Hairs are one of the greatest assets. It has now become a multi million dollar business and is still growing very rapidly. One who can't afford extra expenses can manage it through natural herbal ways as well as through some effective home remedies.
Herbal Shampoo for Hairs
1. Shampoo of Multani Clay: Immerse 100 gm multani clay in water. After two hours make a paste and apply gently in the hair. Wash the hair after 5-10 minutes in winters with warm water and normal water in summers. If hair is very dirty do it twice a week; the hair becomes soft, silky and long. It brings a cool and light feeling.
2. Shampoo of flour of gram pulses: Apply paste of flour of gram pulse made with water on the hair twice a week and wash the hand after an hour. The hair becomes black, dense, clean, shining and soft. It also relieves itching or cures boils in the head.
Home Remedies for Hair Care
1. Add one-gram black pepper in 100 gm of curd and apply in the scalp. Now wash the hair with warm water once a week. The hair becomes black and beautiful and stops falling.
2. Mix eclipta alba, black sesame, dry emblica myrobalan and sugar candy in equal quantities (all in powdered form). Take six grams in the morning on an empty stomach daily and drink 250 gm of milk over it. Take this treatment from one years, along with it take vegetarian food, and do not indulge in sex.
3. For graying of hairs, add black sesame and eclipta alba in equal quantity, chew one teaspoonful of this mixture in the morning on an empty stomach and drink fresh water over it. Take daily for six months. It is successful for all persons up to 40.
4. To prevent hair fall, mash beetroot leaves in heena paste and apply on the head also cures dandruff.
5. Warm 300 gm coconut oil with 3 gm of black pepper added in it. When it starts boiling stop heating, sieve with a fine cloth and keep in a bottle. Massage with fingertips in the night gently.
Immerse peels of lemon in coconut oil for 8-10 days in sunshine. Now sieve and apply in the hair. Hair becomes black and shining.
Disclaimer: The reader of this article should exercise all precautionary measures while following instructions on the home remedies from this article. Avoid using any of these products if you are allergic to it. The responsibility lies with the reader and not with the site or the writer.
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Read more about Home Remedies for Hair Loss. Also know some effective Home Remedies for Toothache. Visit Natural Cure Health Guide to find some easy and effective Home Remedies for common ailments.