For the past 3 years I have struggled with my daughter's super curly hair. I have tried product after product with little to no success in gaining control over her increasing amount of kinky curls. I even went so far as to ask strangers with beautiful, seemingly controlled curls what they were using. Finally, I have found some awesome products that honestly help me manage her hair without all the tears and frustration. Not to mention, I no longer spend 4 hours combing and styling her hair on that one day a week that I shampoo and condition her hair. Here is our routine and the products we use to keep our sanity and manage those beautiful super curly curls.
Step 1: After taking out the old style, I wash her hair with Pantene's Frizzy to Smooth shampoo for medium to thick hair. I like to apply this by sectioning the hair so I can get to the entire scalp. I massage the shampoo through the hair from scalp to end and rinse thoroughly when done.
Step 2: Using the same sectioning technique above, I apply some of Carol's Daughter Tui Hair Smoothie. The Hair Smoothie conditions and detangles the hair. I leave it in for 5-10 minutes; the longer you leave it in the better the results. Then I rinse it out thoroughly.
Step 3: Again using the same sectioning technique, I apply one of these leave-in conditioning detanglers: Carol's Daughter Tui Leave-in conditioner or Afro Detangler a.k.a. Taiykel Leave-in Conditioner-Detangler. Both products work very well. You'll be surprised how easy it is to comb through those curls. When I use the Afro Detangler, I like to dilute it with water in a spray bottle to make it easier to apply; not to mention, it lasts longer this way.
Step 4: Now it's time to start styling the hair. First I'll section it into a predetermined style (for braiding or twisting). I spray on more of the Tui leave-in conditioner or the Afro Detangler to comb out each section just before I braid it. I comb first with a wide tooth comb, then with a fine tooth comb to make sure I get out all the fuzzies and knots.
Step 5: Just before I braid a section of hair, I apply some of Carol's Daughter Hair Milk or Carol's Daughter Marguerite's Magic. Both of these products help keep the hair super soft and conditioned throughout the week. When using Marguerite's Magic, a little goes a long way, so use sparingly. I comb through one last time before I braid the section. Once the braid is complete, I dab a little more of whichever product I used to the ends of the braid to keep them from drying out.
Sometimes I'll use a product called Miss Jessie's Curly Pudding on the loose hair all the way around her hairline. This will keep that hair looking curly instead of frizzy. Also, each morning, if I remember, I will spray some of the leave-in conditioner on the braids to keep the hair from drying out - making sure to get the ends. That is it - my secret of how to get softer manageable super curly hair. No more tears, no more tangles. I hope this works as well for you as it has for us.