Hair loss is one of those genetic misfortunes passed from generation to generation and while there is no cure for people who suffer from common pattern baldness, there are medical and surgical solutions available for balding folks but this requires a lifetime commitment and sometimes a lot of money. There are a number of ways to re-grow lost hair, but the cause of the hair loss must first be determined simply because the treatments to re-grow hair range from prescription drugs to shampoos so it is important to know what caused a person to lose hair in order to find a re-growing treatment that will work. Once the cause has been diagnosed, the re-growing process can begin.
For hair that has been lost to Alopecia or Alopecia areata, prescription medication is usually used along with a daily treatment regime that may include certain types of hair repair/re-growth lotions. It is not guaranteed to restore hair to its original thickness, but this combination of prescription medication and daily hair care treatment has been reported to work for a number of people however, many of these medications tend to work better at reducing or stopping hair loss rather than promoting hair growth.
Other ways to try to re-grow lost hair are specially formulated shampoos, hair lotions and hair creams. Again, not only do these products tend to reduce or stop hair loss rather than stimulate hair growth, but it can take as long as 6 weeks to 1 year before results are noticeable. For men and women with major hair loss, surgery is the final option.
Dermatologists and plastic surgeons can remove some of the bald spot through scalp reduction surgery (literally pulling the hair-growing sections of scalp together) and transplant living hairs-often one at a time-from the thickest hair on the side of the head to a hairless area. While this is the most effective way of re-growing hair, it can be quite costly, so much so in fact that only very few people can afford to get the surgical procedure done.
Find more great useful info on hair issues visit a website offering views, tips and resources on issues such as facial hair, using a ceramic iron and even all about laser hair removal.