A lot of people have been fans of Moroccan Oil for ages and ages, but now things are slowly changing and there is a new hair care line that is taking over people's heart and hair. The masses have found a new love. Don't get me wrong, there are some who are still faithful to their Moroccan oil, but the majority is having a wonderful affair with a new Macadamia hair care collection.

The celebrities and beauty bloggers have become obsessed with Macadamia Natural Oil Hare Care products. All the products in the collection are phenomenal. The oils and both hair and skin creams smell delicious, the hair smell wonderful and is sure to get compliments, and the shampoo and conditioner feel like a relaxing treat in the shower.

As an extra benefit they have a comb that is infused with the oil. For all those who have tortured their hair, and yet this treatment line has been known to soften their hair, and brought life in to them once again.

A piece of information that is vital to remember, when it comes to this product is, that a little goes a very long way with this collection. What most people often do it that they I often end up going overboard and slather on the leave-in conditioner and oil, which is definitely not good. These products have very intense, hydrating formulas that give amazing results by just applying a tiny amount.

Gives extreme nourishment, beautiful and a long lasting, tangle-free, frizz-free finish. Hair is extra-smooth, easily manageable and frizz free.

The oil is designed in such a way that the hair follicles quickly absorb, it is also light-weight, and it is non-greasy feel. It is known to prolong the life of color treated hair by reducing fading. The main ingredients of the Macadamia Oil is Very rich in important fatty acids, macadamia oil has the characteristic feature of looking sebum.

To sum up, Macadamia happinesslifetime.com hair care products are extremely good for both the hair and the skin. They leave the hair smelling beautiful, and give hair beauty and life once again.

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Hair Dye for younger look

Every single woman on this planet wants to look simply ravishing and catch hold off as many complements as she can in her kitty. No one wants to get old or accept the aging effects like wrinkles, loose skin or gray hairs etc. In order to hide these undesirable changes happening due to growing age and continue looking like young girls they tend to use the chemical products that are very harmful for their skin and overall health. The manufacturers of these products, just to increase the sale of their products make false promise of making females beautiful without leaving any single side effects. In reality it is entirely untrue and misguided. Unfortunately, the innocent ladies in the desire of looking good fall into the trap of injurious chemical products. One such product is hair dyes. With the aim to conceal the gray hair and give it temporary natural black or brown color people widely use hair dyes. As a result, after the regular use of this detrimental product they experience incurable problems like weak eyesight and skin allergy.

Chemical Hair Dye may weaken eye sight

All the hair dyes available in the market contain harmful substance like ammonia and ammonium hydroxide. These are used as the main ingredients in hair coloring products because it assists in preparing the hair so that the dye can be easily absorbed into the hair shaft. As a side effect, these awfully toxic elements get diffused inside the scalp as well. As result it causes irritation that leaves its permanent negative mark on eyes, skin and respiratory passages. It is also likely to produce skin cancer and kidney problems. Life threatening diseases like cancer and kidney failures are seen only in few cases but weak eyesight and skin issues is commonly observed in every second person using the hair dyes to color the hair that too for the limited period of time. These days' people have become so much conscious of outer beauty that they overlook the fact that harmful chemicals present in cosmetics or happinesslifetime.com skin care products can lead to health problems for the rest of their lives.

Use Natural Herbal Hair Dye

It cannot be denied that looking beautiful is important as it gives confidence to tackle the competitive world. But, there are other organic and herbal hair dye available as good substitutes over the harsh chemical products. These naturally produced alternatives might lack little convenience but the end results are surely harmless form every aspect. Unlike chemical hair dyes, natural Henna could be used for covering the gray hair look red or burgundy. It looks fabulous! in spite of being messy and troublesome, Henna is unquestionably excellent. It is completely natural because it is directly extracted from the Henna plants (Henna or Hina or Lawsonia inermis) and crushed to make fine powder without adding any other substance. It covers the white or gray hair very well and leaves no side effects like burning sensation or itching etc. Also, if it is used as per the given direction then it acts as an exceptional natural hair conditioner too making the hair soft and smooth.

Choose Natural beauty products

Today, the market is flooded with unlimited choice of products for every beauty issue be it wrinkles, lookbeauty.com/HairCare/Whygrayhair/BeautyTips.aspx?m=28&mm=264 natural gray hair care, blemish, scars and so on. The decision lies with the consumer whether to go in for chemical products and get the outcome that comes with health related side effects or choose natural herbal/organic products which will always be in harmony with the well being.

