Regular exercise, good nutrition and sleep habits make you healthy in body, mind and soul. Stress and undernourished diet leads to ill health and affects the hair and scalp too. Hair care tips given below are some of the guidelines people may follow, to maintain healthy, lustrous hair.
Certain hair care products can be very damaging to the hair. Using a blow dryer is one big mistake and most of us use it because we don't have the time to dry our hair naturally. We are always racing against time in this corporate world. It is preferable to use the cool mode when using the dryer as hot air is damaging to the scalp. It is always good to pat dry the hair with a towel and let the rest of the moisture dry up.
Another good hair care tip to observe is to put your cap on before swimming and always wet the hair before getting into the pool. This way chlorinated water does not enter much of the hair as the water is already soaked up in the hair.
Try and avoid combing the hair when it is wet as it breaks easily. Combs should always have teeth that are spaced widely and should be kept clean always.
Using hot water dries the hair and even scalds the scalp. It is always good to shower in cold water and this is an important hair care tip. If the water is too cold go in for lukewarm water.
Hair care products like shampoos and conditioner should be used carefully according to the hair type. Generally a trial and error basis is often the best way to find out what suits you best, but not at the cost of your hair. They can be substituted by organic products.
There are actually a lot of ways to manage your hair care routine. The most important thing is to make smart decisions when it comes to buying your hair care products.