The degree of thickness or thinness of your hair was pretty much determined before you were a twinkle in your daddy's eye. You might wonder why you were not blessed with a thick mane flowing down your back while you observe your friend who does nothing but put hers in a ponytail and all it does is grow even longer. You wonder what you did to deserve this condition. The answer is you have done nothing. Your thin hair or hair loss is basically due to your genetic makeup.
Of course there are things that you can do to ensure the loss or thinning of your hair such as over processing it with chemicals, and generally just not taking care of your hair. You can also alter the effects of your fate by using some good hair loss treatment products.
Trichology is the study of hair care. This is one of the most important chapters in beauty school that a cosmetologist will study. It is important that she or he is able to educate clients on the structure of hair. Hair is made up of keratin protein, carbon, hydrogen, sulfur and oxygen. If your hair is dark, it will contain less oxygen and more carbon. However, if your hair is lighter, it will contain more oxygen and less carbon. Your hair grows in three cycles. You will have baby hair in your first cycle (Antigen- up to age 3), then you go into your second cycle (Catagen-up to age 12) where you may experience some normal hair loss, then the third cycle (Telogen), which is your permanent stage. Your hair is divided into the root section, which is under the scalp, and the hair shaft, which is the part that you see above the scalp. In the roots of your hair, there are three parts, the follicle which encases the root, the bulb which is the lower part of the root, and the papilla which is at the bottom of the hair follicle and fits into the bulb. This is where the nerves and the blood supply have its home and if that papilla is destroyed your hair will not grow back in that particular spot. However, if it stays nourished it will regrow and renew itself just like fingernails.
In the medical community, loss of hair or Alopecia is referred to as Androgenetic Alopecia, which is baldness in spots. To be more specific, loss of hair or baldness over time is because of the vulnerability of your hair follicles interacting with certain hormones. There are male hormones in both men and women and we all are familiar with the hormone testosterone, a more commonly talked about hormone. However, I am sure some of you also know about DHT which is dihydrotesterone and androsteinedione. The sebaceous glands and the hair follicles have very high levels of 5-alpha-reductase which is an enzyme. This enzyme takes the testosterone and turns it into DHT which causes the male pattern baldness or alopecia.
There are products that you can use to counteract DHT. The idea is by using products that slow the creation of this hormone, they can stop, slow down, or even reverse the hair loss if used early enough. You will notice that most people lose their hair in the top crown area, and that is because that particular area is genetically vulnerable to DHT.
Now everyone is not prone to genetic hair loss so I am not saying that all hair loss is permanent. There are many reasons that temporary and permanent hair loss might occur and those reasons can be an illness, stress, and hormonal changes after pregnancy, nutritional issues, health issues and aging. There are also different categories to treat hair loss and they would include drugs, lotions and potions that you apply directly to the scalp, other hair care products such as shampoos, conditioners, sprays, ect, and there are hair replacement systems and hair restoration surgeries.
Once you identify that you have a problem, the best thing to do is find a trichologist, a dermatologist or endocrinologist who has a specialty in hair loss. Sometimes your hairstylist is not equipped to explain to you why you have these issues. Make an appointment so that they can help you identify the cause and you will be on your way back to healthy hair.
You must not rely on the information on this website as an alternative to hair care advice from your doctor or other salon professional.
If you have any specific questions about any hair care matter you should consult your doctor or other salon professional.
If you think you may be suffering from any hair care condition you should seek immediately professional attention.
You should never delay seeking medical/hair care advice, disregard medical/hair care advice, or discontinue medical/hair care treatment because of information on this website.
Hair expert Beebe Love have for the past 20+ years assisted clients on hair care and hair thinning issues. To learn more about faster hair growth and how to have healthier hair, visit my site at