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Fashion industry have a greater influence to most people on what color, styles and length a person's hair could be. You see that these days, being bald is no longer something you could hide forever. The truth is that bald is one of the stylistic trend these days. Women on the other hand opt to wear hair extensions on some occasions, have their hairs colored/dyed and wear wigs on special events. You can never tell which is real because of so many options available for both sexes.

However, with the growing obsession to hair dyeing, many people lost their good and vibrant hair in the long run. Some of the common problems related to extreme hair coloring are the drying of hair and of course, losing of its natural elements. Researches found out that a dry hair lacks the essential natural content and the moist the hair should possess to maintain its health and smoothness.

Other damage of extreme hair coloring is that it weakens the hairs' attachment to an individual's scalp. For this reason, the around 150,000 individual strands of hair lose their good grip on the person's scalp, lose the shimmer and strength.

But that's not all. There are also physical factors why a person's hair weakens in the long run. Understandably, there are people who are originally having weak hair strands. Further, with the adoption of fashion and application of aggressive hair chemicals eventually could lead to hair breakage and the worse is hair lost permanently.

What are the other factors why others lose their beautiful hair? The following can be seriously considered:

o Excessive and inappropriate use of blow drier

o Application of harsh and aggressive hair detergents for dying purposes

o Inappropriate combing or inappropriate choice of comb or brush

o Menkes kinky hair syndrome

o Hyperthyroidism can be a great contributor in hair loss or drying of hair

o Deficiency in vitamin k like anorexic status

o Extreme exposure to sunlight or pollutants

Given the above factors, it's important for you to take care of your hair. As you all know, the hair adds up to your personality and a good hair indicates good crown for its owner so why waste or abuse it to its destruction? Taking care of your hair is very simple. All you need to have is take time to understand the reasons why your hair drying. You may want to discuss this with a trusted health care provider for you to get the best possible assistance.

On the other hand and if you're on the process of buying stuffs for your hair, make sure to consult a good doctor or a hair specialist before using any chemical. The last and best option for you is to keep a proper diet, enhance your vitamin k intake and expose yourself to beneficial sunlight. Allow your scalp to sweat naturally for it also releases the hair's natural oil. Never over use will shampoo for it break good hair lines. Lastly, make sure to free your hair most of the time and use a good brush or comb.

For more info, please visit hairlossremedy.biz hairlossremedy.biz

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Summer is one of the most popular seasons of the year, however it is also the one that tends to damage hair most of the times. The reason is simply being exposed too much to the stronger and stronger sun.

Every year the sun seems to shine stronger on us, partly due to the thinning layers of ozone. While people do worry about their happinesslifetime.com skin care, not so many people realize that hair care is also of utmost importance. Our hair is a major part of our body and looks and having damaged, frizzy and split ends is not only unhealthy but also quite ugly.

There are many creams, lotions and other products that can help during the hot summer months, however there are also many things you can do on your own without having to buy any commercial products to keep your mane healthy throughout the entire year.

Here are a couple of useful tips to get you started with keeping your hair healthy during the summer.

Avoid staying too much time under the direct sun. If you have to though, use various SPF shampoos that will protect the strands at least temporarily.
For the very same reason learn to use hats. There are some very trendy and modern hats available nowadays to buy, and you can even start a new trend among your friends with your cool hat. Get some light color ones that don't keep your head too hot under them.
Do a few hot towel treatments for your mane by massaging warm oil evenings in it before going to sleep. Also start using leave-in conditioners when you go out in the sun. This will keep your hair protected from getting dry and also frizzy.
Avoid using curling irons, flat irons, hot rollers and other very hot appliances, at least during the summer time.
Don't use any happinesslifetime.com hair care products that contain alcohol, paraffin gel, and use only natural products that protect your curls.
Make sure to drink lots of water every day to keep yourself hydrated as this not only helps your hair but your entire body as well.
Use a deep conditioner after washing your hair.
If you are going to the swimming pool during summer, use a swim cap to protect your head from the chlorine and other chemicals that the water contains to keep it clean and disinfected.
Don't use very hot water to wash your hair and always use moisturizing shampoo and conditioner.
Always eat healthy food rich in proteins and fresh fruits and vegetables. They help with a clear skin and healthy mane as well.

