You can avoid most hair mistakes and common hair blunders if you just do one thing, stop! and ask a reputable hair stylist first. However with our everyday "fast paced" lifestyles, it is almost unavoidable that we all head down these "mistake-driven" roads at least once or twice during our lifetime. Some common mistakes are made without even knowing it. Let's face it, we all make hair mistakes, but some of the most common can be avoided with a little research. I am going to list some of the most common ones here. Of course this is not all of them, but in my experience the most common:
1. Cutting Your Own Hair.
Here's the usual scenario. You're in a hurry. You don't have an appointment with your favorite stylist and you doubt you can get one anytime soon. So
you are tempted to trim it. "Just take a little off here, maybe there... I'll make it easy for you "don't self-cut". Just don't do it. Once you start cutting, it's hard to stop and impossible to keep your style even. This blunder can only lead to bigger problems.
2. Choosing the wrong Style
As we age, our faces/bodies change, and the hair style must mature with us. This doesn't mean that you have to choose something drab or old-fashioned, but it does mean that you have to be willing to "let go" of your tried-and-true lifelong style. Remember, that your style must fit your face and personality. Remember, Just because it is right for Paris Hilton, or Jessica Simpson, doesn't mean it's right for you. You should be candid and honest about your own facial features and age when choosing a style.
Be honest with yourself.
3. Choosing the wrong Products
Many women will mis-diagnose their hair type and subsequently purchase the wrong hair products for their hair. Any reputable stylist will be able to help you choose the right hair products for your hair type. Consult with your Stylist. There are many outstanding products that you may not even be aware of.
4. Choosing the wrong Color
This is a big one, and may should be at number 1. Even though all hair colors are beautiful, they may not appear beautiful on you. So, when coloring or highlighting your hair, carefully consider which shades will flatter your skin tone. Bring a photo of the color you want to your stylist and discuss the tones and hues of the shade and how it will look on you. Don't color your entire hair again and again. By doing the entire hair repeatedly, the color can be uneven and the ends are over-porous. Try to apply the color only to the new growth of roots, spread the color through the rest of the hair just briefly (only a few minutes), then shampoo it out. Never perm and color on the same day--a few weeks in between is best. Tip: Women have known this for years, and I will pass it on to you: the older you get, the less you can get away with a hard, harsh color next to your skin.
5. Leaving Shampoo and Conditioner in your hair
Shampoo and conditioner if not thoroughly rinsed out of the hair is the worst culprit for bad hair days. Don't Leave shampoo and conditioner in your hair. Using a clarifying shampoo once a week will give hair a residue free fresh start.
There are several hair mistakes that we all commonly make again and again. We all make mistakes but they can be avoided. Usually with a simple phone call and consultation with your hair stylist, a lot of the most blunders can be thwarted That will save you a lot of "hair" regrets by itself.
In our fast past society, the best advice I can give today, would be: Slow Down and think about what you are doing before you go to "hacking", and try not to do it yourself. Get the help, that's what hair stylists are for.
Kevin Scott Smith is and Article Writer for