When it comes to growing black hair long there are some myths that are floating out there that are simply not true. The thing that is frustrating the most is that black tresses are somehow different than white locks. In that it is remarkably genetically different. This is simply not true, black hair is healthy hair and whiles it can be dryer than most, it does not mean it needs an extraordinary different treatment. Fact is healthy black long tresses come about from healthy hair care and treatment. This means if you keep your mane healthy, it will grow healthy and fast. Black mane issues arise because of the chemical product used on it. Nothing more and nothing less. And that is why it appears to grow slower. So in this article I will debunk a few myths about growing black long hair
Myth 1: Cutting hair makes it grow faster. Hair is dead. Otherwise, it would hurt when you cut it. There is nothing you can do to your hair strands that will make it grow faster. It is true that cutting your tresses will make them look healthier as you are getting rid of the split and brittle ends.While getting a cut twice a year will improve the overall look of your hair, it does not make it grow faster.
Myth 2: Black hair is stronger than other hair types. The internal structure of black hair actually makes is more susceptible to breakage than any other hair type. If black long hair is chemically relaxed this adds to the possibility of breakage. Protein and moisture treatments should be used to rebuild the structure of relaxed hair and minimize breakage.
Myth 3: Brushing your hair makes it grow faster. Brushing your hair excessively can actually lead to breakage, especially when hair is relaxed.
Myth 4: Greasing your scalp is good for moisture. If you have noticed that your hair is dry even though you are using a variety of moisture products on it, the reason is that grease, oils, and other moisturizing products that contain petrolatum, lanolin, and mineral oil do not moisturize your hair effectively. Instead of moisturizing, they actually seal moisture in or out of your hair. If you choose to use these product on your tresses make sure you use them to seal your tresses and to add shine
The best product you can use for growing black long hair would be a product called Mira hair oil. This is true because it has growth herbs and it is also 100% natural. Used as a deep treatment it will get your mane to grow longer
These 4 myths are some of the myths surrounding the growth of black hair that are simply not true. Fact is, you want to treat your tresses with respect and they will grow. Think of it as your body and how you would take steps to look after it. If you treat it well it will how faster and healthier. No matter what race or type of hair you have
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