Above all it is important to use the right hairblowdryers.net hair dryers for your hair such as the hairblowdryers.net/fhi-heat-nano-salon-pro-2000.html FHI Heat Nano Salon Pro which is highly recommended by most professional hair stylists in the country.

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What is Alopecia?

Alopecia is the medical term for hair loss, which is one of the major issues faced by most of the people in the world. It is also generally known as baldness. It is a serious problem that can affect anyone. This condition normally arises when the follicles of the hair begin to die away. Today, you will find many products that claim to promote hair growth. However, many of these products that are available in the market fail to live up to their promises.

According to a research conducted by Heath and Wellness Institute,UK in 2009, there are approximately 90,000people in the UK alone, suffering from this condition. And people, in order to take proper care of their hair, are turning towards natural remedies since they are safe and help in effectively restoring the hair without any side effects.

Hair loss may be in some cases caused by other health problems, but in most of the cases,it is due to lack of proper care. Though this condition may not be life threatening, it can lead to depression and other mental illness. Some of the happinesslifetime.com hair loss treatments can cause adverse effects and this may further aggravate the condition of the hair.

What are the major causes of loss?

There are many factors that result in hair loss. A few major ones are listed below:

*Improper nutrition

*Lack of hair care

*Too much heat on scalp



What are the benefits of healthy hair?

*Enhances your look

* Boost up your self esteem

* Proper maintenance

* Go well with chemical treatments (perms, relaxers etc )

*No split ends

Get the best treatment!

Many treatments are available at present that give you instant relief from hair loss. Lotions, surgery, happinesslifetime.com hair transplant shampoos....the list goes on. Have you ever verified their claims before vouching for all these treatments? If the answer is 'no', please do it at the earliest. Ask yourself whether it is worth taking such a big risk?

Herbal treatment- When there are many herbal products that are free from side effects and are 100% effective, why not try these natural products?

Herbal products provide the power to help you stop the hair loss and put you back in the path of hair re growth without much effort from your side. These harmless but effective natural products will also never cause a dent in your pocket.

Choose a non-prescription herbal pill that prevents loss and puts you in the track to regrowth. There are herbal pills that are popular and in demand among doctors and patients alike.

To know more about this natural hair-loss-products.biz hair loss treatment.

Natural hair-loss-products.biz Hair Loss Treatment.

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Low Level laser Light Therapy (LLLT) is an internationally accepted name for biostimulation with low energy lasers in order to achieve therapeutic desired effects. Traditionally, LLLT falls under the realm of Physical Medicine, which uses stimulation therapy to activate the body's natural defense mechanisms. When LLLT is the stimulus, the treatment modality is known as PHOTOBIOSTIMULATION.

LLLT has been indicated in sports medicine, physical/manual medicine, dermatology and neuroendocrine disorders in human and animal patients. The anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties of LLLT, as well as its effect on collagen formation, are good indications for LLLT in traumatology, surgery and dentistry, especially after major operations.


The word Laser is actually an acronym which stands for Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation. Laser generates extremely pure light, i.e. light of one wavelength, not of an entire spectrum like a light bulb. The light emitted is highly organized in flow (It may help to think of laser as a single malt scotch and not a "blend" of different wavelengths of light). Laser can be any wavelength of light, visible or invisible, high energy or low energy.

In 1917, Albert Einstein introduced his basic theory for stimulated emission of electromagnetic radiation. This theory was verified by Landberg in 1928, but at the time there were no practical possibilities for producing a functional laser. In 1951, Fabrikant, a Russian physicist submitted a patent application and subsequently published a paper on laser in 1959.

Mester, a Hungarian scientist, was the first to publish a series of articles in 1960 on the biostimulatory effect of LLLT on cell cultures. In 1963, he published the results of animal experimentation which showed that re-growth of epithelium over skin lesions was faster if the lesion was irradiated with1 Joule per square centimeter. Higher doses did not give any better effect. In fact, if the dose was increased many-fold the result was the opposite. Wound healing was inhibited.

In 1965, Laor and his team found that laser irradiation (LLLT) stimulated the rate of healing burns and mechanically induced wounds.


A Laser is a device which produces electromagnetic radiation in the light band. Electromagnetic radiation is a form of energy flux which has properties of both a wave and a particle. These Wave-Particles are called PHOTONS.

