Losing your hair is not something that is fun for anyone to experience. In fact, a lot of men and women suffer from hair loss and really feel that it's a social death sentence. While some people just face the giant and move forward with their lot in life, others want to prevent and fight the loss and thinning of their hair. There are several common techniques available to prevent hair loss and slow down the thinning, without stressing you out or really compromising your daily routine. Things such as exercise, stress reduction, and proper hair care are just the beginning of many options that are available to you.
The first technique may seem obvious, but for many people it's just not part of the options. However, you have to really consider what you're doing in regards to your hair over long periods of time. The step is simply taking care of your hair. This is the number one thing you can do to aid in preventing hair loss. Don't over use hair dyes, curling irons or hair dryers, because this is the leading cause of hair loss in both men and women. You can restore your self image, but it can get difficult down the road if the damage has gotten to severe for regular fixes.
Secondly, you should never color your hair more often than six to eight weeks. This really is something to consider if your hair is turning gray. That's not to say that you can't dye your hair for a younger look, it's just important that you're not consistently damaging the follicles with dying chemicals. Some chemicals are harsher than others, and over use can really damage your scalp and lead to hair thinning or damage, and in some rougher cases you could lose your hair at an expedited rate.
Another thing you can do in regards to preventing hair loss is simply to never stretch the hair by braiding very tightly. Sure it is not too uncommon for men and women to wear tight braids at times, but to make a consistent habit of tightening the hair into tight braids, you could damage the hair and eventually this will lead to hair loss. At times, consider that you're literally pulling your hair out, little by little.
Lastly, you could simply change your diet a little. No need to subscribe to crash diets, but simple dietary changes can help you in the long term. Adding calcium could help strengthen hair follicles and roots as well as the scalp. You can also focus on just making sure you're eating healthy, and living an overall healthier lifestyle. If not just food wise, you should really exercise moderately and sleep enough without long periods of time of fatigue. Preventing hair loss is not difficult, but getting started after years of neglect could be. The best bet to your overall hair health is to make sure that you gradually change your lifestyle choices to reflect your care for your hair. Prevention is key, so make sure that you pay attention to your hair, so that it stays with you for the rest of your life.
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