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Want hair like the artists? Here are some tips which might make you look like you have hired a personal hairdresser.

1. Use professional conditioner that is formulated for your hair type. If you have a color on your hair, choose a conditioner for hair that kind of hair. You also need to do conditioning treatments regularly. Even if your hair looks healthy, it is always constantly got attack from the wind, and sun. If you often swim, your hair will absorb chlorine and other chemicals from the pool.

2. Have a cut based on your face or body shape. Don't choose a hair cut based on its popularity.

3. Use UV protectants for your hair. To combat the damaged by wind and sun, you can use foams, sprays, and gels that block UV rays.

4. Go to the professional salon especially if you want to use chemicals for your hair. Even if the package says it is easy, just leave it to the pro. If you fail on it, you might end up looking like a clown.

5. Get a color for your hair. The color will make it truly impressive. You can highlights, low lights, full color, or gray coverage.

6. Do an ionic ceramic flat iron to straighten your hair. It is better that using a conventional sheet metal silver.

7. Do not rub your towel back and forth over your hair after the shower. It would cause it to split and adds static electricity to it.

Learn more ways to straightenhair.org straighten hair and how to straightenhair.org/tips-to-permanently-straighten-hair-1 permanantly straighten hair.

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When you are away from home in a different climate your hair will be subjected to weather it is not used to.

Your hair needs to be protected in the same way that you do with your skin. UV rays are very harmful to your hair affecting the pigment, strength, shine and vitality.

For your skin you take with you cleanser, moisturizer, sunscreen and after-sun lotions so for your hair take shampoo, conditioner, hair sunscreen and styling products.

Cold Climate

1. Cold temperatures weaken your hair and susceptible to damage. Flyaway hair tends to be subject to static. Hair should be well conditioned and protected by wearing a hat.

2. If you have frizzy hair use a leave-in conditioner and take a deep moisturizing mask with you on holiday. All hair types will benefit from using a heat protection spray and serum to keep the elements out and keep the moisture in.

Humid climate

3. Hair expands just like it does when it is wet in a humid climate. This will make your hair fluffy or if it is curly, frizzy.

4. For all hair types, a pre-holiday deep conditioning treatment is a must to nourish the hair and seal the cuticles, as you want to prevent excess moisture from entering the hair shaft.

5. If you have fine hair use a light leave-in conditioner from mid-way down the hair to the ends and use a serum to seal the ends after blow-drying, being careful not to overdo the serum on fine hair.

6. If you have curly and/or frizzy hair then you need to seal the cuticle (the outside of your hair) to minimize the additional frizziness that results in humid weather.

7. Use a leave-in conditioner very morning. Use an anti-frizz serum to coat and seal the cuticle.

Hot and dry climate

8. The sun strips the hair of its natural oils and dry heat increases this effect. UV rays attack your hair and the resulting free radicals damage the hair. The weakened cuticle causes the hair to become dehydrated, allows the bleaching and fading of the color pigment as well as split ends.

9. To protect your hair 100% from sun damage wear a hat!

10. Deep conditioning your hair before your holiday is essential.

11. If you have fine hair use a wash your hair with a gentle shampoo and use a light leave-in conditioner with UV protection. Use a sun-protection spray containing a UV filter to screen your hair from the effects of the sun and seawater and re-apply after going in the sea.

12. If you have curly hair use a moisturizing shampoo and a leave-in conditioner to minimize dryness. Apply a nourishing hair mask whilst you are away to deep condition your hair. Use a sun-protection spray containing a UV filter to screen your hair from the effects of the sun and seawater and re-apply after going in the sea.

13. If you have frizzy hair use a sun-protection spray containing a UV filter to screen your hair from the effects of the sun and seawater and re-apply after going in the sea.Use a rich leave-in conditioner with UV protection each morning and apply a hair mask every other day during the holiday.

14. When you have been swimming in the sea always wash the salt out afterwards.

15. Chlorine from the swimming pool is extremely damaging when combined with the effects of the sun, wet your hair in the shower before hand and protect your hair with a leave-in conditioner preferably one containing a UV filter. Wash your hair thoroughly after swimming.

16. Hair grips and bands are an extremely useful item to have on holiday and offer a quick-fix solution for hair care problems.

17. Don't forget your travel plug to ensure that you can still use your hairdryer and other electric hairstyling equipment whilst abroad.

Bon Voyage!

Copyright ? Skye Irwin, Haircare-made-easy.com Haircare-made-easy.com, 2005 This article is copyrighted. Please feel free to use it in it's entirety including copyright information and information about the publisher. Skye Irwin operates the website HairCare Made Easy, you can get her Hair Care Made Easy book from haircare-made-easy.com/spage.html haircare-made-easy.com

hair care 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

One of the most frequently asked questions about hair loss by men and women is will vitamin and herb treatments help me with my thinning hair?

Without question the answer is a resounding yes. The simple fact is all of your body's processes require supplementation to maintain optimal performance. No more than you can do without water likewise you body can't do without the proper nutrients to prevent pattern hair loss and thinning hair. All functions within the body whether it be skin cell renewal, hair growth, or vision require your body to maintain a certain level of health.

The second most asked question is, "If vitamins and herb supplements will help me with my male and female hair loss problems why can't I just obtain them with the foods I eat?"

Well in theory you can but knowing just what foods to consume to lower DHT and create hair growth is another thing. In reality most people couldn't name five vitamins necessary for hair growth anymore than they could name five of the "natural wonders of the world." Plus if you could name a few of these vitamins, critical to hair growth, could you name the foods that contain them. If you make it this far you would then need to decide what quantities are needed to provide maximum benefits for the hair follicle. As many people soon learn they're no more familiar what is needed to maintain the nutritional health of their hair, skin, or nails than their doctor's are. The plain fact is most doctors are trained in dealing with disease not male pattern baldness and female hair loss.

