
There are lots of people in the business of baldness. From scalp care to hairpieces to re-growth medications and potions, hair loss is a big, big business.

The hair loss medications, minoxidil and finasteride (sold as Rogaine and Propecia) are enormously successful products. Even the chance to replace one's lost hair is enough to make many men (and some women) fork over the price of these products. And since hair loss resumes if these treatments are stopped, presumably it's for the rest of their lives. These products make many millions of dollars for their manufacturers. The only thing that could seemingly interfere with the enormous profit would be if someone came up with a true cure for baldness. That company will make more money than anyone ever has.

The business of hair replacement surgery is booming as well, especially with the advent of newer, and more convincing, and natural techniques, such as the follicular unit transplant procedure. In this procedure, a hair follicle, along with all supporting tissues (sebaceous glands, nerves and blood tissues) are extracted intact, and placed in the recipient area. This type of procedure yields the most natural looking hairline and results, and as such, is the best possible advertisement for transplant surgery. And transplants can cost from $1500 to more than $8000; so any doctor who competently practices this procedure is probably making a lot of money doing so.

Then there is the hairpiece and toupee industry. There are still a lot of people who like the ease and non-medical aspect of a good hairpiece. And the good ones are not cheap. They can run hundreds to several thousand dollars each for the custom made jobs. Of course, the down side to hairpieces is that they have to be worn all of the time if the public illusion is to be maintained. But this doesn't stop many very public figures from wearing them. Do a search on suspected toupee wearers to see some of the surprising names on that list.

And now there is a whole line of products provided for baldness care, for those guys who have just said - to hell with it. Everything from scalp conditioners to sunscreens are available for fellows who have decided that bald is just fine, and that they are going to make the best of being bald. This is a relatively new business opportunity for the person who wants to get in on it.

Hair loss is big. It's big business and it's big revenue. We spend a tremendous amount of money annually on hair care and hair replacement, and this trend will only increase in the future.

Stephanie McIntyre and Wendell Bryant are Internet developers. Visit their site at

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