Curly hair doesn't look as shipshape as straight hair. Curls do look "frazzled", don't they? And sometimes you would think that taking care of curly hair is as easy as pie- just simply let the curls be. After all, aren't curls supposed to be fabulous being disheveled and "messy"? So you'd think that if you have curls, you simply have to let your them be- no fuss. But that's not the case at all, your curly hair is hair, and as much as other types, your curls need proper haircare. So how does it go? When it comes to conditioning your curly hair, these tips would be helpful.
Hot oil treatment every two to three weeks would help in adding moisture. During the colder months, your curls would especially find the treatments useful. Your curls easily become dry and brittle during cold weather, thus treatments, or hot oil treatments are necessary. During warm months in the same manner, your curls would need moisture. More so if you often go swimming wherein chlorine wreaks havoc on your wavy tresses. And so hot oil treatments would come in handy as well. When having a hot oil treatment, the heat opens up the inner vortex of the strands, and oil is able to penetrate.
There are many and varied sorts of hot oil treatment kits available in local drug stores. Resorting to a good quality product and using it regularly can mean vibrant, healthy and fabulous curly hair for you. You would not even need to go to the salon on a regular basis for the treatment. With home hot oil treatment kits, you can conveniently have the treatment and at a lesser cost at that. And it could mean getting the same results from salon treatment. And then you also have to keep your curls looking tapered. In this regard, you ought to get a trim every 6-8 weeks.
This way, you get rid of stringy ends. For added manageability and shine, you can apply diluted essential oils. You can use essential oils on your curls, or skin for that matter. But you have to be wary that when using essential oils on any part of your body. When doing so, the essential oils are best diluted. It can be frazzled having to deal with your curly hair. After all, "frazzled" is an appropriate word to describe it. But you can do away with this particular curly hair "curse" and turn it into a blessing. And it's a matter of applying the proper haircare at the right time.
It's knowing when to apply even the minor changes needed in your daily styling routine. Gone are the bad hair days for you then, or you'd have them minimally. And you're off to looking your best with your curls. You'd be feeling your best, too, as your curls won't be as pesky to deal with. It's you looking your best and feeling your best with curly hair, letting it be while you radiate with confidence.
The author of this article Rose Windale is a Health and Wellness Coach who has been successful with several natural health programs for many years. Rose decided to share her knowledge and tips through her website You can sign up for her free newsletter and enjoy a healthy and happy life.