Looking and feeling good is important to everyone, and knowing that every part of you looks fantastic when you leave the house is essential. Your hair is a very important element to how you feel, and when it is looking its best then you feel confident and sexy. Healthy hair is a great feature to have and if you understand your hair type then it is easy to maintain.
Many people are under the impression that you need to wash your hair every day, in fact this is bad for it. Some shampoos have harsh chemicals in them which can strip your hair of its natural oils and minerals. If your hair doesn't look and feel dirty then there is no need to wash it, and maybe washing it every other day will keep it looking its best. Your hair over time will begin to split and look damaged, to avoid this happening you need to have it trimmed regularly. By simply having a little taken off the ends it will encourage it to grow and will keep it looking healthy.
Eating well effects your hair if you eat the right foods then your whole body will look and feel better, your hair is the same. How your hair grows and looks is effected by what you eat, eating plenty of vitamins and nutrients will ensure you have healthy shiny hair. Stress and an unhealthy lifestyle will cause your hair to look and feel bad, so it is essential that you exercise and eat healthily. Certain hair products and equipment should be avoided as this can damage your hair.
Hairdryers, curling tongs and straightener's will damage your hair and should be avoided; if you must use them then do so in small doses. They will dry your hair out causing it to be brittle and break easily, towel drying your hair is always advised and letting it dry naturally is the best option. You should also avoid trying to comb your hair when it is wet, this is the time when it is weakest and it will easily fall out and break. An ideal comb for your hair is a wide tooth one, this and your hairbrush should be kept clean at all times.
Finding the correct shampoo for your hair type is essential, there are so many on the market now that you will need to try a few and see what results you get. If you are using the wrong shampoo then this can cause your hair to look dull and lifeless. The correct shampoo will help you if you have dry or oily hair; they are designed to help with what your hair is lacking. Once you get the correct products then you will be able to make your hair look fantastic.
Avoiding strong hair dyes and other chemical treatments will damage your hair; if you insist on having it colored then tries to ensure you have a break in between treatments. Remember that your hair is as important as other parts of you; the way it looks can influence how you feel. By maintaining a healthy lifestyle, eating well and cutting back on the use of chemicals will make you and your hair shine.
Mike Arnour writes for the hairgrowthvitamins.org Hair Growth Vitamins resource website.