Photons have a certain amount of energy (E) which unifies these two properties of waves and particles. Energy (E) is proportional to the mass of the photon (m) according to Einstein's famous equation:


Energy (E) is also proportional to the frequency (f) of the photon according to the equation:


Since f x wavelength equals c (speed of light), it follows that f=c/wavelength. Substituting above, E is proportional to 1/wavelength, or the Energy of a photon is INVERSLEY PROPRTIONAL to its wavelength.


When a PHOTON hits an object, what happens to its energy? If the photon (light) reflects from the surface of the object, the photon retains its energy. If the photon is transmitted further (beyond the object), it likewise retains its energy. If the photon gets absorbed by the object however, its energy is delivered to the atoms and molecules of the object.

Depending upon the wavelength (and hence the energy) of the absorbed photon, several scenarios may occur. This absorbed energy may result in heat oscillations, i.e. the atoms/molecules become hot, if the energy is low. If the absorbed energy is higher, the atoms and molecules of the object can become excited and/or ionized. If the energy absorbed is high, it can cause the break up of chemical bonds in the atoms/molecules of the object and result in the formation of new compounds.

Laser light then, consists of photons of a specific wavelength, i.e. PURE LIGHT, and hence, a specific energy level, which can interact with a given object. The results of that interaction are dependent upon this specific wavelength (energy level).


There are many different types of medical lasers available, but they can be classified into two main groups:

HIGH POWER LASERS cut coagulate and evaporate tissue. These are also known as Surgical Lasers because they replace the scalpel of the surgeon. These lasers produce photons (light) of high energy.

LOW LEVEL LASERS stimulate cell function. The effect is not thermal as in the case of surgical lasers. These non-surgical therapeutic lasers are certified Class 3A by the FDA. The energy produced by the photons of these lasers is low and does not have a thermal component that can cause injuries to users and/or operators. This low level energy does not alter molecular structures, but STIMULATES the body's mechanisms to REPAIR AND HEAL itself.

Low level (energy) laser light photons are absorbed by the chromophores within the cells. This induces increased production of cellular energy in the form of ATP, which leads to normalization of cell function, pain relief and healing. These effects are especially striking in areas of the body where cells are under stress.

The photo-energy from these low level lasers is low and remains a long way below the levels needed for ionization of the atoms and molecules of the cells. Thus no induction of cancer growth has been linked to these lasers. The risk of eye injury is almost non-existent, but goggles are recommended.


What type of laser device would benefit patients with androgenetic alopecia? The devices being promoted must be safe for use. They must be effective to meet the manufacturer's claims. The consumer must know what he/she is buying, and the device must not expose the consumer to undo risks.

The therapeutic factors in choosing a laser are as follows:

(a) The wavelength of the light is important as it determines penetration depth in the target tissue. For example, red light at 670 nanometers penetrates greater than other lasers close to the red spectrum. Since wavelengths of 670-690 nanometers support the oxidation processes, it is believed that the 670 nanometer wavelengths show better efficacy in therapeutics than lower wavelength lasers.

(b) For hair applications, the first and most significant condition in choosing laser wavelength is depth penetration, which should be sufficient to target hair bulbs typically resting at 5-6 mm depth.

(c) Visible red light at a wavelength of 660 nanometers penetrates tissue to a depth of 8-10 mm so that the entire hair organ will be covered to a depth just beyond the hair bulb. Visible red light could theoretically be effective in the entire scalp and might include wounds, cuts, scars, folliculitis, etc.

(d) There is the question of continuous wave vs. pulsed operation of the laser. Pulsed operation has been shown to stimulate tissue repair and regeneration to a greater degree than continuous wave operation. Pulses have been shown to stimulate cellular activity. Pulses can regulate biologic rhythms or cycles. Finally, pulsed operation exhibits greater anti-inflammatory effects than the continuous mode.

The GOAL of LLLT is to increase the circulation of the blood to the follicle area and to stimulate the hair organs (nerves, muscles and growth centers of the follicle). The effects of LLLT to stimulate, enhance or speed up the normal life cycle and production cycle of the exposed hair follicles is presently being studied and will fast become the science by which this technology will be judged:

In 1996 Pontien published a Microcirculation study with the Laser Hair Care Device and showed an increase in blood flow.

In 2005 Weiss and McDaniel showed that photo modulation using visible light can alter the expression of genes associated with the stimulation of hair growth. They described it as more of a "minoxidil-like" effect.


