Looks matter the most in this competitive world and hair plays a predominant part in it. Hail loss left unchecked can wreak havoc in one's self confidence and personality. Hair's life cycle involves shedding at the end and loss of some hair is quite normal. In a healthy person the hair grows back automatically.
Types of hair loss
Both men and women produce male hormones but the production of androgen is more in men. Androgen reacts with testosterone to produce DHT which is directly responsible for hair loss. Most of the hair loss is related to genetic and hormones and are androgen dependent. The receding hairline in males and excessive loss of hair in the crown area leading to baldness is known as male pattern baldness. In women an overall thinning of hair and moderate loss of hair on the crown is called female pattern baldness.
Solutions for hair loss
Solutions vary depending upon the degree of damage and suitability for any specific treatment. The happinesslifetime.com hair care products are made after extensive research and are proven to be successful in combating hair loss and also stimulating new healthy hair growth.
o External application of oils or lotions and oral pills that supply nutrients to the hair follicles are the most common solutions for hair loss. Many natural DHT blockers have been formulated and are available in the market.
o Natural products made from herbs are effective in treating hair loss such as shampoos and conditioners.
o The other products comprise of hair gel, creams and oils. Some essential oils are used in aromatherapy controlling hair loss successfully.
o Capsules and pills for hair revitalization are also effective in treating hair loss; especially Chinese and Ayurvedic formulations are widely accepted.
o In extreme cases of hair loss where no other treatment is possible, surgery is the last resort. Surgical hair implantation by an expert restores normal hair to the bald area.
o A less expensive solution is offered by hair care professionals who provide solutions using real hair that can merge well with the natural hair.
Only a trained dermatologist can diagnose and prescribe the appropriate treatment as any mistake can worsen the problem.
Hair Loss [myhairlossremedy.com/HairLoss.html] Problem are common now and Herbal Hair Loss Treatments [myhairlossremedy.com/HairLossTreatment.html] are the best solutions for this problem.
The Article is Published by Eric Mcneece for brosissolutions.com Seo Company India Brosis Solutions.