I have customers tell me all the time, due to hair braiding, extensions, color, relaxers, and perms, they don't even remember what their natural hair looks like! However, just because you keep your hair done all the time doesn't mean you can neglect the health of your natural hair. You will regret it if you put off daily hair care techniques!
It Starts With Your Diet
This may seem counterintuitive, but a healthy body carries over to healthy, natural hair. Lots of different vitamins and minerals that you ingest through food and beverages will show up in the texture and vitality of your natural hair. Anything that contains Omega-3 oils (found most notably in fish) is helpful to preventing a dry scalp. Anything with protein, which also includes fish and other meats, is going to be healthy. Choose foods that are rich in vitamins (particularly C and E), iron, bioflavonoids and calcium. And remember-most importantly, drink lots and lots of water! Overworking your hair, whether it be by hair braiding or hair weaving, will cause it to be dry and dehydrated.
Take Care of Your Scalp!
One very simple way to take care of your hair is to massage your scalp while you are washing your hair (Be sure to use your finger tips and not your nails). This helps to stimulate hair growth and gets rid of dead skin cells that accumulate on your scalp between washes, not to mention the gross stuff that shows up from everyday work and play. Also, it feels great! Conditioning is also very important to make sure that your scalp does not dry out, which also contributes to the presence of dead skin cells.
You must keep the hair clean and free of dirt and oils. When dirt accumulates on the hair, it clogs the pores and slows down the growth of the hair. Your hair should be washed at least every 4 to 5 days. If you're wearing braids or a weave, you can use an astringent to cleanse the scalp. Always remember to follow up with a good quality conditioner.
Extra Tips
To go the extra mile in keeping your hair healthy, oil your scalp with different combinations of oils. A really good mix for those with hair braiding and hair weaving is coconut oil which reduces fungal growth.
Remember, no matter what level of commitment you strive toward to keep your hair beautiful, know that the way you treat your hair is only a reflection of your inner beauty. When your natural hair is healthy, you will feel better about yourself inside and out, and it will make any kind of hair braiding, hair weaving, extensions, or coloring easier and healthier.
Camille Adelman is a braiding instructor who shares tips and tricks, not only on braiding, but also on bringing luster and beauty to your hair. The braiding culture has invited her to become one industry's experts.
For more tips and information about hair braiding, please check out braidsbybreslin.com hair weaving.