There can be various reasons for hair loss and an itchy scalp could be the first indication that there might be problems with the health of the scalp and hair follicles. The autoimmune system and hormonal changes in the body can contribute to hair loss. Disease may play a roll as well as inherited genetic influences, but there are some steps we can take to minimise the effects of hair loss due to an unhealthy scalp through poor choices in our diet and hair care products.

A diet, well balanced and containing essential fatty acids, protein and nutrients to support hair growth is the biggest consideration.

An important and relevant factor for the management of healthy hair growth is the products used. Shampoos containing harsh chemicals, the over use of hair colour creams and hot hair dryers will impact greatly on the well being of hair's growth and quality.

Dietary tips:

? Ensure your diet is protein rich. Vegetarians need to evaluate the amount of pulses they consume (chickpeas, lentils and beans etc) to compensate for the lack of animal protein.

? Drink plenty of filtered water. Hair is 40% water and the skin and scalp need hydrating from the inside out.

? Fish is high in vitamin A and many of the Bs, as well as essential fatty acid, omega 3, all required for healthy hair. Flaxseed oil is 6 times higher in omega 3 than fish oil supplements and is ideal for vegans.

? Essential fatty acid omega 6 is found in vegetable oils (polyunsaturated) and eggs.

? Selenium, a vital mineral for healthy hair and nails can be found in Brazil nuts. One nut contains the daily adult requirement of selenium and is a better option than a synthetic supplement.

? Minimize added salt and ensure plenty of vitamin C in your diet. Red bell peppers contain more natural vitamin C than oranges. Try to select organic fruit and vegetables where possible to limit your intake to pesticide residues.

Hair products tips:

? For general care and maintenance massage the scalp gently to promote blood flow to the hair follicles and limit shampooing to alternate days at most. Avoid hard rubbing and towelling and use a large toothcomb on wet hair, never a brush that will tug out the waterlogged strands.

? Stay well clear of anti-dandruff shampoos. Those fine, powdery flakes are dry skin most likely caused by the ingredients in the dandruff shampoo people used to fix the problem! Real dandruff is thick, yellowish and caked on the scalp. This is where bacteria is breeding and needs special attention.

? Avoid sodium lauryl/laureth sulphate and ammonium lauryl sulphate at all cost. These harsh chemicals can cause severe skin irritation and may damage the skin's immune system by causing the layers to inflame and separate. This may be called Dandruff!

? Other foaming agents Cocomide MEA or DEA are restricted in Europe due to their carcinogenic effects, they are severely irritating to body tissues and possibly corrosive to eyes.

? Use natural, chemical free shampoo and beware of Cocoamidopropyl Betaine (from coconut). Often used as a foaming agent in products that claim they use natural (and organic) ingredients. The oils are synthesized with ammonia and a toxic herbicide and are no longer safe or natural. Sometimes it is written on the label as coco betaine to confuse the consumer.

? Silicones in conditioners coat the hair and scalp and prevent the scalp from breathing or eliminating toxins. A common conditioner ingredient, dimethicone, has been found to cause tumours in laboratory animals. In addition, silicones and waxes that coat the hair in an effort to smooth the cuticle, chip off when they have hardened making the condition of the hair worse.

? Keep hair trimmed regularly and if you like to colour your hair, have your hairdresser use foils instead of applying the colour cream to the scalp. Use small amounts of styling products, trying not to get them on the scalp, just on the hair.

Certified organic formulations ensure there are no synthetic chemicals in the entire contents of the personal care products you choose.

Herbalists can make a tonic to add to your supplements. Usually 30 to 40 drops of the mixture is taken 3 times daily in a small amount of filtered water. This remedy cured my alopecia in less than 4 weeks.

Herbs helpful to the hair and scalp are:

Rosemary: - can stimulate the hair follicle and therefore hair growth. May retard hair loss and is the best option for dandruff.

Thyme: - also good against dandruff and used for deep cleansing.

Grapeseed: - high in vitamin E and essential fatty acids, can stimulate hair follicle growth.

Jojoba: - excellent for preventing hair loss and delays the follicle's resting phase because of its' antioxidant properties. Can make the hair shinier, thicker and more manageable.

Add these extracts, some come in essential oil form, to your natural, chemical free shampoo or massage into the scalp the night before you plan to shampoo the following morning.

Research and studies have found that chemicals can be absorbed through the skin and the scalp and into the blood stream and accumulate in the organs. By using products that are organic, you can limit the amount of chemicals you expose your body to.

Treat your hair and scalp to the very best care and protect yourself from unnecessary hair loss or an unhealthy scalp.

After 30 years in the 'beauty' industry, Karen Armitage was astounded to find that the cosmetic companies she had trusted included toxic ingredients in the products they produced and marketed. You will never believe a skin care promotion again once you have read her free reports at Karen believes in and markets a range of Skin Care and Personal Care products Certified Organic to food standards.

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