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You can avoid most hair mistakes and common hair blunders if you just do one thing, stop! and ask a reputable hair stylist first. However with our everyday "fast paced" lifestyles, it is almost unavoidable that we all head down these "mistake-driven" roads at least once or twice during our lifetime. Some common mistakes are made without even knowing it. Let's face it, we all make hair mistakes, but some of the most common can be avoided with a little research. I am going to list some of the most common ones here. Of course this is not all of them, but in my experience the most common:

1. Cutting Your Own Hair.

Here's the usual scenario. You're in a hurry. You don't have an appointment with your favorite stylist and you doubt you can get one anytime soon. So

you are tempted to trim it. "Just take a little off here, maybe there... I'll make it easy for you "don't self-cut". Just don't do it. Once you start cutting, it's hard to stop and impossible to keep your style even. This blunder can only lead to bigger problems.

2. Choosing the wrong Style

As we age, our faces/bodies change, and the hair style must mature with us. This doesn't mean that you have to choose something drab or old-fashioned, but it does mean that you have to be willing to "let go" of your tried-and-true lifelong style. Remember, that your style must fit your face and personality. Remember, Just because it is right for Paris Hilton, or Jessica Simpson, doesn't mean it's right for you. You should be candid and honest about your own facial features and age when choosing a style.

Be honest with yourself.

3. Choosing the wrong Products

Many women will mis-diagnose their hair type and subsequently purchase the wrong hair products for their hair. Any reputable stylist will be able to help you choose the right hair products for your hair type. Consult with your Stylist. There are many outstanding products that you may not even be aware of.

4. Choosing the wrong Color

This is a big one, and may should be at number 1. Even though all hair colors are beautiful, they may not appear beautiful on you. So, when coloring or highlighting your hair, carefully consider which shades will flatter your skin tone. Bring a photo of the color you want to your stylist and discuss the tones and hues of the shade and how it will look on you. Don't color your entire hair again and again. By doing the entire hair repeatedly, the color can be uneven and the ends are over-porous. Try to apply the color only to the new growth of roots, spread the color through the rest of the hair just briefly (only a few minutes), then shampoo it out. Never perm and color on the same day--a few weeks in between is best. Tip: Women have known this for years, and I will pass it on to you: the older you get, the less you can get away with a hard, harsh color next to your skin.

5. Leaving Shampoo and Conditioner in your hair

Shampoo and conditioner if not thoroughly rinsed out of the hair is the worst culprit for bad hair days. Don't Leave shampoo and conditioner in your hair. Using a clarifying shampoo once a week will give hair a residue free fresh start.

There are several hair mistakes that we all commonly make again and again. We all make mistakes but they can be avoided. Usually with a simple phone call and consultation with your hair stylist, a lot of the most blunders can be thwarted That will save you a lot of "hair" regrets by itself.

In our fast past society, the best advice I can give today, would be: Slow Down and think about what you are doing before you go to "hacking", and try not to do it yourself. Get the help, that's what hair stylists are for.

Kevin Scott Smith is and Article Writer for village-hairstyles.com village-hairstyles.com

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Head hairs are the longest hairs on the human body. These hairs are characterized as having the same diameter and, often, a cut tip. But head hairs differ in some aspects. For example, African hairs are curly whereas most Asian hair is black, course, and straight. In addition to the variation of characteristics and types of hairs on the head, it also grows in different directions in different parts of the scalp. Hairs at the back of the head grow backward and downward; hairs at the front and top grow frontward and head hairs on the side grows away from the middle of the head.

Hairs on the top of the head can appear uncut, with tapered tips but can be cut with a razor, clippers, or a pair of scissors. In other words, head hairs are subject to more alteration compared to the hairs that grow on other parts of our body. Head hair alteration includes the use of hair dyes, rinses, frosts, permanents, and other chemical applications. These alterations can greatly change the hair's natural appearance and texture.

Head hairs provide protection against the cold and heat. They can also buffer impact to the skull. Head hairs can also be a medium to express your individuality. How you style your hair says a lot about your sense of fashion and character, which is why there are immeasurable hair styles to suit every person. And there's a wide array of hair salons to help you find or keep that cool style.