To sum it up one of the many ways for men and women to assure proper hair growth is with vitamins or herbs designed specifically for the scalp. A proper diet can help, just make sure you don't end up dieting to correct for over-consumption. Even in the worst situation vitamins and herbs encourage continued growth of the hair follicle. Plus in many cases a proper vitamin formula can reduce scalp disorders such as dandruff, seborrhea, and psoriasis. Since few vitamin and herbal supplements are uniquely dangerous to your health checking out a few just might save you an expensive trip to the doctor. Without question this is one of the more natural approaches for accelerating hair growth and we'll guarantee you'll notice a reduction in your hair loss. At worst you probably notice the increased sheen in your hair.

Undoubtedly when you pursue these inexpensive natural approaches for dealing with hair loss you'll probably gain a better understanding of the bodies many processes that enhance your physical well being.

The author of this article has published two books that entail inexpensive and seldom publicized solutions for combating male and female pattern baldness. To learn more visit thinscalp.com thinscalp.com or thinningscalp.com thinningscalp.com.

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The use of natural products for black hair care is becoming an increasingly popular choice.  This is partly due to increased availability from manufacturer's and also as a result of consumer's becoming more conscious of the types of product they would like to use in order to achieve healthy hair.

Some of the most common ingredients which we see in happinesslifetime.com natural hair products include: aloe vera, shea butter, glycerine, floral waters, herbs and various oils such as coconut, macadamia, camellia and avocado.  These natural ingredients have a variety of benefits relevant to black hair care: ranging from improving moisture and sebum levels to the hair and scalp, cleansing and stimulating the scalp which encourages follicle stimulation and therefore growth, clearing dandruff, soothing scalp irritations, improving strength and thickness.  In addition to this, happinesslifetime.com natural hair products are also a healthier choice as they contain less or no synthetic chemicals or toxins which can be harmful to the body and internal systems.  Many people are not aware that the scalp is highly permeable, therefore whatever you place on it is often absorbed directly into the bloodstream. Natural happinesslifetime.com hair care products containing essential oils (natural extracts from various flowers and plants) such as lavender, rose, chamomile etc also carry the added benefit of being therapeutic to the mind, body and emotions. 

In contrast to this, many of the happinesslifetime.com hair care products containing a high level of synthetic ingredients can be much less beneficial to the hair.  Certain ingredients such as sulphates, mineral oil and petrolatum have a drying effect on the hair, which is already an issue most people with black/afro hair are continually trying to combat.  In addition to this, mineral oil and petrolatum can also clog the pores of the scalp which prevents circulation necessary for healthy growth and causes build up on the hair follicle. Some products also contain toxic ingredients which can be harmful to our general health, ranging from minor irritants to much more serious health issues such as cancer.  For consumers who are concerned and would like to obtain further information, there are a number of organisations who research and distribute online information on the safety of cosmetics ingredients. 

In order to help you decide which natural products to purchase, it is first wise to assess your hair and then choose which are most suitable for your current needs. For example, for breakage choose a protein based strengthening product, for dryness choose a moisturizing product etc. The name normally indicates its purpose e.g moisturising conditioner and the label will indicate which natural ingredients it contains.  The ingredients will be listed from high to low, so the first is the main component of the product and so forth.  Additionally, if you already know which natural ingredients your hair responds well to,  it may be wise to choose a range of products containing those particular ones.

Zoe Penny, Natural Hair and Beauty Product Designer & Retailer

reviveholisticbeauty.com reviveholisticbeauty.com

hair care 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

When your hair is falling out, the last thing you will want to do is to wash it because this is normally a time when a lot of hair is shed. It is scary, but you will need to clean your scalp because this is where the toxins come out of the skin.

Any hair loss is a sign that your body is toxic. The hair sample test in the book will show you how to clean out the toxins from within, but you will also help the skin get rid of the toxins as they come out of the scalp, so washing your hair and scalp is absolutely essential.

Please remember one very important thing:

Any hair that comes out during washing or is shed during the day is hair that was no longer viable anyway. This hair needs to come out to make space for hair that can last. In order to achieve scalp conditions that allow hair to grow again, you have to do a number of things:

1. Have a hair sample test done to find out which toxins are stopping your hair from growing.

What happens if I don't do that?

Your body and scalp become increasingly acidic and more hair falls out.

2. Drink at least 1 ? litres (approx. 8 large glasses) of filtered water a day.

Drink 2 glasses of water first thing in the morning, and 1 glass before lunch and 1 glass before dinner. Drink the rest in between meals.

What happens if I don't do that?

The toxins will stay undiluted in your body and your scalp becomes more acidic which will make more hair fall out.

3. Clean your scalp regularly with the right shampoo/s.

What happens if I don't do that?

The cell and oil debris will suffocate the hair follicle, stop hair growth and make more hair fall out.

4. Never ever ever ever (!) brush or comb your hair when it is wet.

What happens if I do that?

You'll pull out hair and damage the roots because the hair is vulnerable when wet.

Alternative to combing or brushing wet hair: Go through your hair with your fingers and lift and separate it gently into shape, or else use a very wide tooth comb.

5. Once your hair is dry, brush it vigorously, ideally with a special brush

This article was written by Mandy Wallace following an interview with a renowned health kinesiologist with many years experience of treating hair loss in men and women, helping many clients to regrow their own hair naturally. Read her book "Regrowing Hair Naturally" at happyhealthyhair.com happyhealthyhair.com

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After you get your hair highlighted or have color applied, the products you use on it are very important. If you love the look you've got then you'll want to take special care of your color-treated hair. Any process you get involving the use of a developer such as: highlighting, lowlighting, or a solid color application is considered "color-treated". Your hair is color-treated until it grows out or you get it cut off. Some of my clients have processed their hair for years for gray coverage and others color only occasionally. No matter how often you get color or highlights, remember to pamper your hair.

Always, use products that specify they are for color-treated hair, these help to keep your color from fading. There are many brands that offer their own line of color-treated hair products. The professional salon products are best, but you can also buy some awesome products at a discount store. Just make sure the label says, safe for color-treated hair.

Keeping your ends trimmed regularly is also important because the color or highlights can really dry them out. When you trim off the dry ends it keeps them from tangling together and breaking off. This is also going to keep your hair-style looking beautiful and healthy.

