Many people experience dry hair sometime in their lives. It may be for a number of reasons. Some were born that way and it will always be a problem and others have used hair products that have caused this situation. Curling irons and hair straighteners contribute to the problem.
When people dye their hair often, it can cause damage and dryness. If the hair is to dry, it will not take the colour treatment correctly and the hair comes out uneven. Try treating the hair before the dye is put on and the results will improve and the dye will stay longer on the hair.
Swimming will cause the hair to dry because of the chemicals in the water. Try to limit the amount of time the hair is exposed to chlorine. Washing the hair with water that contains a lot of minerals will also damage it.
There are many home treatments and tips for dry hair. Some are good but some could be dangerous for you to try. Use common sense. Taking any kind of oral treatment should be well checked out.
Using natural products can be the best way to go. You do not need the most expensive products to feel you are going to get the results you need. More money does mean better, it only means someone is making a large profit. Healthy looking hair is something that every individual longs for.
If you want to treat dry hair naturally, trying simple inexpensive home treatments are a good place to start. They are easy and safe and most of all, they are easy on the pocket book. Something important for everyone.
Washing your hair every other day is a good place to start. The natural oils will stay in and the hair will not feel dry and brittle.
A mayonnaise treatment is fun and easy. Put one half cup of any brand mayonnaise directly on your head. Washing the hair first is not necessary. Place plastic wrap over the hair and wait for thirty minutes. Washing the hair with a simple shampoo can follow. Doing this once a week should make a large improvement in a short amount of time.
Drinking liquids is import to the whole body, but it is also reflected in your hair. Make sure you get several glasses of water juice during the day. Not only will it help with dryness, it will make your hair shine.
Coconut oil not only smells good. it is great for dryness. Put a small amount on the hair and then wrap the head in a warm towel. Leave on for about fifteen minutes. Shampoo normally after this and a difference can be felt immediately.
Rinse the hair lemon juice after using shampoo. It can be helpful effective in a short amount of time. The juice can be used full strength or added to a little water.
Taking care of your hair is important especially if you use dye on it. It is well worth the time and effort.
Felicity is a dedicated columnist writing about women, beauty and style. cloud nine straightener products can revolutionise your hair care regime and make an ideal gift! Read more on the cloud nine iron at