But hair, without the proper care, is not free from damage and breakage. It is actually quite strong, but is still subject to damage. So, treat you hair well. Follow some hair care tips from hair magazines, and you'll be sure to have smooth and shiny hair.

Hair [z-Hair.com] provides detailed information on Hair, Hair Loss, Hair Styles, Hair Salons and more. Hair is affiliated with e-hairvitamins.com Female Hair Loss Vitamin.

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The normal cycle of hair growth and loss means that some amount of hair loss will occur in every individual's life. It is said that at any given point in time, about 10% of the hair on our scalp is in a resting phase which sheds after a couple of months, giving way to new hair growth. This growing phase lasts for 2 to 6 years when each hair grows about 1 centimeter per month. Hence, almost 90 percent of the hair is growing at any one time. Regular hair shedding is part of this cycle; however, some people experience excessive hair loss.

Excessive hair loss, however, is cause for concern. A number of reasons may lead to excessive hair loss. Any major illness, fungal infections or surgery may be major reasons. Hormonal problems like hypo or hyper thyroidism or male (androgens) or female (estrogens) hormones imbalance leads to hair loss. Post pregnancy hair loss is also common as a hormone imbalance occurs at this time as well.

Medicines for ailments like diabetes, chemotherapy, lupus, gout, blood coagulation, birth control and anti-depressants can cause hair loss too.

Improper hair care can also lead to hair loss. Excessive use of chemicals or blow-drying for hair styling leads to hair loss as it scars the scalp, sometimes leading to permanent damage.

Common baldness usually refers to male-pattern baldness. It is the most common type of inherited hair loss trait in men where hair loss typically results in a receding hairline and baldness on the top of the head. Female-pattern baldness in women leads to hair thinning over the entire scalp.

It is important to determine the exact reason for your hair loss. Check on your diet first. Switch over to a healthy diet of fruits, green vegetables and fibers to be washed down with at least 2 liters of water each day. Cut down on fried and fatty food. Follow a hair care regimen of hot oil treatment, massage, conditioning and shampooing on a regular basis. If you're a woman, check the regularity of your menstrual cycle, pregnancy status and menopause.

The only way to deal with hair loss is to learn the causes, look for the right remedy, then come to a decision on what you want to do, and go for it. One should also take steps to prevent hair loss from recurring in future.

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Lana Hampton enjoys providing useful information to the online community. Reprinting this article is permitted with this footer included.

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If you are in a place where you really want to take care of your hair, you'll find that there are many different options available to you. Wen hair care products have been getting a lot of attention lately, but are they the right choice for your particular situation? While keeping in mind that hair care is a very individual process and that there are going to be many different things that will inform your choices, you'll find that there are a few things about the Wen hair care products that you should be aware of.

According to devoted customers of this product, one of the best things about it is the fact that it adds moisture back to your hair. This is one of the things that make the Wen hair care products so great. In the first place, consider all the things that you can do to strip the moisture out of your hair. Whether you live in a place that is hot or cold, dry air can just suck all the moisture right out of your hair, leaving it feeling dry and rather brittle. With the moisturizing products from Wen, you'll find that you are in a great place to really enjoy having hair that looks lush and full.

Another thing that you will find when you are using the Wen hair care products is that it provides you hair with protection. One of the most important secrets to having soft, manageable hair is to make sure that split ends happen as little as possible. Split ends occur when damage that starts at the tip of your hair travels up the shaft, and the results are ends that get progressively more rough looking and more tangled. Take some time to really consider what your options are going to be when you are enjoying your Wen hair care products. With these products, you'll find that the rough cuticle of your hair is smoothed down, making it much more hardy and able to withstand damage.

Many of the people using Wen hair care products are completely in love with the way that it tends to promote shine in their hair. Hair that is lush and shiny looks much healthier, but the truth is that even hair that is well cared for can look dull. With the Wen hair care products, you'll be able to add an important shine to your hair that gives you a lovely look. Shiny hair is often read as healthy hair, so show everyone how wonderfully healthy your hair really is!

