One of the most strenuous problems or most emotionally crushing is hair loss. No matter how you look at it, it is hard to deal with. The real problem however, is that it can linked to huger or more extensive medical issues in several people. Whether in your case it's a thinning scalp due to some underlying health problems or hereditary kicks up its ugly face, there is the urging feeling inside to find out the best way to stop hair loss and return your hair to its glory days where you had a full head of hair flaunting.
Though, it is true the thickness and luster of that hair you showed off to the girls (guys) or guys (girls) might not return. There are ways are out there to stop it before it gets worst and I mean worst. The most likely solution out there is to combine topical treatments applied orally or to the scalp depending on your doctor's prescription, with hair care products designed for it.
Well the first and most important step before you buy anything or try anything is to check with your doctor for him/her to diagnose whatever it is that is cause the thinning. The reason why, is several cases of thinning hair are caused by underlying health conditions. By dealing with that specific problem you can promptly and effectively stop hair loss and on your way to better hair. Only after discussing this with your doctor and find out why hair is thinning does your options in treatments come in.
One such treatment is the often place oral type medication called propecia. Propecia is a drug that stops and/or reduces the production of DHT in the scalp which is a hormone that shortens the growth phase of hair follicles which causes them to shrink until fewer hairs are viewable on the scalp. Therefore helping to stop hair loss and encourage regrowth of hair. Actually some statistics states that 9 out of 10 men who took propecia had visible results - either regrowth of hair (48% [134 of 279]) or no further hair loss (42% [117 of 279]). Also it's good to know a majority of men who took PROPECIA reported that their bald spot got smaller, their hair loss slowed down, and the appearance of their hair improved. Don't forget to mention its FDA approved to stop hair loss.
Topical Treatments
Well the most heard of, and publicized of these treatments which happens to be also FDA approved is, yes, Rogaine with an active ingredient minoxidil. Minoxidil, an oral treatment originally prescribed for high pressure is a mastermind in the war to stop hair loss and regrow hair. To be most effective, it has to taken twice a day for several weeks. It is said though that it works better on those who are younger and have more recent hair. The best part whether man or woman you are all welcomed since there products for both male and female hair loss. Studies show that 26 percent of men between 18 and 49 reported moderate to dense hair regrowth after four months of Rogaine treatment. An additional 33 percent had minimal hair regrowth. Almost 20 percent of women between 18 and 45 had moderate regrowth, while an additional 40 percent showed minimal regrowth. Hair Care Products.
Nowadays it is commonplace to have hundreds of products out there to stop hair loss by increasing the volume of the hair the person has already. Though numerous and abundant they are however sometimes very effective, if however used every day, yes every day. The fact is while by itself these products might be so proficient in there task with added help of other treatment options you effectively to the best with your current hair style.
After reading this entire one might try to find the better of the pack but a smarter person or more or less the proper thing to do is used all of them together to get the glory day hair style. Also do not forget to speak with your doctor about Rogaine and Propecia to know if they are right for you.
Having seen lots of cases of hair loss in my family, it is somewhat hereditary since my father, grandfather and two close uncles suffer from it, I decided to do research on the topic. This is basically a brief compile of what I found out.
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