, which, in its turn, is caused by decomposition of the natural oil in the hair. Each day in the process of combing, a certain number of hair, which have reached the end of their existence, fall out and are replaced. But, if the changes are too rapid, baldness results ultimately.

Falling of Hair

In some cases, if the hair fall out as a result of any particular disease, they are likely to be replaced when the patient gets rid of the disease. The hair may, in that sense, be called a barometer of disease. The moment the falling of the hair is noticed, one should take to vigorous massage of the scalp, because, if the hair fall and a fine down appear on the scalp, total baldness is not far away.

The hatband or the cap should never be tight because it is likely to interfere with the circulation of the blood in the scalp.

After the scalp has been thoroughly and vigorously massaged, rinse the hair with cold water and then comb your hair. A cold douche of the hair is always helpful if done regularly. The best way to do it is to immerse your head in a flat-bottomed vessel for a minute. The hair should be combed with the fingers and dried through massage.

For more information regarding Natural Home Remedies for Hair Care, Herbal Remedy and Natural Home Remedies for Dandruff, Herbal Remedy visit

Dr John Anne

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Women seem to have the addiction of styling their hair in various ways. Who can blame them? Their hair is called their crowning glory for no reason. And with the opposite sex attracted to women who have hairs that are well-maintained, shiny, and fashionable, there is always a reason to style one's hair. Luckily, with the aid of modern technology nowadays, hair problems and style needs are easily addressed.

If you are wondering what outstanding solution is there in the market today, ceramic flat hair iron is what you are looking for. If you want to stretch out your hair naturally, this is the perfect hair iron to use. Many women have it in their closets and consider it as one of their greatest fashion collection. There are many reasons why this wonderful tool is treasured by women, a few are listed below.

o Shorter Heating Time

Unlike other flat irons, this product only requires a couple of seconds before it heats up and be ready to use. You will save bills of your electricity and you could style your hair in just a few minutes. The ceramic type of flat iron is the big solution for busy women who need to stay beautiful despite a heavy day.

o Prevents hair loss and damage.

Since little amount of heat is emitted between the ceramic plates of the iron, there is also lesser heat received by the hair. Dry and frizzy types of hair get easily damaged when put under extreme heat. Hence, using a flat iron with ceramic plates prevents you from risking you hair to turn into a brittle cord.

o Comes in handy in stylish shape and colors.

Ceramic flat hair irons are not just beautiful for the hair but is also pleasing to the eyes. It comes in various shapes and colors that attract buyers to purchase the product. It's not all because of its quality but also because of its added stylistic factor. The plates are very smooth in texture to handle every thread of your hair delicately.

o Quality Results

If you're looking for a quality product to straighten up your dry, curly and lifeless hair, ceramic flat hair iron is the best choice for you. Although it is sold at a higher and hefty price tag still the results are undeniably beautiful, gorgeous and total satisfaction. One of the newest brands introduced in the market nowadays is the Karmin Envy Pink Professional Tourmaline Ceramic Flat Iron. The aforementioned type of ceramic flat iron adds up the curl and flip-type features aside from the usual straightening styles of the product.

Although you're not naturally gifted with beautiful hair, this efficient hair care tool will surely answer your dreams. Ceramic flat hair iron along with its several brands is proven to come up with smooth, silky, beautiful hair that looks straight naturally. The product is definitely effective in satisfying the expectations of the public. With the warranty given to every ceramic type of product, everyone is ensured that this hair care tool will surely last for years.

Kristy is a professional hair stylist and writer for My Hair Styling Tools, a leading supplier of Ceramic Flat Hair Irons.

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There are many hair vitamins available in the market today that promise to make hair grow thicker and healthier. Sadly, most of them are quite expensive and they need to be taken over a long period of time. What is more, you are not even sure if they really work. Don't you wish you could get them for free just to find out if they really work? Actually, there are a couple of alternative ways to get them at discounted prices or even for free.

Vitamins with money-back guarantees

These hair vitamins, especially the ones that are sold online, usually have money-back guarantees. This means that when you are not satisfied by the product, you can send back the unfinished bottle to the manufacturer and they, in turn, will give you your money back. Though this would seem like you are getting the good end of the deal, you are not. If you end up liking the product and are satisfied with it, then there will be no reason for you to return it and you will not get your money back. And if you do decide to return it, you still have to pay for the cost of shipping and handling. So when you think about it, there is no such thing as free hair vitamin in this case.

Be a test subjects for hair vitamins

The only way for you to get hair regrowth vitamins for free is by submitting yourself as a test subject for either research or development of the product. Manufacturers will test their products on you and in turn, you will find out of for yourself if they really work. If they do work, then good for your hair. Human test subjects are very well-paid, and with good reason. Submitting your hair in the pursuit of hair care research and development products can be hazardous to your health. Hair Vitamins provides detailed information on Hair Vitamins, Vitamin For Hair Loss, Female Hair Loss Vitamin, Vitamin For Healthy Hair and more. Hair Vitamins is affiliated with Hair Styles [].

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Kids look cute and lovely with those bouncy curls that the God has gifted them with. But it is hard to maintain those lovely curls on kids as they seldom allow to keep it lovely. If you are a parent finding it difficult to manage your kids curly hair, then here are some tips for you to follow.

You should first remember that the hair or kids are finer and thinner than those of the adults and therefore require more care and protection when controlling it with brushes or combs. Those wispy and thin curls are hard to be controlled that may fret your child often. But, it is your responsibility to maintain them properly so that it does not get frizzy and unruly as your child grows. Since a child does not know how to manage it themselves, you have to show that patience and care to look after the curly hair of your child. With some patience and good methods of hair care, you will soon find that the hair of your child grows long with neat and lively curls as she grows. Since frizzy hair is common with curly locks that are mainly due to its fine texture, you have to give more importance of how to control those frizz on your kid.

Until your little one has grown enough to manage and tame her hair herself, you should give all possible help to keep the frizzy tresses out of her way. You cannot always leave such fine and curly hair open as it can make the locks frizzy easily. So, try to keep them in control with tiny hair bands or clips that will tightly hold those unruly hairs. You can opt for a short cut for boy with curly hair until it becomes thick. You should choose a perfect haircut for your son so that it keeps the locks well controlled. In order to prevent the fine and curly hair of your kids from becoming frizzy, you should not always brush their dry hair and not also when they are wet. Always keep the hair detangled with your fingers softly. Never use diffusers or blow dryers on the tender hair of your kids for drying. Air drying is always recommended than other quick drying methods.

Read on Phytosesame Express as well as Onesta Super Conditioner for Dry Hair at Flat Iron Experts

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