
Doctors often engage in the educational movement, suggesting taking care of your body. Pick any magazine and you will find a health column discussing how one should maintain a good health of their eyes, skin, voice or digestive system. But if we see the statistics, the most commonly cared tissues of our body are hair and nails; and to our surprise, they fall into the list of 'dead tissues'.

The moment I called them dead tissues, you must have realized why you do not get any pain when you cut your hair or nails. Try cutting any other part of your body and it will pain, but not these. Although they are dead, they no longer stop to amaze us with their qualities and characteristics.

Though every hair is made up of protein called keratin, the facial hair is the fastest growing hair among the entire class. It is believed that if one does not cut his beard for the entire lifetime, it can grow up to more than 30 feet long; a length longer than a killer whale. Growing hair is a part of custom and culture in many parts of the world. If you visit India, you will find many women having very long hair, in some cases almost more than their own height. The business of hair oils and shampoos is thus on its peak in these areas, with many dermatologists or trichologists offering professional consultations for a better hair care.

In total, we have millions of hair on our scalp and every day we lose almost 70-100 strands of hair. Isn't it good that we hardly notice 20 percent of these? The rate of this hair shedding varies according to the season, pregnancy, dietary changes, and febrile illnesses or with age. Thus it is not uncommon to have an increased hair loss after suffering an attack of viral fever. The pattern of losing hair runs in the family, as is the pattern of premature graying of hair.

Men have coarser hair than women. This sounds better than saying women have almost half the diameter thin hair as compared to men, isn't it? The thickness also varies according the race you belong to. In spite of the thickness, a human hair can support or withstand a weight of almost 3.5 ounces. Thus it is not surprising to meet a beautiful prince in the fairy tale who climbs up the long hair of the princess who has been locked on the tower.

Thus next time we call hair 'just a dead tissue', think of all this.

Dr Amit Karkare is practicing Homeopathy and Bach Flower Therapy since a decade. He is the first Indian to get accreditation as a 'Bach Flower Practitioner' from British Institute of Homoeopathy. He is also a semi-professional singer & musician. You can know more about him and his professional services at:

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