When it comes to making the right choices with your hair care products, there are a number of different options open to you. Take some time to really consider what options you have and how these products can help you get the look that you have always wanted!

Here you can get a discount on the tvproducts4sale.com/blog/?p=15 Wen Hair Care System
View many items tvproducts4sale.com/blog/?p=15 as seen on tv for sale at a discount.

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It is needless to reiterate how important a good haircut is. We all know that a fashionable haircut is mandatory in these times. It is, however, equally important that you also take proper care of your hair, so that the hair - and you yourself - feel good. Taking care of your hair is easy once you know what sort of hair yours is, and what hair products would work the best you. If you want to ensure that you nurture your hair with the best possible hair products and don't damage them by using products unsuited for your hair, visiting a professional hairdresser is a must.

First of all, a hairdresser will inform you a lot better than labels on products, or sellers at beauty stores. For example, if you blow your hair very often, you might need a heat-activated hair conditioner for the hair to retain shininess. That's all good and you can get such conditioners in a beauty store, given that they are available there at all. However, only a professional hairdresser can teach you how to correctly apply such conditioners.

Another example is products for greasy hair. There are hundreds upon hundreds of priceattack.com.au hair products meant for greasy hair, but only a professional hairdresser can find the product for you, as well as teach you how to apply one correctly.

Seeking professional advice is priceless, especially if you are concerned about the feel and health of your hair, not alone how it looks. Perhaps the most important gain from professional advice is that, after knowing what to do, you can save time and money by hairdressing your own. We at Price Attack know that and our team of professional hairdressers offer advice on hair care, hair products, and will gladly teach you how to use them correctly.

Price Attack is committed to providing clients with the highest level of skills and service in a friendly and enjoyable environment. Visit us in-store today for a full range of services including style cuts and blow-dries, stunning priceattack.com.au hair colour and hair-saving treatments. If you want gorgeous hair at reasonable prices, Price Attack Salons are your solution

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Dry textured hair can be very frizzy and a hair dressers nightmare. It can be so curly and thick that it is hard to manage and shape. There are numerous products we see on TV that promise to treat dry, textured hair from steamers to automatic curlers. What the TV ads don't tell you is that most of these items don't work or take many hours or days of treatment to be effective. In this article we will discuss tips of what trained hair care specialists do for treating dry textured hair.

First you must properly clean your hair. When we say properly clean that doesn't mean to wash your hair regularly. You must remove all the products you use to style your hair. People with dry, textured hair tend to be heavy users of hair sprays, gels, etc... These products can create build up and will block moisturizers from having maximum effect. This is why a hairdresser will sometimes repeat washing and rinsing a persons hair 2 or 3 times before applying conditioner. Also, if you have dandruff, use shampoos that will actually treat the source of the dandruff. Many cheaper shampoos will just remove the dandruff in your hair, but will not treat your dry scalp. This will just exacerbate the problem when you try to treat and style your hair.

Once the hair is thoroughly cleaned, apply a quality moisturizer. Cheap moisturizers are just that (you get what you pay for). Some may even have alcohol and other ingredients which can be detrimental to your hair and cause it to dry out even more.Natural moisturizers (organic is best) based on plants and oils tend to have the best effect. If you want to save some money BJ's stores has their own version of Paul Mitchell's haircare and it works great. To properly apply moisturizer, lift your hair and apply it to the base or roots of your hair first and then apply it to the full length of your hair. This will ensure proper application to both your hair and scalp. How long you leave it in and how often you should apply it is dependent upon how dry or tightly textured your hair is. A good rule of thumb for dry textured hair is 2-3 times per week for maintenance and 4-5 times for the first week..

Hair treatments like oil therapy and such can also be helpful with dry textured hair. In some cases, where the hair is also very thick then a thinning may be necessary. I would discuss this with your hair care professional first. Some other ideas are stay away from franchised hair cutting places (notice I didn't say salon). Last thing you need is a bad style or cut from someone schooled in how to give you a 5 minute haircut.

