Ayurvedic medicine or Ayurveda originated in India more than a thousand years ago.
Ayurvedic medicine for hair just like any Ayurvedic treatment revolves around how to prevent, manage or treat health issues. In western medicine the medication would target a specific symptom. In Ayurveda and ayurvedic treatment for hair it involves treating the person as a whole, body, mind and spirit. Its not just about using ayurvedic hair oil that you apply to damaged hair for it to look better. All factors physical, mental and spiritual that contributed to the hair being damaged on the onset is considered and hair ayurvedic treatment is adjusted accordingly. Because of this line of thinking, doctors of Ayurveda need for the individual to play an active role in his ayurvedic hair care management because they may need to institute changes in habits, lifestyle and diet.
Hair ayurvedic treatments are dependent on oils, herbs, plants, and spices. What are the benefits of ayurvedic medicine for hair being in this form? Let us start with a healthy body and therefore nutritious food. The ayurvedic doctor may require the patient to eat the proper "hair food" ayurvedic hair care needs. Dairy, vegetables and fruits are examples of these. Herbs are important to hair ayurvedic because they aid in proper digestion and absorption of nutrients from the food therefore delivering better results. Herbs are also used to boost immunity in order to prevent further damage and the need for more ayurvedic treatment for hair.
Simultaneous to enacting dietary changes for ayurvedic hair care the patient must also harmonize his spirit and mind. The use of ayurvedic hair oil and massage is able to not only moisturize, soften hair, and improve blood flow but also strengthen ones spirit and clear the mind. The effects of massage vary with the time of day; ayurvedic hair oil must be used in the evening as it is for calming purposes.
Daniel Amme writes the ayurvedahealthblog.wordpress.com Ayurveda Health Blog
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