The physics of laser light, along with its known properties, led the way to a practical application for low energy lasers in medicine. Various studies have confirmed these properties on the living organism. Taken together, the data points to the following effects of low level laser light on the scalp:

(1) Increased scalp blood flow and microcirculation by 20-30%

(2) Increases nutrient supply to enhance hair growth

(3) Stimulates and accelerates hair growth

(4) Stops the progression of hair loss

(5) Repairs and improves hair shaft quality

(6) Reduces excess levels of skin 5 alpha reductase and DHT which contribute to genetic thinning

(7) Relieves scalp conditions such as psoriasis, seborrhoeic dermatitis, itchy/scaling scalp (anti-inflammatory properties)

(8) Normalizes sebum production (also increases production in under activity and dryness and decreases production in over activity or greasiness)

(9) Reduces tight, tender scalp

These effects also make LLLT excellent adjunct therapy for pre-operative and post-operative Hair Restoration procedures.


In developing treatment programs with LLLT one must first consider whether the treatment will be administered with a Class 3A laser machine, with a hand held laser device, or with both.

The larger Class 3A Laser Machine is a patented cool laser which creates a soft halo of light around the scalp. The light is delivered from multiple rotating laser positions designed to increase blood flow to the scalp. There are 30 diode lasers rotating in a half sphere around the head delivering pulsed low laser energy to the scalp. This requires twice weekly or more visits to the clinic. The use of adjunct products, including a vasodilator, is recommended. FDA approval for the use of this laser for hair loss is pending.

The hand held laser comb is a hand held wand-like instrument with laser light ports arranged across its surface like the teeth of a comb. It is used at home 3 to 4 times weekly for 10-15 minutes per use. It is easy to use and convenient for the patient, so compliance is high. FDA approval for its use for hair loss is pending. It is accepted as a medical device in Canada. This allows advertising to make therapeutic claims about the hand held laser device such as its ability to increase the strength of scalp hair in men and women, its ability to prevent scalp hair loss in men and women, and its ability to cause re-growth of scalp hair in men and women.

Studies with the hand held laser comb have reinforced these claims:

In 2003, Martin Unger showed that LLLT has been found to have biomodulating effects on human hair and hair follicles. 97% of the patients studied had some benefit in improvement of hair characteristics, stabilization of hair loss or hair re-growth (defined by Unger as an increase of hair count by 11% or more from baseline).

Santino and Markou, in 2003, studied 35 patients (28 males, 7 females) with androgenetic alopecia on the LaserMax Comb. The treatment regimen was an every other day application of the comb for 5-10 minutes for 6 months. The results showed that, all patients considered, 93.5% of patients had a hair count increase and 78.9% had an increase in hair tensile strength.

There are ongoing FDA trials for men and women with thinning hair. These individuals undergo two treatments per week with the hand held laser comb for 6 months. All of the details of the trials are not available but preliminary results show that in men, 10% had stabilization of both frontal and vertex hair loss, 84.6% had re-growth of some hair in the frontal area and 82.8% had re-growth of some hair in the vertex. In women, 100% had stabilization of hair loss in the vertex, 87.5% had stabilization of hair loss in the frontal area, 75% had re-growth of some hair in the frontal area and 96.4% had re-growth of some hair in the vertex. Thus far, no side effects or eye damage has been reported.


Based upon the information thus far and the various clinical trials in progress, a potential list of candidates for LLLT for hair loss is as follows:

Men and women between the ages of 18 and 65

Thinning to moderate hair loss

Patients ineligible for hair Restoration Surgery due to early stages of hair loss

Women experiencing diffuse or general thinning including the sides and the back

Pre and Post operative hair restoration.

There are three general categories of user experience with LLLT as regards to hair loss. 45% of patients will see positive results after 8 weeks of treatment, 45% will see positive results after 10-16 weeks of treatment and 10% see improvement after 16 weeks.

Finally, to give an idea of the types of laser programs that exist, the Hair Restoration Group has three different programs. Patients choose a program based upon specific needs.

The IN-CLINIC PROGRAM consists of 46 sessions of LLLT over 12 months with three cappilliscope readings to measure hair density. The AT HOME AND IN CLINIC PROGRAM utilizes the hand held laser comb three times a week for ten minutes at home with 12 monthly LLLT sessions in the clinic. Finally, there is a POST-OPERATIVE LLLT PROGRAM consisting of 2 twenty minute sessions of LLLT per week for 8 weeks. The patients undergoing post-operative LLLT notice that healing is accelerated, scarring is minimized (especially in the donor area), graft growth is accelerated, graft appearance is improved and post-operative swelling does not occur.

