Of all the things that may make a man worry about his attractiveness to the opposite sex, hair loss and baldness may be right at the top of the list. After all, your hair is something that is out there for everyone to see; there are very few ways to hide your hair or lack of it. While clothes may make you look better in a variety of ways, and you can work out and increase your muscle size or lose weight, there aren't quite that many options when it comes to hair loss and baldness. So let's consider the question of whether or not women find men attractive when they're thinning or eve outright bald.
Women as Individuals
One thing you need to consider when talking about hair loss and baldness is that all women are completely different in what they find attractive and what's important to them when it comes to physical attractiveness. Some women are very particular, just as many men are, and have a hard time overlooking something as obvious as hair loss and baldness. Some think that a full head of hair is a sign of masculinity and would have a hard time being with someone that has anything less.
However, not all women are like this. As a matter of fact most women are very forgiving of this type of thing and of any so-called shortcomings on a man's part. Most women, while enjoying a full head of hair, are more concerned with other qualities a man has rather than being obsessed over hair loss and baldness.
In Pop Culture
In the very popular television show "Sex and the City," one character was concerned with the man that she was obviously falling in love with as he was not only short, crude, unmannered, blunt, and something of a klutz, he also suffered from hair loss and baldness. But the whole point of the storyline was that she was realizing that this was the man of her dreams because he was also strong, intelligent, and cared deeply about her feelings.
This may be part of a fictional television series but can also serve as a lesson for any man concerned with hair loss and baldness. The vast majority of women are more concerned with the emotional aspects of the man she's with rather than being obsessed with the physical aspects. Any man that is worried about whether or not his own hair loss and baldness is going to cause problems in his relationship should instead redirect that energy toward becoming a better man overall; this means being kind, considerate, concerned about his woman and people in general, and in just being the best person he can be. Chances are he'll soon find that his lack of hair is not anything to worry about.
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propeciahome.com/Hair-Loss-Baldness-Attractiveness.htm Concerned About Your Attractiveness With Hair Loss And Baldness?
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