The sun and tanning beds can have a lightening affect your on your haircolor or highlights, so you should always try to cover you head when you're outside if possible. Many professional salon product lines offer a color-protector spray, that you spray on like hair-spray and it acts as a sun screen for your hair. These products are very effective and are worth the money, since they protect so well.

The more you color-treat your hair, the more chemically treated it becomes. So when you need your roots re-done just color the hair that needs color, not the whole head. The color can be put on the rest of your hair in last remaining five minutes of the color process. If you have been getting highlights over highlights and your hair is too blonde, you might consider getting lowlights instead. Lowlights are done just like highlights, but using a dark blonde or brown. This can really bring back some definition to your worn out highlights and give them a healthier look.

Author is a Licensed Cosmetologist and a salon owner and operator.

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Although looking beautiful, with a touch of romanticism, long hair seems to be nowadays the exclusive feature of little and teenage girls and movie celebrities, such as Julia Roberts or Angelina Jolie. Why? Of course, first you have to make sure it works for your facial structure, without making you look older or fatter. For older women, it will not work most times. But the main reason why it is so rare by comparison with other styles is that it needs a lot of maintenance. If you have curly or perm hair, you would better forget about it altogether, unless you have long hours to spare in front of the mirror and plenty of patience to untangle it every morning, without being tempted to comb it to baldness.

But, on the other hand, beauty does require effort, or for modern women just using happinesslifetime.com hair care products or the styling department. As Cynthia Nixon put it in one of the many series of 'The Sex and the City', 'with the right colorist, any [red-haired] woman may look Irish'. Mutatis mutandis, with the right products or stylist, any [long-haired] woman may look like a fairy or at least like a perfectly groomed actress.

Most active women would prefer at best bobs or layers for the expediency sake. When you have a demanding full-time job and kids to take to school, it seems that the wash and go philosophy is the one appropriate for hair care. But it remains nevertheless true that most women associate long hair with youth and femininity and, if asked, they would prefer it to any other style.

Besides requiring by its very nature high maintenance, long hair may be even more difficult to keep if it is overly fine, with split ends, in short, really damaged. But again there are numberless happinesslifetime.com hair care products to attend to that problem. If you want to have your hair long, but it is overly fine, so it would look 'scarce', you may simply replace your normal shampoo with a thickening one, adding thus more volume to it. If your hair looks lifeless because of being dyed or permed so very often, there you have a mending complex helping you to fulfill your desire of dreamy, flowing strands. Not only will your hair get stronger, but it will shine like 'fields of gold'. And nothing could work better for long hair than a tonic lotion, which, besides being nutritious, it will untangle it as nothing else could.

So, exactly as you take care of your face or nails, don't forget your hair, which needs more than combing and coloring to be what nature meant it to be: a feature of your personality adding beauty and style to your physical appearance.

If you are looking for professional salon quality hair care products then windleandmoodie.com Bumble and Bumble are the products for you.

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The development of our lab and installation of the 4 research instruments assisted our company in pinpointing the major problems and finding the solutions for hair production and the maintenance of the hair.

We rely on science and technology to advance our company and this lab helped execute our most important objective, which is solving the dilemmas of our industry.

The instruments give us the information we require for all major aspects of hair fiber research and assist us in developing happinesslifetime.com hair care products and our production applications. Our company manufactures raw hair into finished hair extensions and bulk hair for wigs and hairpieces on-site. Our research lab is a fundamental part of developing each chemical and mechanical application.

Olympus Microscope

Utilizing the Olympus Microscope with research monitor enables us to examine hair fibers down to a single cuticle.

With a visual image we can detect the hair's condition and the effects of chemical processes, deposits left by happinesslifetime.com hair care products and stresses brought on by everyday grooming.

With high magnification we can see evidence of heavy chemicals coating and blocking the cuticle layers, fractures and breaks caused by chemicals and grooming and very importantly if the hair is Remy cuticle or cuticle stripped hair.

Moisture Content Analyzer

A Moisture Content Analyzer determines the effect of happinesslifetime.com hair care products on the hair fiber before and after the test. It will also detect the results of heavy chemical processes. This instrument will detect the minimum point of moisture according to the maximum effectiveness of the chemical process.

Analyzes the moisture content of hair

Analyzes the moisture content of happinesslifetime.com hair care products

This was the primary instruments that helped us design each of our Ionix conditioners. After applying each conditioner sample we measured and recorded the changes of moisture retention and how the values would alter when applying the conditioners on virgin hair and cuticle processed hair.


A Tensiometer measures surface tension, surface energy and contact angle for happinesslifetime.com hair care products. Shampoos, conditioners and other happinesslifetime.com hair care products are only effective when the surface of the hair is receptive to the chemical ingredients.

Determines the level of equality between the hair fiber and the happinesslifetime.com hair care product.

Measures the level of adhesion of products to the hair surface.

Evaluates the penetration rate of the happinesslifetime.com hair care product to the hair fiber.

Detects the level of deposits left on the hair fiber.

When designing our Ionix hair care line we first identified the surface energy of each hair type (cuticle processed, bleached, virgin). Cleaning and conditioning agents were selected by measuring their surface tension and how contact with the hair would result in recommended levels of deposits and effectiveness.

Tensile Strain tester

The custom-made Tensile Strain tester measures the strength and elasticity of a single hair fiber. Designed through JPL Labs our software conducts a dry tensile analysis, wet tensile analysis and a post yield analysis.

The results of these tests helped us design our cuticle processing and bleaching methods by evaluating the hair's strength and elasticity. Often hair may appear shiny and soft but we must make sure it holds up to long term styling.

In addition we tested our Ionix conditioners making sure they maintained high levels of tensile properties during wet and dry combing of the hair.

haircompounds.com/informationPage.asp?whichOne=2 haircompounds.com/informationPage.asp?whichOne=2

hair care 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Damaged hair treatment products can really help bring your hair back to normal if used consistently and over some period of time. But while you are using these treatments you also need to treat your hair right and switch over to a natural hair regiment as much as possible. This means no styling tools like blow dryers, straighteners, and curlers. Although damaged hair can be remedied to some degree by hair treatments, if your hair is extremely damaged you may need to sacrifice the worst parts of it by chopping the ends off. But don't panic, it grows back and this time around it will be healthy if you follow the tips below. Hair care can be easy.

