Hair loss is a big problem for millions of men and even for some women. These times, people pay so much attention to looks and a full head of hair is one of the prerequisites of looking good. Fortunately there are ways of knowing how to deal with hair loss, from the simplest to the most advanced. These steps may help you to learn how to deal with hair loss or prevent it from taking place.
Here are some tips on how to deal with hair loss:
1. Use milder shampoo - a lot hair loss problems stem from using shampoos that are harsh and damaging to the hair and scalp. The best way to prevent losing or stop your hair from thinning this way is to use mild shampoos. Usually clear ones are milder than others. You might even benefit from baby shampoo, whose ingredients are mild enough to deal with sensitive infant hair.
2. Another tip on how to deal with hair loss is avoid using your finger nails when shampooing - a lot of people think that using their fingernails when shampooing can stimulate hair growth. This actually over stimulates hair follicles and makes them work too hard that hair fall off. It is better to use just the pads on your fingers instead.
3. Avoid harsh manual and chemical treatments is another tip on how to deal with hair loss - people try very hard to make their hair look good, but some of the usual steps for doing hair can actually cause damage, sometimes irreparable. Avoid getting perms, straightening hair, dyeing, tight braiding, bleaching, blow drying, or at least keep these things at a minimum. Be sure to have such processes done only by professionals who know more about hair care than you do.
4. When drying hair, just pat it dry - avoid rubbing your hair with a towel because it can split hair and cause damage. If you need to dry your hair quickly, use the coolest setting of the blow dryer. It is better to use an Ionic blow dryer if you can find one because it helps prevent damage from heat and static electricity.
5. Do not brush wet hair - hair is at its weakest point when it is wet and brushing just after washing your hair can easily damage it, causing you to lose more hair.
6. Sport an easy to wear hair-do - not only is it easy to have a wash-and-go hairstyle it is also a good way on how to deal with hair loss or preventing it from happening as you would not need to subject you hair to damaging styling routines. Shorter hair is usually good for this purpose.
7. Protect your hair from the sun - when you are going to a beach or just going out on a sunny day, apply leave-on conditioner, preferably one with sunscreen, on your hair to prevent sun damage.
8. After you swim, wash your hair with shampoo that has EDTA (ethylendiamine tetracetic acid), which neutralizes hair damaging chlorine. This substance is also found in commercial mayonnaise so if you cannot find shampoo like this, you may coat your hair with the condiment and then wash it with your regular shampoo.
Hair loss is a normal occurrence in life and there is no need to panic when you feel you are about to lose your crowning glory. Knowing how to deal with hair loss can help you prevent it from happening or worsening.
Did you know that there is a herbal cure for hereditary hair loss that you could make at home within 10 minutes with some plants and roots that probably grow in your own garden or that can be purchased at the supermarket for $1.00?
Do you like the idea of a basically free alternative from expensive hair re-growth treatments, which is totally organic, made in your own kitchen, and which is just as effective if not more so? If so then find out more how to deal with hair loss visit The Herbal Hair Regrowth Solution at Great Discovery-Health and Beauty
Gerry Restrivera writes informative articles on various subjects including Keep Your Crowning Glory: How to Deal with Hair Loss. You are allowed to publish this article in its entirety provided that author?s name, bio and website links must remain intact and included with every reproduction.