If your childhood was like mine, you can recall learning that there is a natural enhancer for just about any part of the body. For example, want stronger teeth? Drink more milk! Want better eyesight? Eat carrots! Tired of a scrawny figure? Eat spinach! Now that I'm aged, I've discovered it is not quite that simple. And it's quite a shame.
If you can relate to my disappointment, you can certainly relate to my appreciation at learning that, perhaps with some things, it is that simple. It seems so obvious that many people overlook the idea, but hair can be strengthened with naturally occurring compounds. For those of us who don't feel too comfortable with over-processed, chemical-based treatments, it is great news to know that hair can be enhanced and revitalized through the use of protein.
Contrary to the common theme of our childhood, that eating this will improve that, protein is applied to the hair through special treatments. In fact, if you attempt to eat a protein treatment, the only thing it may improve is the size of your hospital bill. There are several options for a protein treatment: do-it-yourself, professional salon treatments, expensive, cheap, and anywhere in between. A web search for 'protein hair treatment' yields shopping results from just a few dollars all the way to nearly thirty dollars. The best quality treatment can be offered from a professional salon for around three hundred dollars. While it may seem like a no-brainer to opt to purchase the treatment and do it at home, bear in mind that do-it-yourself methods require frequent reapplication (the norm for store-bought methods is application several times a week). While it is much more expensive to have a professional do the work, it will be a higher quality result, and can last up to three months.
Protein treatments aid the hair in several ways. It physically strengthens each individual hair it comes into contact with, it reduces frizziness, and enhances shine. All of these effects combine for not only healthier hair, but an overall more attractive head of hair regardless of how it is styled. Let's look at how the treatment can do all of this.
Keratin is a protein that is found naturally in hair. It strengthens the cortex, the main shaft that makes up the structure of a hair, and gives the hair a resistance to fraying and breaking. In many cases, the reason that fancy shampoo you bought for twelve dollars may lessen the severity of split ends, but much to your annoyance, doesn't prevent them from coming back later on. This is because that fancy shampoo does not contain enough strengthening keratin. Once a split end has been disposed of, there must be enough keratin in the hair to withstand the daily wear and tear of stylizing, washing, and fluctuating humidity and temperature.
Regardless of which method you choose, a home product or a salon, a protein treatment is a solution that is cram-packed full of keratin. As the solution is applied to your hair, keratin molecules penetrate the hair and bolster your hair's core. To maximize the protein treatment, heat is applied, which enhances the keratin solution and helps it work further into the hair. In addition to improving the inside of your hair, the keratin coats the entire outside surface of the hair, much like a protective coating. This outside coating also adds strength, and is responsible for the silky smooth and shiny look a protein treatment can get you.
A note to those who choose to visit a salon for a protein treatment: the common salon lingo for this procedure is a Brazilian keratin treatment. Again, regardless of if you opt for the more economical method of personal application or the more indulgent procedure of salon treatment, the protein treatment produces results that improve the strength and beauty of your hair.
If you would like to start with an at Home Protein Treatment that rebuilds the hair's tensile strength, return elasticity and reduce breakage in just one treatment Please hairgrowthvitaminsnow.com/hair-growth-vitamins-now-estore-2 Click Here!
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