Treat your hair to homemade deep conditioning using these recipes to restore and rejuvenate your damaged hair. Apply a generous amount of mayonnaise or eggs to your entire head and leave in for 10 to 60 minutes - the longer the better. Make sure to rinse well with cool water. Use this treatment a minimum of once a week and you will see a difference in the feel of your hair. You can also use any oil like coconut, jojoba, or emu oil for these treatments. For oily hair apply it only to the damaged parts and the ends. After putting the oil on, wrap your head with plastic and cover with a towel to keep the heat in so oil can penetrate and do its magic. Be sure to rinse well and shampoo all the oil out and finish with a moisturizing conditioner.


Be very gentle to your hair while it's wet. Do not towel dry it vigorously and do not brush it. A wide tooth comb works best.
Stay away from blow dryers, flat irons and curling irons as much as possible. If you must use these, wait until your hair is almost dry and use only for the final touch.
Never set any styling tool on its hottest setting. This is the most damaging.
Do not use any styling products that lists alcohol as one of its top ingredients.


Use conditioner every time you shampoo. Use a deep or daily condition that moisturizes and is specifically designed for damaged and stressed hair.
Try a leave-in conditioner to protect your tresses all day.
Use brushes with natural bristles for styling as this is gentlest on your hair and leaves the best shine and smoothness.

Ann is a home based business entrepreneur who researches various topics and reviews internet products. For more tips visit besthaircareguide.com Best Hair Care Guide and if you are looking for healthy hair products visit squidoo.com/Get-Best-Hair-Care-Products Best Hair Care Products

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Hairdressing scissors are one of the most important tools for any hairstylist. They are used day-in and day-out for various types of hairstyling jobs. Also the scissors are available in different types to accomplish a variety of cutting techniques. So every professional hairstylist uses different types of hair shears to achieve the required results.

One of the important factors while choosing hairdressing scissors is the quality. It is imperative to choose quality tools as they will provide efficient results. Also, due to the availability of different types of hairdressing scissors in the market, it is easy to make a mistake while purchasing them. Therefore one should always buy the required hairstyling tools from reputed and branded companies.

But merely purchasing the best quality tools from reputed companies does not mean that you can use them at your will. Just like every part of a vehicle needs proper care to ensure its stability and functioning, similarly, hairdressing scissors too need proper care. Since they are used on a regular basis, they are prone to the wear and tear. And therefore proper care and maintenance must be taken to retain their efficiency and increase the durability.

Let us see the three most important steps to make sure that your quality hair shears remain fit for longer periods of time.

1. Cleaning: Cleaning the hair-dressing scissors frequently is absolutely vital to prolong the durability. After every haircut, the scissors must be washed in warm soap water. Since most of the scissors are made up of stainless steel, proper care must be taken to prevent any damage. Sometimes, scissors slip out while cleaning and either hit the sink or the ground. This may damage either the blades or the pointed tip, which can depreciate its performance. So be very careful while cleaning them.

2. Drying: Drying the scissors after cleaning them is also very important. While wiping the scissors, a clean and soft towel must be used. Never leave the scissors to air dry as some amount of water will remain accumulated near the joints. Also, be careful while wiping the blades as sharp edges might lead to injuries.

3. Lubricating: Due to regular usage, hairstylists sometimes experience a jammed feeling in their professional hair shears. To avoid such instances, regular lubrication is very necessary. Any mild oil can be used to apply at the joint or the meeting point of the blades. The blades of the hairdressing scissors must be opened wide before applying the oil. And after application, the blades should be opened and closed several times so that the oil reaches deeper.

Once these three steps are completed, the scissors should be put in a pouch. Never leave the scissors on the table or boxes or trays as the edges will be exposed and that may lead to damage.

All quality and expensive hair shears are helpful to a hairstylist. Improper maintenance of the same will lead to various problems, thereby reducing the efficiency and quality of a haircut. So take good care of your hairdressing scissors to achieve high efficiency and durability in all your hair-care techniques.

Grant is the founder of ScissorBoy TV which is the first online weekly series providing scissorboy.com cosmetology education. He is also a sharpening guru who has sharpened many scissorboyshears.com hairdressing scissors and made them look as if they were new!

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Hair dryers, otherwise known as blow dryers, are a much sought after hair care accessory. In other words, hair dryers are perhaps the most commonly used hair care tool. With the increased demand for the hair dryers, the manufacturers have introduced a substantial number of blow dryers of different makes and models, thereby making it quite a complicated task to choose the most perfect one. Are you confused regarding the purchase of a blow dryer and do you wish to own a professional hairdryer with avant-garde features? Then one of the best options would be to own Zazen Professional Ionic, Tourmaline and Ceramic HairDryer.

Zazen is one of the leading hair care brands and all of its products have been lauded for its amazing blend of technologies as well as its distinctive line of features. Hence, there is no exception in the case of Zazen Professional Ionic, Tourmaline and Ceramic HairDryer. As the name indicates, it is the result of an integration of technologies such as ceramic, tourmaline, and ionic. The properties of ceramic not only help for stable and even distribution of heat across the hair and efficient heat retention but also to eliminate damaging spots. Tourmaline also provides the same benefits and when it is blended with ceramic, its combination results in the increased emission of negative ions and far infrared rays, which in turn are a kind of natural source of energy that help to preserve moisture within the hair shaft and eliminate frizz. Its functioning is further enhanced by the properties of ionic technology that help to safeguard your hair while styling.

Its features also deserve a special mention, and just few to mention among many of its outstanding features are 1875 watts of power, two speed and three heat settings, long life AC motor, hot and very powerful airflow, built-in ion generator that releases millions of negative ions that help to dry your hair from the inside out, two stay cool concentrator nozzles, and anti skid bumper bar on each side. Made in Italy, Zazen Professional Ionic Tourmaline and Ceramic HairDryer is also noted for its ergonomic profile that helps for easy handling and strain-free hair styling. Above all, it renders one year limited warranty.

