Growing hair naturally is said to be effective and harmless rather than using chemicals products. Do these natural remedies really work? Well yes, there are proven ways to naturally grow hair. The only thing is we must follow the natural remedies, so that we can get best result out of it.
Factors that contribute to hair loss are stress, genetics, diet, hormones and lifestyle. You may find tons of treatments that promise to cure baldness. But the truth is, there is no magical pill or care. The only solution is to follow some natural ways to cure hair loss.
Strengthen your immune system
You need to focus on your immune system in order to grow hair naturally. Body cell productions are controlled by immune system, which included hair growth. So by improving your immune system, your may re grow you hair or prevent.
1. Sleeping at least eight hours a day is needed, take a quick nap if you get time.
2. 30 minutes of exercise thrice a week.
3. Have walnuts and unpasteurized goat milk to improve your immune system.
4. Take at least 500 mg biotin very day.
5. Daily diet must consist of Vitamin B, C and proteins.
6. Drinking Dandelion tea is good for growing hair.
External Hair Care
There are things you can do externally to help your hair grow healthier.
1. Keep your scalp clear by using natural shampoo at least twice a week. This will clean your pores, making hair grow faster
2. Generate more blood flow to the scalp by using a boar bristle brush
3. Nourish your hair with Mira hair oil; it will also improve scalp condition.
4. Five Minutes of scalp massage would be effective, message with your fingertips in a circular motion daily.
Essential Vitamins
Your daily diet must have essential vitamins, minerals and nutrients. All Vitamin B is vital for hair re growth. Take multi vitamins so that your follicles get necessary nutrients to get your hair grow. Also have lots of vegetables and fresh fruits. If you are planning to take vitamin supplements, then it is recommended to consult your physician as over dose of vitamin will lead to reverse effect of losing hair.
Stress Reduction
One of causes of hair loss is stress. It affects hair directly. Too much of stress in your life will result in hair thinning and hair loss. If you see your brush full of hair, then it's an alarmed for you. There are many ways to reduce stress in life, such as meditation, adequate sleep - at least 8 hours, exercise and some other relaxation techniques. This would make your hair grow naturally.
DHT Hormone
Our body makes DHT hormone naturally which contributes to hair loss and hair thinning. Hair growth is expected by lowering the DHT levels in our body. DHT hormones are needed by our body, but excessive level will harm hair growth. Natural ways to reduce DHT levels are green tea and saw palmetto.
Follow the natural ways to prevent hair loss and help hair grow. Natural ways are harmless ways for healthy hair.
Natural ways to hair growth are best rather than chemical based products; there are several ways to improve hair growth.
Visit for how to naturally grow hair faster with expert's advice and more.