
Modern technology has brought about a lot of hair care products in order to style your mane. Some may want to look chic and stylish, while others want a new look. It definitely offers you a 'new' look but if it is not administered properly it may cause more harm than good. One must know that there is no harm in using chemical products once in a while. It is only when it is used in more frequency it leads to such problems. Tints, dyes, bleaches, strand colouring, waves, curls, ironing and permanent straightening can be used, if it is carried out rightly. It may become brittle if you expose your mane frequently to such chemicals.

Post hair care treatment involves use of hair repair shampoos and conditioners. There are shampoos specially manufactured to clean, retain colour and nullify the chemical effects on your mane. Coloured strands have shampoos which are specifically used for this purpose. Instead of repeatedly exposing your follicles to varied chemical products you must let your strands grow, in case it has turned out brittle. Let them breathe for a duration of six months. Cut those extra grown brittle strands and you can later try some variation in their styling.

Conditioners should be used mandatorily! Every time you use your shampoos to clean your mane, follow it up with a conditioner. Pick the one which is best suited for your chemical treatment so that it retains its lost luster and shine. It is also helpful to keep the styling intact. Regular massage is also essential so that it stimulates the chemically exposed strands. It is also helpful for the natural growth and to prevent thinning problems and falling problems.

Kirthy Shetty

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