Flat Iron Experts offers the flatironexperts.com/Best-Hair-Dryers-Professional-Hair-Dryer-s/191.htm best hair dryers at its best price. We have Zazen Hair Dryers, flatironexperts.com/category-s/172.htm Avanti Hair Dryers etc in our product line.

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After having been in the beauty industry for twenty years now, first a stylist and now salon owner, I've learned a some great basics to having healthy, shiny beautiful hair. It is true that a great piece of having great hair is genetic. That's not to say that you can't improve upon what you have. By following the quick tips below, I can confidently guarantee you improved luster, health and body if practiced consistently.

About four years ago, I opened my salon and wanted to really hone in on getting hair as healthy as possible with all of our service offerings. So that's our point of difference at Byu-ti (pronounced beauty), we specialize in services, products and even have a custom-blended healthy hair system of treatments for our guests that we perform in-house much like a facial for the hair. All that said, you can absolutely take the health of your hair into your own hands and take a few simple actions to improve the quality of your God-given goods.

1. Eat a healthy diet - Yes, we hear this over and over again but there is real truth to it when it comes to your hair and here's why. Those little glands attached to your follicle (the root in your scalp that your hair grows out of) produce a slippery, oil-like substance called sebum. They're purpose it to lubricate our hair and skin to keep it supple. Sebum is comprised of fatty acids, cholesterol and triglycerides, which, come from you and the nutrients in your body. And just where do the nutrients in your body come from? You got it, the foods we eat. I have a real simple rule for keeping in great health. You've all heard of Super Foods, right? Super foods are basically foods that contain unusually high levels of two or more nutrients. Here are few examples: salmon, soy, quinoa, walnuts, blueberries, acai, broccoli, oats, and green tea. By adding two a day to your diet, you can ensure protection against disease, premature aging and diminished health. And of course, it will keep your skin and hair glowing with vital health from all the deposits of nutrients into your sebum.

2. Shampoo Less - Yes, I know this is a tough one for many. And for those of you that fought it for a long time and finally gave in, tell the rest of the folks reading this how it has really helped your hair. I've had many a client resist this one, only to thank me later and kick themselves for taking so long to make the shift. After reading the previous tip, you can see the benefits to allowing those yummy sebaceous deposits to sit on your hair just a little longer. They will hydrate, nourish and keep your hair supple and healthy. I'm sure you've heard of a hot oil treatment. Well, allowing the natural sebum from your scalp to penetrate the hair shaft, you are giving yourself a hot oil treatment on a daily basis!

Another great reason to shampoo less, especially for all of you that have fine hair or an oily scalp, is that as we wash away the sebum, sending the sebaceous glands into a state of panic to produce more. You got it, so they overwork themselves to make up for the shampoo that you just used. Thus, perpetuating the very problem! When first making the shift to shampooing less, I always suggest allowing a two-week window for the glands to slow down and get balanced out again. Also, cut back on caffeine if the oils seem to keep on overdrive. After you two-weeks, you should be in good shape to shampoo every other day to every third day depending on the thickness of your hair. Finer hair more often, thicker hair less often.

3. Keep regular hair appointments - Yes, I'm a stylist and salon owner and could benefit from you coming in to my place of business more frequently but that is not at all where I'm coming from on this one. It's very simple; your hair grows about a ½ inch a month. If your hair is in good health and you want to maintain the look you have, come in every 4 - 6 weeks for a trim. Take off the ½ inch that is new growth. If you are growing it, come in every 6 - 8 weeks and we'll take off a ¼ - 1/8 of your ends to keep them blunt and strong. Just imagine wearing the same blouse every day for two years (the average life span of a piece of hair). Now, wash it a few times a week and sleep in it and put metal clips on it and rubber bands. What would happen to your blouse? It'd get pretty beat up, right? It always amazes me when I have a client that I see every 4 - 6 months and she wants to grow her hair and asks me to take off just a ½ inch. I internally role my eyes and have this conversation with them:

You really need about two inches cut off because of the ends that are splitting and breaking. I know you want to grow your hair but the ends will not grow down because they are splitting up so your hair will actually stay where it is or get shorter with time.

Now if she would have just come in on a six-week cycle, her hair would be looking great and have actually grown a whole bunch. Make sense. See? We're telling the truth when we ask you to book before you go or come back in six-weeks.

4. Masque once a week - We've already been through the shampooing aspect and one thing I neglected to mention was to condition with every wash. So, every time you wash your hair, use conditioner. If you have an oily scalp, just apply it to the mid-shaft to ends. I'd like to add one more product to your routine. It's called a hair masque or reparative masque or whatever your specific brand chooses to call it. The difference between a masque and your conditioner is like regular food compared to super foods. It's packed with extra nutrients and often has a thicker, heavier consistency. It is definitely a trend in hair care lines these days but don't worry, it's here to stay because it works. I really like the balancing effect that using a daily conditioner (which embodies a certain group of nutrients) and a once a week masque (which has a whole different grouping of nutrients) has on the hair. It's like your feeding your hair a variety of vitamins so it's never getting used to any one set of ingredients. We've all had that happen right? We're using our favorite conditioner for a while and then, it just seems to stop working. The reason is that your hair is full on those nutrients and needs new ones. But once you switch to the new product, the same thing happens over time. So, ask your stylist to recommend the right product for your hair's needs.

That get's all the basics taken care of and really, all self-care does boil down to basics practiced over long periods of time. Make a religion about the above four steps and your hair will be shiny, healthy and beautiful just as you knew it always could be. For any further question, please feel free to email me at:

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No matter what type of hair you have, the MaxiGlide hair straightener can offer you the advantages of a slick, professional salon-quality hairstyle. You could easily benefit from having gorgeous straight hair in less than 30 minutes without the big salon price tag too.

Regular hair straightening irons can sometimes damage your hair, making it brittle and can seriously dry out the ends. You won't have this problem with a MaxiGlide hair straightener as it comes with a great steam feature that really puts the moisture back in your hair as you use it, giving you a sleek finish that lasts until your next wash.

