Hair loss. What causes it? I mean, one day it's on your head and the next day it's gone. Did gremlins sneak into your room in the middle of the night and cut it off? Well, not quite and hopefully after you're finished reading this article you will understand why you're losing your hair. It's not because of your kids.
At any given point in time about 10% of the hair on your head is asleep. After about 2 or 3 months, this resting hair (yes, it takes long naps) falls out and new hair takes it's place. The hair grows at a rate of about 1 centimetre per month. Not very fast. It is normal to experience some hair loss on a daily basis. But some men and women experience what is considered excessive hair loss.
So what causes this?
Well, a number of things actually. One way is after surgery or excessive stress. The hair loss is a direct result of this surgery or stress but is usually temporary.
If you have hormonal problems, this can cause hair loss as well. If your thyroid gland is overactive, this can cause hair loss. If your male and female hormones are out of balance, this can cause hair loss. Usually correcting the hormone imbalance can stop the hair loss.
Women usually have hair loss a few months after having a baby. This is also because of hormones. During pregnancy certain hormones are higher that keep hair from falling out. After pregnancy these hormones are lessened, so the hair begins to fall out. When the hormones return to the level before pregnancy the cycle returns to normal.
Some medications can cause hair loss. This usually improves once you stop taking the medicine. The biggest offenders are blood thinners, medicines used for gout and chemotherapy. Also birth control pills and anti depressants.
Some infections such as fungal infections of the scalp can cause hair loss. These however are easily treated.
Finally, hair loss can be caused by a more serious disease like lupus or diabetes. Hair loss is usually an early symptom of a disease, so it is best to get this checked out as soon as possible.
Also improper hair care can also cause hair loss. Using tight corn rows or hair rollers. Hot oil treatments can also cause hair loss as well as constant wearing of hats. The reason is because the hat prevents air from getting to the scalp and eventually the hair dies. Only wear a hat when necessary.
Then there is what they call "male pattern baldness." This is the most common cause of hair loss in men. This is an inherited trait, meaning that if your father went bald, there is a good chance that you will as well. Men who lose their hair at an early age usually have more extensive hair loss than other men. This type of baldness usually starts with a receding hair line at the front of the scalp.
In the next article we'll discuss treatments for hair loss and hair replacement techniques.
Michael Russell
Your Independent guide to Hair Loss