This is the time when you skin needs extra pampering due to exposure from everywhere be it the sun, wind, water, dust, and anything else which affects your skin. The tan causing damage to your skin as well as the UV rays which can be cancerous and can lead to skin cancer. Even though skin tan and sunlight is food for your skin, but over exposure causes problems too.
Having the proper moisturizer and a good sunscreen always helps in the long run. It would rejuvenate your skin in ever manner to just add that glow even during summer. It also causes pigmentation which is also called liver spots, age spots. These are also caused due to over exposure of sunlight. Premature aging, wrinkles, sagging are some of the reasons for taking extra care during summer.
Use water proof sunscreen to avoid loosing the essence of the sunscreen. Apply it at least 15 minutes before you go out in the sun. It will help you in the long run. Have at least 12 glasses of water in a day to avoid dehydration and to protect your skin. It helps in cleansing your bowels so as to be free from any kind of acne or boils which are caused due to such reasons.
Wear proper clothing when out, carry a wide-brimmed hat as it would cover your face and protect your eyes. Such hats protect your hair too from eroding the outer layer of hair and making it coarse. Wearing shades or glasses can also be useful. You can spray sunscreen on your hair which would protect your hair. Avoid being in sun between 11am to 3 pm. If you don't have hat or cap carry umbrellas and wear loose fitting clothes.
Kevin Pederson has been managing a number of sites related to hair and skin care which have information on hair care tips, skin care tips, and some tips on skin care during summer.