Different factors are responsible for hair loss or what is referred to as baldness in other words some of these factors include: the accumulation of oil or seborrhea on the scalp which may be responsible for the blocking of pores where the hair follicles are located, another cause can also be a lack of adequate vitamins and proteins which are needed for hair growth, improper hair care as well as excessive stress, anorexia nervosa or wrong way of dying the hair may also aggravate the problem.
Hair loss which is characterized by hair falling out especially when it is washed is a phenomenon which may leads to hair becoming thinner and may eventually lead to baldness in men.
To prevent or halt the process of hair falling out some important steps should be taken and strictly adhered to:
1. Hair should be properly washed with Aloe Vera and Jojoba-based Shampoo which should be message into the scalp this will not only help in opening up the pores but also eliminate seborrhea and dandruff.
2. Hot water should be run directly into the scalp to open the pores
3. Message the scalp by applying pressure with the finger tips to move and stimulate the skin. This will help to move the oil under the skin and open the pores.
4. Cultivate the habit of taking multivitamin and minerals as major components of your daily diets.
The nutrients which the hair requires to shine and grow well include:
a. Calcium pantothenate, pantothetic acid or vitamin B-5, these elements help the hair to assimilate and utilize copper.
b. Copper- Lack of copper produces brittle, dry hair.
c. Inositol and Choline - These elements helps in hair growth.
d. Vitamin B-12-Help in hair growth.
e. PABA-Para-aminobenzoic acid helps to maintain hair colour and to keep the hair soft.
f. Iodine- Helps to keep the hair from falling out.
g. Iron and Manganese -help in hair growth and also keeps hair well-nourished by enhancing the proper circulation of blood in the body.
h. Niacin-This Nicotinic acid also helps in blood flow.
i. Protein and Amino acid- Hair is made up of 98% proteins, the body however needs vitamins and minerals in order fore it to take advantage of these proteins.
j. Zinc-Necessary to keep the hair strong
k. Cysteine and Glycine.
It is also recommended to take brewer's yeast and Aloe Vera juice to keep the hair looking healthy and natural, Aloe gel mixed with water can also be message into the scalp.
Tested and proven products which are 100% safe and effective in the prevention of hair loss and enhancing hair growth and beautiful-looking hair are available at completelady.webs.com completelady.webs.com.