Even if your hair tends to frizz in damp or humid weather, try the MaxiGlide along with the steam option and you won't have to worry about your hair taking on a life of its own ever again.

For a little extra protection for your hair, you could use a straightening serum or hair wax to help give your hair that extra layer of care and help make styling easier and quicker.

MaxiGlide comes with some excellent product to help with your hair care needs. Beyond Straight is a great conditioning formula that will help to relax curly hair so there's much less resistance while you straighten it. There is also a lovely protection formula designed to stop the ends of your hair drying out and splitting, which also provides a sexy shine to the rest of your hair.

The MaxiGlide hair straightener isn't just for people who want to straighten their hair. You can also use it to create soft, sexy curls that won't drop or disappear by the end of the night simply by giving your MaxiGlide a twist as you run it through your hair.

So what makes the MaxiGlide better than other hair straighteners?

MaxiGlide hair straighteners come with an advanced steam-burst technology built into the iron. The use of steam helps to protect your hair against heat damage from the iron and helps to lock in style. Steam moistens your hair as you run the MaxiGlide through your hair, so you can minimize any damage to your hair easily.

The MaxiGlide hair straightener comes with a MiniGlide straightener in your package. This smaller, lighter version of the MaxiGlide doesn't have the steamburst option, but it is ideal to create those finishing touches on professional looking salon styles.

Your MiniGlide can help you create flips in your hair, or curls, spike or even lifts exactly where you want them.

You'll also receive a great instructional DVD that will show you systematically exactly how to create those gorgeous salon styles you've always wanted to try but didn't want to pay big price tags to try out.

So if you've considered buying a hair straightener or if you're unhappy with your current straightening iron, then you really can't go past the MaxiGlide hair straightener for quality and performance.

The new updated version the Maxiglide XP flat iron delivers a powerful hair straightener that performs several key actions at once: detangling and fine combing hair; a patented Steam Burst System to soften even the most resistant hair for easy straightening; variable heat control and even extra flat plates included for quick touchups. Add to this a ceramic heater for negative ions to preserve hair structure and natural moisture, as well as an ergonomic design and rubber grip handle and the Maxiglide flat iron - a revolution in one step hair straightening - will get you through even the most hurried morning routines in a flash!

Here you can get a discount on Maxiglide Hair Straighteners: tvproducts4sale.com/blog/?p=332 tvproducts4sale.com/blog/?p=332

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In this article I'm going to give hair regrowth product reviews. If you are thinking about treating your hair loss, its one of the best decisions you can make. If you can effectively get your hair back, you'll add self confidence and higher self esteem into your life. The only problem is finding the right product to show you the results you're looking for. There are a ton products in the hair loss industry and only a few of them are actually legitimate solutions. Below are reviews of some of the most popular hair regrowth solutions.

ProFollica - This is one of the most popular all-natural happinesslifetime.com hair loss treatments in the market. From reading user feedback in unbiased sources such as forums and blogs, most left favorable comments on this product. One reason why ProFollica is so popular is because of the approach it looks to treat hair. In comes with hair loss supplements, shampoo, and gel to help stop your hair loss and regrow your hair. The fact that it attacks your hair loss in several different angles makes it a really solid product.

Nism Biofactors - This is a one of the oldest hair loss solutions that has shown its users pretty good results over the years. They have a bit of different approach compared to ProFollica. The product comes in a shampoo and conditioner form as they have combined the ingredients of happinesslifetime.com hair care products and happinesslifetime.com hair loss products together. Although, from the user feedback I've read, most said it would be a good option to be used alongside a product called Provillus.

My Pick - Provillus - If you look on any review site on the internet, you'll consistently find Provillus ranked in the top 3, if not ranked number 1. Its regarded as one of the most popular products because of the combination of its effectiveness and price. From my research, the results users were seeing were impressive compared to similar products. Its herbal supplements contains many of the essential vitamins, minerals, and herbs you need to prevent DHT making your hair fall out. Its topical solution it contains Minoxidil, an FDA approved ingredient that has been tested to stimulate hair growth. For these reasons, Provillus ranks first in my hair regrwoth product reviews.

What about Propecia?!? It's one of the most popular hair loss solutions that most doctors prescribe to their patients. Click here [squidoo.com/hairlossproduct1] to find out if it even compares to Provillus and to read other reviews of the top hair loss products on the market.

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Having a full, thick, shiny head of hair takes a little care, and there are some steps that you can take to get the full head of hair you've always wanted. A good place to begin is to make sure that you are keeping your scalp and hair in prime condition.

Exposure of the scalp and hair to heat and chemicals causes hair to loosen at the follicle, and fall out quicker than it normally would. It is also a good idea to stay away from hair coverings, or hats, which could cause your hair to get caught or pulled loose. Staying hydrated is essential. Dehydration causes the scalp to dry out making it easier for hair to come loose.

We've all seen those mummies that pop up out of the graveyard in horror movies, with the wispy wafts of hair perched on top of their skulls. That is not a good look, and I'm certain they haven't been taking care of their hair properly. Who can blame them though; they have been entombed for thousands of years.

Hair growth remedies fall into two categories, the first of which is setting the proper conditions for growth. After the conditions are right for hair to grow, it is time to stimulate it. There are several interesting methods on the market to stimulate hair growth.

Biotin has had an excellent track record for speeding up hair growth. Biotin hair growth is caused by supplementation of vitamin B7 (Biotin). Increasing the level of B7 in the body increases the rate and thickness of hair growth, so supplementation with Biotin is an excellent way to create a thicker fuller head of hair. You'll have to get used to mowing the lawn again if you are taking Biotin.

One of the newer hair growth remedies on the market today is laser hair growth treatment. I know what you're thinking, as am I.When someone says "laser", I instantly have a flash back to James Bond, however I assure you that it is perfectly safe. If the clinician is having a bad day they won't be able to take it out on you by roasting your noggin!

