Hair that is wavy and curly can be hard to deal with. It is usually thicker in texture and even when it is a bit thinner, its still hard to manage because of all the fly aways that comes along with the wave and curls. Thick hard can be just plain down demanding. There is so much of it what are you to do. Here are few natural beauty remedies that can help you tame your locks without paying for it with harmful synthetic ingredients and preservatives.
Avocado - Avocado is easy to find - just stroll into any grocery store and you should be able to pick up a couple avocados for pretty cheap. These are great for your hair. They help restore balance and tame fly aways at the same time. You can even apply it directly to your hair with mixing it with anything for great results. Just make sure to rinse completely or you will have quite a waxy head.
Olive Oil - Again this can be found right in your grocery store. It can also be applied directly to your hair and does not need to be diluted. Use this and let sit in your hair for a while (as long as you can) so your strands can absorb the beneficial aspects of this wonderful oil. Olive oil is known to help restore moisture to your scalp, hair and even your skin. Again, be sure to rinse it out completely, or it will leave an oily mess in your hair.
Thyme - You can use dried thyme leaves to make a hair tonic to help relieve dry scalp. Just mix Thyme with a 2 to 1 ratio with water and boil for 15 minutes. When the mixture cools down apply to hair after washing and let it sit for an hour or longer. Rinse and done! Your hair and scalp will have a lot more moisture and this will also help to get rid of dandruff.
A quick search online can also reveal many natural beauty home recipes. Not only can you create your own recipes to suit your individual needs, these recipes aren't loaded with preservatives and other harmful or synthetic ingredients. Natural Beauty Tips and Resources!