Nowadays more and more men and women turn to organic and natural hair care products. It's easy to understand - commercial shampoos are full of chemicals and artificial fragrances that cause dandruff, scalp irritation, hair loss, dryness and other problems with the head skin and hair. That's why substituting chemical ingredients with organic ones has become quite a trend. Moreover, instead of shampoos manufactured in a lab why not try herbal shampoos that can be easily made at home? It doesn't take much time and will definitely safe you some money. Here are several simple tips how to make organic shampoos on your own.
General recipe of natural shampoo. You will need the following components: two tablespoonfuls of liquid castile soap, two drops of any essential oil, two tablespoons of dried herbs, one cup spring water, one teaspoonful of sweet almond oil. Boil the water in a saucepan on your cooking stove, put the herbs in the boiling water for several minutes. Drain the water from the herbs and add your liquid castile soap and almond oil. Finally, add essential oils and mix well. Congratulations - you've just made your first organic shampoo!
Organic shampoo with chamomile. You will need: one or two tablespoons glycerin; four bags chamomile tea; four tablespoonfuls soap flakes. Soak up the tea bags in one cup water for 10 minutes. Add soap flakes to the tea. Add in the glycerin and mix it all carefully. You are welcome!
Organic shampoo with dried herbs and essential oils. First you will need to prepare the base for your shampoo. Mix equivalent parts of castile soap and distilled water in an average bowl. Use either liquid castile soap or grate a bar. Mix thoroughly and put in a plastic bottle. Once you have the base ready you can add other components. Depending on your hair type and condition you can make use of eggs, avocado oil, bananas, peppermint, honey, jojoba oil, cucumber juice, sage, rosemary, etc.
Cornstarch for your hair. To clean and condition your hair, or to treat scalp irritation and dandruff on your scalp you can resort to proven home products such as baking soda, cornstarch, and olive or sunflower oil. For example, cornstarch sucks in surplus oils without the need for rinsing with water. To apply it, just disperse one or two cups cornstarch into your hair and keep it for a some time. When you are through, brush the cornstarch out of your hair.
So after all, why buy commercial shampoos containing organic ingredients at sky-high prices when you can easily prepare safe and not less effective products with you own hands at home?
You will find more information about making hair shampoo with your own hands at