When you take a look at the shampoos and conditioners, you will discover there are three main types of hairs including dry, normal and oily. Each type of them is governed by several characteristics. For example, dry type is associated to limited sebum secretion, dry, dull and fizzy hairs, dry scalp and the problem of dandruff. The ends of dry type are extremely thin and fragile and may have split ends. In addition, dry type is less elastic with less than 25 percent extendability.
There are many possible causes of dry hairs. The most common causes are limited sebum secretion, dehydration of Keratin (a hair protein) as well as damages by heat and UV radiations. It is not recommended to wash your them every day if your hairs are dry. Instead, you may choose to wash them once or twice a week. You should further protect your hairs by applying conditioning afterwards.
Some people try to increase their sebum secretion by not washing their hairs for a long time. This is definitely too extreme.Sebum secretion may not be re-balanced by not washing your hairs. Instead, your follicles may be clogged by the accumulated sebum. This stops further sebum secretion and your hairs become dryer.
Hair loss is not a common problem for people having dry scalp. Hair loss is not always associated with inadequate nutrition. Actually, you should expect 50 to 100 pieces of loss per day as for a normal metabolism. Under normal conditions, hairs are growing at a speed of 0.32mm 0.35mm per day. The life span of each piece is approximately 3 years.
Hairs are easily damaged by UV radiations (sunlight) and heat (sunlight and extreme treatments). These damages are serious for those having dry type. Therefore, it is exceptionally important to protect your them from further damages from UV radiations and heat. You may apply conditioning products with UV protection before outdoor activities. You should also avoid treatments like perming and coloring because a great deal of heat would be generated to harm your hairs during the treatment process.
Finally, you need to supply your hairs with sufficient nutrition to keep them healthy, shinny and smooth. Necessary nutrients required by your hairs include protein, calcium, iron, zinc and magnesium. Soy beans, nuts and black sesames are good sources of nutrients for hairs. In addition, you should avoid taking too much salt in your diet.
Learn more about hair care and hair beauty, visit:
prettyhaircare.com Hair Care
prettyhaircare.com/hair-loss-treatment Hair Loss Treatment