Research by Mr Ian Brough FRMS HNC, Electron Optics Consultant, Materials Science Centre, Manchester University, shows that metal scissors, razors and clippers damage hair. Only the FB1(TM) glass blade is sharp enough to cut cleanly without damage, such as split ends and leaves the hair in optimum condition.
The sharpness of the FB1(TM) glass blade also gives each strand of hair a tapered and fine tip, thus increasing the softness and blend throughout the hair. Although it is extremely sharp, the glass blade has been cleverly designed so that it is safer and easier to use. Mr Ian Brough FRMS HNC, Electron Optics Consultant, Materials Science Centre, Manchester University states:
Cutting with Clippers, Scissors and Razors
The cutting action of the clippers effectively shears the hair, as do scissors. Razors also cause damage to the hair. Consequently we see that the cut ends of the individual hairs all show damage which in extreme cases fractures the hair, destroys the cuticle layer, damages the cortical fibres and also leaves the hair with "split ends".
Using Glass for Cutting Hair
Since as early as 1950 scientists have been using knives produced from glass to cut delicate samples of tissue for examination at very high magnifications in transmission electron microscopes. The technique has been so successfully employed because of the high degree of sharpness that can be obtained from an engineered glass edge which causes no damage.
The application of a similar technique to cut hair has the major advantage that the glass blade will have sharpness unobtainable from mechanically produced edges such as scissors, razors and clippers. Additionally the method of glass cutting does not involve mechanically shearing of the hair and consequently leaves hair in optimum condition. Hair care
The glass hair cutter from frank bisson is the world's first styling tool that uses glass as it's blade. Visit to see the new revolutionary invention that is said will take the place of scissors.