
Providing essential nutrition to the hair is the basic step towards hair care. If you are thinking of taking proper care of your hair, it is very much needful that you should pay your attention towards your diet chart. The basic nutritious elements like proteins, vitamins and minerals are as much essential to your hair as they are needed by the other parts of your body.

The basic nutrition that our hair needs is the supply of proteins. As the hair is mainly formed of proteins therefore the protein supply must always be maintained. Along with that are needed vitamins and minerals. When our diet is insufficient of vitamins we are likely to suffer from hair loss. Among the groups of vitamins the B vitamins are the most essential ones. The lack of B vitamins especially B6, biotin, inositol, and folic acid and minerals like iron, calcium, magnesium, sulfur and zinc are the most likely causes responsible for hair loss.

For the better growth and health of hair vitamins B3 and B5 are especially important. For controlling the thinning of hair certain essential amino acids are helpful. But one thing should always be kept in mind that heavy intake of vitamin supplements may cause adverse effects on the hair. Especially the intake of large doses of vitamin A for a long period of time can trigger hair loss and may even cause complete baldness. Therefore it is essential to maintain the balance of the proportion of the doses of the intake of these vitamins. It is also recommended that to consult your physician before deciding your diet chart.

For the improvement of the hair texture it is essential to provide fatty acids like flaxseed oil, primrose oil, and salmon oil to the hair. They also help in preventing dry and brittle hair. For improving the scalp circulation the supply of 3,000-10,000 mg of vitamin C daily is needed. It is also important for maintaining the capillaries that carry blood to the follicles. On the other hand vitamin E helps in increase in oxygen uptake, which in turn improves circulation to the scalp. It also helps in improving the health and growth of the hair. Starting with the dosage of 400 IU daily and gradually increasing it to 800-1000 IU daily, vitamin E is believed to stimulate hair growth by enhancing the immune function.

The supply of Biotin is also very much important for the hair. Along with providing healthy hair and skin it is also believed to help in preventing hair loss in some men. Good food sources of Biotin include brewer's yeast, brown rice, green peas, lentils, bulgur, sunflower seeds, oats, soybeans and walnuts. A dosage of 50 mg 3 times daily is sufficient to maintain the balance of biotin to the hair.

As stated earlier the hair also needs minerals as well as vitamins and proteins. For stimulating hair growth and having enhancement in the immune function proper supply of the minerals stated above are much important. Therefore, by providing these nutrients in proper proportion we can help our hair to grow healthy and problem free to a great extent.

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