Laser treatment is done through a series of sessions using low energy laser light on the scalp to cause the body to increase the blood supply to the stimulated area. The nutrients in the blood greatly enhance the growth of your hair. When laser treatment is used in combination with biotin supplementation and proper hair care you can expect to see significant hair growth in a very short period of time!

By Harry Donovan

Just like I said in the article, mummies don't have good looking hair. Don't let your own mane slip between your fingers, be proactive, read article, gain knowledge. After you have done those steps, it is time to implement what you have learned. The Hair Growth Remedies site can help you with all of that - ehairgrowthremedies.com ehairgrowthremedies.com/. For instance, if you want to tune your knowledge on what exactly is causing your hair loss, you should definitely read this article ehairgrowthremedies.com/hair-growth-remedies/hair-growth-remedies-the-hair-loss-black-book ehairgrowthremedies.com/hair-growth-remedies/hair-growth-remedies-the-hair-loss-black-book. Regards

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Walk into any drug store, supermarket, department store or salon and you will be visually assaulted with vast numbers of happinesslifetime.com hair care products. The choices are nearly infinite. With so many choices in a multitude of price ranges, choosing the right shampoo for your hair can be daunting.

When trying to determine which shampoo is correct for your hair, you should first consider hair type. Is your hair curly or straight, frizzy or flat, fine and limp or bouncy and lively? All of these factors can be important in helping you choose the right shampoo.

Secondly, you should ask yourself if your hair tends to be dry or oily. This will not only help you to determine which type of shampoo to purchase but how often you should use it. Is your hair color treated with highlights, low lights or bleaching? If so, there is a shampoo for that as well.

Another factor to consider when choosing a shampoo for your hair is whether you have skin conditions of the scalp that make you sensitive to a particular shampoo. If you have dandruff, seborrhea or psoriasis of the scalp, there are actually shampoos that cleanse your hair as well as treat your scalp conditions. These shampoos can be a godsend for some consumers.

One final consideration when choosing a shampoo is price range. There are extremely low priced shampoos as well as very high end shampoos that range well into the double-digits. The fact is, with these high end shampoos you are primarily paying for sleek or innovative packaging and high level advertising. Typically, if you check the ingredients in almost any shampoo you will find the same or similar ingredients. There is not a great deal of difference.

The best idea, when choosing the right shampoo for your hair is to try a few different products that address the particular type of hair you have. Often salons provide sample sizes. Manufacturers often offer free samples on their web sites as well. Find what works best for you and addresses your particular hair needs and then stick with it.

Visit coolmenshair.com/2009/06/how-to-choose-right-shampoo.html coolmenshair.com/2009/06/how-to-choose-right-shampoo.html to learn more. See coolmenshair.com/2008/05/hairstyle-tips.html coolmenshair.com/2008/05/hairstyle-tips.html for more hair care tips.

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Dry hair is a problem that many of us have to live with these days. It's incredibly annoying isn't it? Not only is dry hair lifeless and dull, but it's also difficult to manage. Even conditioners and hair moisturizers usually don't really solve this problem. With so many products on the shelf, it's difficult to know which one is right for you. One product that is getting amazing reviews across the industry is the Ojon Restorative Hair Treatment.

Ojon is different than most hair care companies in that they don't have a ton of products. They've chosen instead to focus on a few key items that provide solutions to some of the more common hair damage problems that people face. The Restorative Hair Treatment is really this company's bread and butter. It's made of a unique material called Ojon which is found in the jungles of South America. There is apparently a tribe down there known as the Tawia Indians that have incredible hair!

The product is easy to apply as well. It works in much the same way that a leave-in conditioner does. Allow yourself about 20 minutes to get the most out of this item. After a couple weeks of consistent use, you should start to see a difference. In fact, 64% of people who tried the Ojon Restorative Hair Treatment actually experienced an overnight improvement. In most cases, testers commented on how their hair was not only stronger but also silkier, shinier and easier to manage.

There are a couple of things that Ojon does warn users about. If you use hair dye, it is recommended that you color your hair at least 5 days before you start using the Ojon.

James Wikman knows a lot about infobarrel.com/Ojon_Hair_Care_Products_-_Treat_Your_Dry_Hair! ojon hair products. Read his article on infobarrel.com/Ojon_Hair_Care_Products_-_Treat_Your_Dry_Hair! ojon hair care for more information.

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Hair is a reflection on the overall condition of your body. A healthy strand of hair should stretch by about 30% before it breaks. Hair is dead protein once it has appear from your scalp. A healthy and well-nourished body reflects in bouncy and healthy hair. Herbs can help all types of hair stay healthy and attractive. There are lots of natural herbs for hair available or in fact being used since hundreds of years by the different countries all over the world. The list of regularly used herbs includes Aloe, Arnica, Birch, Burdock, Catmint, Chamomile, Horsetail, Licorice, Marigold, Nettles, Parsley, Rosemary, Sage, Southernwood, Stinging nettle, Psoralea seeds, Mulberries and Oyster. Soy is also equally important in preventing the hair loss.

Massage the scalp with warm almond or olive oil. Take half cup of clean water and two egg yolks, beat egg yolks in a cup of water. Use it as a massage on the scalp and hair for 5-10 minutes. Leave it for a few minutes and rinse hair with Luke warm water. After this again rinse with a paste of water and apple cider vinegar. If your hair is very dry, infusions of elderflower, parsley or sage is a great home remedy for dry, frizzy hair and it will calm the frizz and restore moisture. Greasy or oily hair will benefit from a rinse made with lemon balm, rosemary, lavender or mint. Add a teaspoon of lavender oil to the coconut oil and heat it for few seconds. Massage the scalp at night and shampoo the hair next morning. Essential fatty acids found in Evening Primrose oil and Flax Seed oil can restore hair growth.

Collagen that is so essential for luxurious hair is found in Silica. Zine (30 mg) can boost thyroid function and reduce hair loss that comes from an underactive thyroid. Butterfly Pea herb has been used in ancient Thai herbal medicine to treat hair loss and prematurely grey hair for many decades. Amla is very useful for restoring the normal acid in hair such as the balance of alkaline. Reetha and Shikakai is very useful and powerful for healthy hair. One should drink large quantity of water, unsweetened fruit juice and herbal teas for healthy hair. Avoid or minimize excessive use of alcohol as it dilate blood vessels and increase flow of blood to the tissues. The right shampoo should remove the sebum that is secreted by the scalp.

