
If you are like me, having a hectic busy schedule, you too would have to fight the two dreadful problems - stress and hair loss. As far as stress is concerned, it comes and goes. But the loss of hair - in many cases, once a hair is lost, it is never regained which leads to permanent balding.

Some people relate the two problems and tend to ignore their constant loss of hair thinking it is due to the pressure and stress. Once it is gone, the loss will also stop. This is correct, but not completely.

Yes, stress and hair loss are related. There are many people who experience the loss of hair only during the days when they are working under stress. They need not worry about their hair care and should actually focus more on relieving themselves from the stress.

Once they are relived, the hormonal imbalance caused is restored and the problem of falling hair is also solved.

But at the same time, sometimes you can end up blaming stress for causing hair to fall when the real reason is something else.

It is the male hormone called Androgen. When it is available in excess, it reacts with an enzyme and gets converted into a harmful substance called Dihydrotestostrone or DHT.

This DHT gets attached to the hair follicles and damages them by cutting the blood supply to them. This leads to shrinking of the follicles and the hair within them begin to grow thin and weak. Ultimately, the hair fall off but since the follicle is withered, it fails to grow a new hair.

This leads to permanent hair loss and eventually permanent baldness.

This is a hereditary problem. So if you are experiencing hair loss, be careful. Check if anyone in your family has had it. If yes, then there is a high probability that you are having it too. Don't let the relation between stress and hair loss fool you here.

Take the right step. Start looking out for products containing the effective substance called Minoxidil. It works by reducing the amount of DHT in the body. No DHT means no damage to the follicles and no hair loss.

It also takes care to nourish and rejuvenate the damaged follicles and make them grow new, healthy hair.

Your next step? Now that you know that stress and hair loss are not related all the time, find out the reason behind yours and take preventative steps today.

If you need my recommendation for a proven hair loss product containing the FDA approved ingredient Minoxidil, visit my website listed below.

George Hart is a researcher of hair loss issues affecting both men and women. To learn about a new, highly effective natural hair loss remedy that George recently discovered, visit the web site and see how it stacks up against other common hair loss treatment options.

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