Copyright Notice

All rights, including copyright, in the content of this article by

hrgnova.com Richard P. Giannotto, MD, are owned or

controlled iwanthair.com Transitions International Group.

Richard P. Giannotto, MD is President and Medical Director of Hair Restoration Group, PC, in McLean, Virginia. He has studied and published widely on the subject of hair loss and hair restoration, for which he is a recognized international authority.

For further information, please visit iwanthair.com iwanthair.com iwanthair.com

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Here's some tips for braving and combating extreme weather with some tips to take the strain from your hair this season. With the weather becoming more and more changeable here's some tips for perfect results every time.

Perhaps one of the most important tips is NEVER go out with wet hair. Get used to the fact that the summer days of letting your hair dry naturally are over. And it's not just because your mother says 'you'll catch a chill'. If temperatures are really low your hair can freeze and is susceptible to breakage. At the very least, roughly dry your hair before leaving the house.

Protect your hair when blow-drying. As you are likely to be blow-drying your hair much more often, make sure you use on a regular basis a product that locks in moisture and leaves a protective coating. Some hair salon products have a dual action with a 'Silk' smoothing blow-dry balm which combats tangles and frizz as well as added heat protection through blow drying.

Cover your hair when you go outside. If a hat is not quite your thing and you're worried about ending-up with 'hat hair' and static, try a silk scarf and go for Grace Kelly glamour.

Tackle that static.

OK, so if you did wear the hat or you are simply in a dry-charged atmosphere, the chances are that your hair might end-up standing on end and not because you've had a shock. A combination of a leave-in moisturizer, washing with cold water and a small amount of hair spray on your brush when styling can help avoid those 'hair-raising' moments. A good leave-in conditioner which helps retain moisture and provides protection for thermal styling works well. If you still can't calm it, try rubbing your hair with a fabric softening sheet (the type that you use in the dryer). Yes, it really works! Just make sure no one is looking!

Feed your hair.

Use regular intensive conditioning treatments. Your hair is craving moisture believe it or not through the winter months. Look for hair products that attract and hold in moisture. If you have fine or flyaway hair you should avoid heavy hair conditioners even on damaged hair.

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(Feel free to re-use or edit this article for use on your website or blog the links above must stay with the article at all times you may delete this disclaimer text in brackets)

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Swimming is one of the most beneficial forms of exercise. Unfortunately, constant exposure to chlorinated pool water or salt water can damage hair, leaving it dry and brittle. A hair care regimen for swimmers should focus on preventing and alleviating these problems.

Preventing hair problems in swimmers is relatively easy provided that a swim cap is worn. However, caps are not always completely waterproof, especially around the edges. Another preventive approach is to rinse the hair before swimming, meaning that fresh water is absorbed by the hair instead of first absorbing chlorinated or salt water. Some swimmers apply a leave-in conditioner to the hair before swimming and then wear a swim cap, to give hair maximum protection.

After swimming, it is important to wash or rinse it as soon as possible. Most swimming pools have showers, and swimmers should take advantage of these to remove chlorine from hair. Shampoos which contain harsh detergents such as sodium laureth sulfate should be avoided. Instead, shampoos which contain vitamins and aloe to condition and moisturize should be used. There are several swim shampoos now available. Conditioning the hair after washing is particularly important in a hair care regimen for swimmers. If swimming on a regular basis, a leave-in conditioner should be used immediately before and after swimming, and a deep conditioning treatment should be used about once a week. Blow drying hair is best avoided because the heat can further damage hair; instead hair should be toweled dry. If the hair must be untangled while wet, a wide-toothed comb should be used to minimize the stretching and breaking that a brush can do to wet hair.

An appropriate regimen for swimmers involves preventing exposure to the drying effects of chlorine and salt water, and treatment with a gentle shampoo and moisturizing conditioner to help care for dry and damaged hair.

hairsteamer.net/Caruso-Hair-Rollers.html Caruso hair rollers can help your hair while maintaining moisture. More information on hair care can be found at the following website on hairsteamer.net hair supplies.