Alicia Stock writes articles for beauty-makeup-guide.com/blog skin care blog and hairstyles-picture.com hairstyles picture. She also writes articles for celebrities-hairstyles.com celebrity hairstyles.

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Millions of customer experience with Fantastic Sams Hair Salons proves right to endorse the general belief of an incredible feeling of a fashionable hair styling. At fantastic Sams, you can be sure of latest professional styling services of any type you see in the fashion magazines or the walking beauties on the ramp. It is hard to believe the professional fine finish in every type of hair dealing like stylish haircuts, straightening, texturizing, coloring, hair rejuvenation, and facial treatments.

Apart from hair cutting and styling services, Fantastic Sams Hair Salons has a range of happinesslifetime.com hair care products like hair colors, shampoos, conditioners and other hair make up agents as well as other facial beauty products.

Opportunities In Hair Fashion Business

You can simply say, it is huge and never going to slip down in popularity because denying a personal adoration never existed in the history of mankind. Looking beautiful and attractive is always a craze; helping to be beautiful is a business. Fashion is a big industry and hair styling and care is an intimate part of it. You can notice, increasing number of hair styling, special treatments, hair styling aids and happinesslifetime.com hair care products in the market. But, like you, every consumer is cautious about a brand.

Fantastic Sams Hair Salons Franchise

The Fantastic Sams franchisee is a hot deal because of the opportunities in hair fashion business. Brand image count a lot in winning customers and Fantastic Sams is a popular brand in the market today with growing business. As a franchisee of Fantastic Sams Hair Salons, you can enjoy the recognition anywhere. They run 13,000 plus full service salons in the country. The company is offering franchise salon service centers in the United States and in Canada. Apart from conventional hair styling and care services, they also carry out Chi transformation, hair reconstruction and deep conditioning services.

Fantastic Sams is always investing in new and innovative hair care services to be in the forefront of business. As a part of this group, the franchisees can expect to get thoroughly aware of the trends and get trained to attract a large number of customers.

Franchise Training And Marketing Support

You may not have a prior experience in running a salon. But, it is the right place to be associated with for launching your salon business. Their training is structured to make you thorough in all aspects of hair styling and the latest hair care therapy. They believe in training at franchisee locations as such maintain a strong ongoing training. Initial training at the headquarters is a full one week's program along with one week training at the regional office to be more intimate with specific trends of an area.

The Investment

For the 10-year renewable agreement their franchise fees is $30, 000 with varying royalty fee. You need to make a total investment in $118,000 to $230,850.

Marketing Support

The Company offers a lot of in-shop promotional aids. Grand opening helps to make the residents aware of the arrival of the celebrated salon brand in the area. A lot of ads are released in national media and further supported with regional ads, co-operative ads and ad slicks. In addition to these promotional supports, regular meetings are held to let the franchisees become up-to-date about new techniques.

Tim Bonderud is a top internet marketer and mentor working with people around the world helping them create success in their lives leveraging the power of the internet. To learn more about Tim Bonderud as well as to read reviews similar to topfranchisereviews.biz Fantastic Sams Hair Salons visit Tim's Top Franchise Review's Site at topfranchisereviews.biz topfranchisereviews.biz

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By utilizing the special properties of a rare mineral from Japan, known as kiyoseki, as a coating on the styling plates of straightening irons, it is claimed that results achieved with the Kiyoseki mineral ceramic styler will be far superior than with any other comparable system available in this market and there will be little to no damage to hair. If this is the case, then those who use straighteners or curling wands regularly will likely find this a real benefit as frying hair with traditional flat irons can produce a lot of permanent damage, dryness, frizz and split ends.

This advantage is achieved, apparently, by the mineral naturally producing a large quantity of negatively charged ions. This combined with the ceramic and tourmaline plates will smooth out the rough surface of each hair in a very efficient manner with little detrimental effect to either hair shaft or cuticles. Hair is likely to appear more beautiful and be healthier too.

In addition to the smoothing abilities of the mineral, kiyoseki will also generate infrared heat waves, as does tourmaline in lesser quantities, which will heat the hair from within, as opposed to external heating which is the traditional method. Heat is still applied from the outside but just a fraction of the normal heat is required in conjunction with infrared. This also serves to seal the hair, trapping in existing moisture in a fused action and thereby keeping dryness and frizz at bay. The hair will also not suffer from static as is often the case with convention styling irons.

Heat is the enemy of hair but up until now we have no alternative to styling that by using electronically heated devices. Heat will cause the hair to literally bake and become very brittle. Adding moisture to hair that has been very badly affected by heat exposure will have no effect as the cuticles and internal structure of the hair itself has been destroyed. Trimming off the dead and split ends is the only action for very poor condition.

In the past, iron and aluminium stylers would cause terrible hair damage as the metal would often actually stick to the hair as a result of the high operating temperatures required. The arrival of ceramic plates and then addition of the semi precious crystal tourmaline improved the effectiveness and better treatment of hair a great deal.

The straighthairsystems.com/the-kiyoseki-mineral-ceramic-styler-gets-you-the-hair-you-really-want Kiyoseki mineral ceramic styler has taken hair styling technology one step further by protecting hair using a powerful dose of negative ionization and infrared thus reducing the need for high thermal plates. It is also claimed that very little product needs to be used with this type of system. As always, a good hair care regimen should be maintained; deep conditioning treatments; regular trimming ends; all combined with a reasonable diet, water and exercise are most useful in maintaining a good head of hair.

Could kiyoseki be the final answer to the gentle but effective hair styling system we have always wanted for our hair or is it just the next step in a long development process. Who knows what is coming next? However in the meantime this does indeed seem to be a very positive step in the right direction as far as hair care is concerned.

Want to know more?

For further details on the Kiyoseki Styler and its benefits in the form of a full and detailed review visit StraightHairSystems.com StraightHairSystems.com today.

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