A specialist will take into account your hair color, texture, facial features, desires, and fashion trends and your body to see what best suits you. They look at the whole picture and see your hair as frosting on a cake. As Jonathon says on the hugely popular show Blowout, "Your hair can make or break you. I want all my clients to feel and look like a superstar when I am done with their hair." This is so true - a great haircut and style will make you shine. And you can also ask your specialist for advice on your hair, products they recommend for treating dry textured hair, even fashion tips.

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Even though it keeps your hair nice and clean, washing your hair every day does not help with hair growth. Only partaking in a healthy diet that includes a multivitamin and drinking plenty of water will help your hair grow faster. You may already exercise for fitness, but did you know it helps promote hair growth as well by allowing the blood flow more easily through the body; including the scalp? When buying your multivitamins, it's best to purchase them from a health food store as they contain the highest potency.

Proper nutrition includes eating foods rich in proteins like eggs, beans and meats. Adding more fruits and vegetables to your diet is important for maintaining a healthy body as well as growing healthy hair faster. Don't worry if you are a vegetarian, you can get plenty of protein from certain vegetables and soy products. Make sure you get enough vitamin B in your diet as well.

If you wish to purchase happinesslifetime.com hair growth products it's always best to make sure they are all natural. Growth products that contain essential oils like rosemary and sage, natural herbs and vitamins are the best as these are what your hair needs to grow. Read the ingredients in your happinesslifetime.com hair care products before you buy as many drugstore and retail store products contain harmful chemicals in them such as: phosphates, sodium lauryl sulphate, petroleum and other lab created chemicals. If possible try to stay away from hormone and other chemical based growth stimulants; they can damage your hair.

A great shampoo to use when washing your hair is Mira Hair Shampoo. Massage your scalp on a daily basis to promote blood flow and then braid your hair loosely before you go to bed. Organic shampoos are some of the best you can use as well as they don't have many chemicals.

You should trim split ends every month, even just a little bit. Split ends make your hair look damaged and shorter than it really is. It may not help with hair growth, but it does help keep your hair healthy.

Try to relax as much as possible as stress does nothing good for your hair. It can lead to thinning of the hair and even to it falling out.

These are all the tips you need to follow to help encourage hair growth. So stay patient and you will grow hair long and fast

If you wish to discover the most powerful way to boost grow-long-hair-fast.com/Manproduct.html hair growth then you need to read all about Mira hair oil, a proven way to grow-long-hair-fast.com/product.html boost hair growth

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Women have problems of hair loss during and after pregnancy. This is common and patches of baldness or hair fall can be seen. The main reasons for hair loss in women are vitamin and mineral deficiency and hormonal changes.

Most of the pregnant women do not lose hair. The hair is thick and the hair growth is very good at this time. Every pregnant woman loses hair after they give birth. During this stage there is a hormonal change in the body, which is the main reason for losing hair.

During pregnancy women are given vitamins and minerals, which make them, lose little hair. If you lose hair while you are pregnant then you should consult a physician. They would be able to advise on the recommended dosage of minerals and vitamins, the shampoo to be used, how to comb and the hair oils to be used during this phase.

While you are pregnant or after pregnancy if you could see spots of baldness or hair thinning then you should consult a physician and get a check up done. Hair loss during and after pregnancy could be due to several factors so a complete check up may be required depending on the amount of hair loss. A physician would be able to check and prescribe medicines.

Women who do not have healthy diets during or after pregnancy stand the risk of losing hair. Proper nutrition is very necessary for growth, healthy and shiny hair. Most of the women during pregnancy get excessive hair growth on the legs, chin, cheek, belly etc. Hair loss in women could increase after pregnancy so proper care should be taken and physician advice is recommended.

To learn more visit: hair-care-info.blogspot.com hair-care-info.blogspot.com/

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If the amount of money consumers spend on hair products annually is any indication, most people are concerned about the appearance of their hair and strive to attain beautiful, healthy and stylish locks. In fact, most will go to any lengths to achieve their desired look. From professional salon treatments to over-the-counter serums, hair care is a big business.

The only problem is that while many people are buying the right products for their hair, they forget to follow basic hair care regimens that will guarantee the health and beauty of their tresses. Additionally, many are also causing needless damage to their tresses by participating in unhealthy hair care activities.

