
You can use all the hair care products in the world in a bid to achieve that perfect shine, but if you aren't taking care of yourself internally, it will all be in vain.

Eating plenty of omega-3 will ensure you see great results. You can find omega-3 in tasty fish, such as salmon and tuna steaks. Not only will omega-3 give you great looking hair, it will also give your skin a fantastic glow. Celebrities such as Jennifer Lopez swear by it for their over-all healthy look.

Iron is also essential for maintaining shiny hair. You can find iron in leafy greens, such as spinach. The important thing to remember when eating these greens is to not over cook them, doing so will only suck all of the nutrients out of them, which defeats the purpose of eating them for great looking hair. You may also want to try using spinach in a shake or juice, a great way to maximise your intake.

Water is also essential for keeping your locks looking luscious. It is recommended that we drink 6-8 tall glasses of water a day. Water will also keep your skin clear, meaning you are looking healthy all over.

Of course shiny hair is a sign of good health, and if you aren't actually healthy it is difficult to look like it. One big part of staying healthy is not smoking, smoking reduces your production of collagen III which is needed for great skin and hair. Exercise and cutting back on alcohol will also help you maintain a healthy image.

So stay on top of your nutrition and health and you should see amazing results.

L J McKeever writes articles giving tips on great hair care. Her website wide hair straightener [] features a blog that provides many more great hair care articles, as well as offers on wide hair straighteners and other related products.

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