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When it comes to hair - especially for women - anything goes in an effort to make us feel beautiful. And often this effort means the pursuit of professional hair care - that service that will keep our hair healthy and looking great. Of course, such service comes at a price - some higher than others - but most find that it is more than worth the expense. Can you cut your hair at home? Yes. Can you color your hair with the use of a product you picked up at your local drugstore? Absolutely. But what you save in avoiding professional hair care you will almost certainly wind up spending down the road to fix damage you have caused.

Professional services are simply part of our lifestyle - a necessary factor in keeping our bodies healthy. Just as we visit doctors for check-ups, dentists for professional cleaning, and ophthalmologists to make sure our glasses or contacts are up-to-date, so must we allow ourselves professional hair care to ensure the health of our hair.

Professional hair care typically requires a trip to a salon where your hair will be washed, conditioned, cut, and styled. Your stylist can assess the health of your hair and determine if you need a deep conditioning treatment and what cut will work best with your particular hair. Developing a long term relationship with a stylist allows you to know what you're getting when you walk in; it also allows the stylist to get to know your hair and subsequently learn what to look for in determining the health of your hair. Trimming the hair allows the hair to grow and keeps it healthy. If you do not trim your hair, the ends become split and your hair becomes dry, broken, and brittle.

When it comes to styling, professional hair care treatment gives you insight into what looks best for your hair and around your face. It is important to seek out a stylist who has experience working with your type of hair; if, for instance, you have naturally curly hair, you want to find someone who is skilled in dealing with your type of hair. A haircut for curly hair is very different than a haircut for straight hair. A little bit of research will go a long way towards ultimately getting what you want.

For those who color their hair, professional hair care is even more important. If done incorrectly, color can damage your hair long term. A professional hair colorist can expertly treat your hair and help you decide what color looks best on your hair and against your face.

Professional hair care may cost you some money; but it will be well worth it in maintaining the health and beauty of your hair.

For easy to understand, in depth information about professional hair care visit our ezGuide 2 haircare.ezguide2.com Hair Care.

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Amanda Seyfried has the kind of long, golden locks many women would die for. The actress, who shot to fame in the movie 'Mean Girls' and went on to take a lead role in the Hollywood blockbuster 'Mamma Mia' (on the set of which she met boyfriend Dominic Cooper), Seyfried is a regular on the red carpet with the ability to carry off all kinds of styles.

Seyfried herself has a delicate, heart shaped face with a porcelain complexion and strong cheekbones, so she can carry off a range of styles effortlessly. This is a big plus for the red carpet as it means her hair can be styled according to the outfit she has chosen to wear. Here are some tips on how to create some of her trademark hair styles yourself.

Tousled bun

Seyfried attended the Tribeca Film Festival wearing a trendy outfit with a youthful hair style to match. The actress updated a classic bun by making it tousled and relaxed, giving it a chic twist. To replicate this style for your own hair, create volume and height by backcombing the back of the hair. Next, pin most of it into place allowing some strands of hair to fall freely. You will need to use a good hairspray to keep the style in place.

1940s wave

Seyfried has also mastered the 1940s wave - a classic look which she wore with added volume for real Hollywood film star style. To recreate this, use a round bristled brush while blow-drying the hair, this will add volume to the look. Next, section off the hair and use large Velcro rollers to create the desired gentle wave. Pull back one side of the hair and secure with hair grips the same colour as the hair. They will appear invisible and this will create a sleek, chic style. To add shine and bounce to the look, use a light serum cream or shine spray, and finally add salon-quality hairspray to create a smooth finish and natural hold.

Multi-tonal highlights

Along with her varying looks, Seyfried is likely to be receiving regular treatments to achieve her sun kissed, seamless highlights, which work well with her warm skin tone. If you want highlights like Seyfried's, ask your colourist for a full head of multi-tonal blonde highlights, which will need ideally to be applied with a chunky weave. Golden highlights are best suited to lighter skin as they add warmth and depth.


Once the roots start to show, it will be necessary to add colour across the T-section, and one option is to add lighter champagne tones which will show through the more golden highlights underneath. The contrast between colours will be noticeable straight after the first colouring, but quite quickly the colours will blend into one another to give a natural and dazzling appearance.

Looking after blonde hair

Once you have adopted the blonde look, it is vital to look after your hair, keeping it well moisturised and healthy. A weekly deep conditioning treatment is the best way for blondes to do this, preventing the hair from getting dry and brittle and keeping that shiny, glossy appearance.

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