o Do you know 30% of the worlds population of adult men go completely bald by age 55?
o Did you ever find reason behind it?
o Are you facing baldness?
o Does some part of your scalp lose hair?
If you are finding reason and answers of these questions, then we can say you are approaching towards baldness. It's a serious problem do not delay in taking treatment. First of all you should check does it really baldness or just normal hair loss.
Answer these questions:-
Q1. Do you find plenty of hair on your shirt in every comb?
Q2. Do you feel etching on your scalp?
Q3. Does your comb hold lots of hair while you comb?
If your answer in yes, you are under hair loss condition. Treat your lovely hair as soon as possible. First of all try home treatment and if required find skin specialist for your hairs. Save them, they are very essential and necessary for you.
Some tips of home treatments are as follow:
a) Wash your hair twice a week-if long and short hair can be washed daily.
b) Fixed to a good shampoo, do not changes your new shampoo every quarterly.
c) Oil your hair properly once a week
d) Conditioning is very important. Do not use cosmetic conditional there are lots of natural conditioner.
e) Never apply excessive hair color.
f) Pressing and straightening damage your hair so try to avoid it.
Do not allow dandruff to rest on your scalp. Treat it as soon as possible.
After a specific period or the normal cycle everybody have to face this problem but some face exercise have loss due to following reasons:-
1. After a long illness
2. Major surgery
3. Stress
4. Fungal infections
5. Diabetes
6. Deficient diet
7. Cancer treatment
8. Low serum iron
9. Alopecia Areata
If there is excessive hair loss then without thinking any thing just brings your home a wonderful gift this Christmas for your precious hair "Advecia". This is a natural product no side effect any can use it.
Advecia is a revolutionary formula that not only stops hair loss but also stimulates hair growth.
The preparation is suitable for people with androgenic alopecia (the leading cause of hair loss for men). Women who applied the prepared Advecia noticed the appearance of new hair, and the considerable improvement in their appearance. The list of ingredients in this product has been positively valued by American scientists. The preparation does not cause side effects.
Visit NaturalLabs.co.uk for naturallabs.co.uk/42,dandrene.html hair care and naturallabs.co.uk/67,spectral.dnc-l.html hair loss treatment.