It doesn't just happen to men anymore - even women can suffer from dry, itchy scalps and unsightly dandruff. Learn how to kick the flakes and nourish your scalp with these few simple tricks.
First, make sure your showers aren't scalding hot. The hotter the temperature, the more you dry out your poor little head. Turn the water down to a more tepid temp, especially when rinsing out shampoo or conditioner. If you can't stand not having the heat, throw on a shower cap during your daily routine and opt for washing your hair in the sink. Keep the water as cool as possible, and make sure to get every last spec of product out, as they can build up and cause flakes of a different nature. Invest in a bottle of aloe vera gel - the same stuff you use to tame a bad sunburn - and smooth it onto your scalp just before bed.
Aloe will help to repair your dry scalp just as it helps to rehabilitate a burn, and it's a gentle, natural way to keep your skin hydrated. Be sure to wash it out completely the following morning. You can also turn to another fun remedy, which involves dousing your head with apple cider vinegar. The vinegar, which helps to unclog your pores and kill any bacteria that may make your scalp oily, also rebalances the acid and alkaline content of your skin. Pour equal parts apple cider vinegar and water into a bowl and mix thoroughly. Apply the mixture to your hair and let it dry. Once it has set, you may rinse it out.
Another way to stop dry scalp is to limit your sugar and yeast intake that can throw off the balance of your skin. Kick that itchy skin and say hello to smooth, silky hair.
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