So, what should you do to make sure that your locks stay healthy, shiny and strong? Here are 10 essential "must dos" of great hair care.

Hair care dos

1. Use the right products for your specific hair type. If you're hair is damaged, dry or color treated, use products formulated to repair this damage and add much-needed shine and resiliency. On the other hand, if your hair is oily, use a deep-cleansing shampoo and light conditioner to keep your hair looking its best. The right products should be at the base of your care routine.

2. Get a trim every 6 to 8 weeks as part of your regular routine. Even if you are growing your hair longer, it is still vital to make a routine trim a major part of your care routine. Snipping ends before they split will keep your hair looking healthy and save you hair care headaches in the end.

3. Protect your hair with products that contain sunscreen.

4. Shampoo your hair only when it is dirty. Contrary to popular belief, you do not need to shampoo daily. Doing so can make it dry and hard to work with.

5. Turn to a professional for all of your hair styling and care needs. Yes, kitchen beauticians and friends do not cost as much as putting your hair care needs in the hands of a qualified professional, but they often result in blunders that end up costing you more money than if you went to the salon in the first place.

6. Use professional conditioning hair coloring systems. There are many coloring systems on the market, and the ones you choose can have a great impact on your hair care costs. Simply put: choose a system that causes minimal damage and conditions hair as it colors. This will save you money when it comes to conditioning products.

7. Stick with one chemical service. In order to keep your hair as healthy as it can be, ask your hair professional to recommend only one chemical service: color or perm. By only using the service that is perfect for your particular style and needs, you will ensure that your hair stays healthier.

8. Add Texture. By adding texture to your style, through perm or cut, you can greatly reduce the time it takes to style and perform your daily routine. And you will look sensational.

9. Choose hair color that compliments your style. With all of the professional coloring techniques available, this part of your care regimen has never been easier. From chunky highlights to soft color, you can greatly enhance your style with the right technique.

10. Comb with a wide-toothed come when it is wet to prevent breakage. The only time you should use a brush during your hair care routine is when your hair is barely damp or dry.

In the end, great-hairstyles.com/hair_caredos.aspx hair care is a very individualized and personal thing. Feel free to add your own flair and style to your routine, but remember to include hair care principles that will benefit your hair and avoid those that damage it.

Michael Barrows' website gives great advice for good hair. Get your free ebook packed with hair style and hair care tips and advice, visit the great-hairstyles.com great hair styles website.

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Everyone seems to be looking for ways to "go green" these days, and the more naturally we can take care of our bodies, the better. Hair care is no exception, and many women are searching for more old-fashioned ways to restore shine and maintain luster and good hair health. Here are some natural ways to keep hair healthy and gorgeous.

Eat right

Everything we eat and drink affects both our skin and our hair: this is why hair strand testing is fast becoming a popular method for conducting random drug testing. Vitamins and minerals create hair cells, and the lack of these essential nutrients will be manifested in dull, listless, and even thinning hair. Resorting to crash dieting for weigh loss purposes will therefore be harmful to both body and hair, as will excessive consumption of fat-laden fast foods and alcohol. Stick to the basics: proteins, vegetables, fruits, whole grains; your hair will thank you for it.

Nature-based treatments

There are many food- and herb- or plant-based recipes available on the internet that will provide you with plenty of good ideas for making natural conditioners and hair treatments. Make sure to discuss your hair type with a professional stylist and choose the kinds of natural remedies that are appropriate to your type: fine, thick, dry, oily, round-shafted or rough. Some of the most popular ingredients for natural treatments include:

--soybean oil

--avocado (for dry hair)


--lemon juice

--coconut milk

--lavender oil

--ginger root (for dandruff)

--dried rosemary (for oily hair)

Visit your stylist

Visiting a good professional hair stylist on a regular basis will help you keep split ends at bay and is good for the overall health of your hair.

Le Chandelier Salon (lechandeliersalon.com lechandeliersalon.com/) is a lechandeliersalon.com hair salon.

Billings Farnsworth is a freelance writer.

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With millions of individuals, both male and female suffering from and desiring to stop thinning hair, it only makes sense to look for the correct thinning hair treatment. