Many women believe that only men experience hair falling out or excessive hair loss. This is probably caused by the fact that a lot of men experience common baldness or what is often called as male pattern baldness. But don't think that our gender has kept us safe from hair loss, because a lot of women are suffering from excessive hair loss - without even knowing it!
You may find it hard to believe but most female hair loss causes are self inflicted. I was surprised to learn this as well, because one of the things that we are proud of us women is how adept and well-versed we are at the art of bodily care. This is not to say of course that men do not practice good hair or bodily care. I am just merely stating the fact that women tend to be more vain - okay I admit it - than men when it comes to our body - particularly the hair.
One of the top female hair loss causes is improper hair styles. If you think that just because you only wear your hair in a simple pony tail or a clip this makes you immune to excessive hair loss. If you do, then, you will be really surprised to learn that hair styles like pig tails or pony tails can cause you to suffer from Alopecia - which is the proper name for hair thinning.
Pony tails and other hair styles that concern tying your hair up is considered one of the female hair loss causes when done excessively. There are times when our hair strands get yanked off from the roots because of our pony tails or hairstyles being wound up too tight.
Yes, it is normal to lose hair from pony tails once in a while, but this can cause trauma to our follicles and when too much of this happens, the tendency is for our body to do a self-preservation move and keep that particular area of the scalp from growing hair if it still experiences excessive pressure.
Excessive styling is also one of the top female hair loss causes. Treatments like perms, hair color and even our daily rituals of blow drying and hair ironing can cause irritation and swelling of the scalp. And just like what happens when there is too much pressure on your scalp, your body will go on autoimmune and keep your hair from growing if it detects an infection or inflammation in your scalp.
I was surprised by how many of the top female hair loss causes I am guilty of. There are really a lot of factors that can cause you to suffer from excessive loss, but one thing that I learned is that the best way to arm ourselves or prevent Alopecia from happening is to keep yourself informed.
Do some research on the internet, but most importantly, don't hesitate to consult an expert. Hair Stylists can provide you with a lot of very good advice when it comes to hair care and treatments, while your doctor - particularly your dermatologist - can help you understand your scalp more.
Do you really want to cure your hair problems?
John Farikani is an expert on female hair loss causes.
Discover how to solve your hair loss problems by following the advice and remedies recommended at the following site