Vitamins are one of the least understood areas in terms of helping women to achieve their very best shiny female hair! In terms of hair loss for example, which fortunately affects women much less than men. It is a fact that certain vitamins, or more accurately a lack of them can actually lead to hair loss. Amongst these the B vitamins are particularly important. If you are deficient in vitamins B12 or vitamins B6, than it can often lead to hair loss. So a good start in terms of achieving beautifully shiny hair, is to stock up with a B complex vitamin supplement. Why B complex? Well, because the B vitamins tend to work together, synergistically, and so a lack of any of them tends to affect the others in a detrimental way.
When exploring female hair vitamins, a question arises as to which foods to include in your diet which are particularly good to get those essential vitamins. Three good sources are Soya beans, fish, and chicken, which are some of nature's very best natural healthy hair treatments! Foods are a very protein rich tend to also be rich in vitamins B6 and B12. So if you are seeking shiny female hair, then you will want to make sure that you have sufficient levels of these vitamins in your diet.
The hair tends to be the last place that the body sends nutrients. This is because it is essentially (for survival purposes at least!), not nearly as important as essential organs like the heart or lungs, and so they get first call on any nutrients that you bring into your body. And so this tends to explain, why when you are feeling rundown, that often your hair will also look lank and lifeless. So to have beautiful shiny female hair it is essential to really look after yourself and diet plays a key part in this.
Other female hair vitamins that some studies have indicated may be useful in terms of having vibrant, healthy and shiny hair is Saw Palmetto. The reason behind this is that Saw Palmetto has been shown to lower levels or a substance called DHT. Now, DHT is known to cause hair loss in both men and women when its levels are high, and so it would seem that Saw Palmetto, because it is able to lower the levels of DHT could well be a useful female hair vitamin. (It should be pointed out here, though, that this is in the early stages of research, and is by no means conclusively proven.)
Two other vitamins that are useful in promoting healthy female hair are vitamins A and C. The reason behind being similar to that of Saw Palmetto. Namely, that vitamins A and C tend to inhibit the production of DHT, and hence tend to promote healthy and vibrant hair growth.
So, in conclusion, if you are looking to explore female hair vitamins and wish to know what vitamins are best for shiny female hair, then simply seek out your ABCs! (With a healthy dose of saw Palmetto thrown in for good measure;)) And remember to take a look at the links below for more great vitamin tips.
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