Everyone experienced shedding of hair daily. In general, the daily amount of hair loss is usually proportional to the amount we have on our head. It is not surprising for some people to shed as many as up to a hundred daily. Hair follicles will grow to replace those that were shed off. Thinning hair becomes obvious when the shedding rate exceeds that of being replaced.
It is socially acceptable for a man being bald while the same can't be said for a woman. While such problem is common to male adults, it can be extremely traumatic for women. It is usually much more difficult to self analyze the cause of abnormal rate of shedding in women. As such it is recommended that a woman should pay more attention to the daily hair loss and if necessary consult a qualified physician or hair restoration specialist for precise diagnosis and treatments.
Abnormal hair loss may be caused by single or combination of factors. It is important to first determine the cause before you can decide the most appropriate remedy to address it. Most people tend to overlook and do not realize they are suffering from balding symptoms until it becomes visibly obvious.
Environmental factors and lifestyle has a huge impact on contributing to balding. Terminal illness, medications, smoking, malnutrition, using harsh shampoo, radiation exposure, hair dye, hormone imbalance, drinking and living unhealthy lifestyle is some of the leading factors that contribute to balding conditions.
Factors such as postnatal birth, mental stress, scalp inflammation and taking drugs such as birth control pill may also accelerate and exacerbate the problem. One of the most common causes is follicle sebum clogging due to oily scalp. Dead scalp cells block the supply of nutrients and oxygen to hair follicles, resulting in thin, short and weak hair.
Hair loss affects both man and woman of all races and ages. It is usually more prominent in adults compare to children. Balding symptoms could be either temporary or permanent. Usually once the related factors are removed, the symptoms will slow down or stop completely.
Male and female pattern hair loss is usually hereditary and it runs in the family. The scientific term for this common type of problem is 'Androgenic Alopecia' and there is no known permanent cure for it. This type of problem can be minimized by topical and oral medication treatments.
Hair loss and care treatment is a billion-dollar business industry. Before you hastily take out that credit card of yours to sign up for any expensive none guaranteed treatment do take some time to understand basic scalp care techniques. You might just be able to select the right treatment package for the right price to address your scalp problem.
You will be at a better position to discuss and work with your physician to formulate the best treatment if you have basic understanding and knowledge on factors exacerbating your scalp condition. You can still live a life fill with full locks of beautiful healthy hair if you practice proper hair care and loss prevention techniques.
Richard YK Goh is an Internet Marketer and a licensed distributor of home portable spa. stargaterich.blogspot.com stargaterich.blogspot.com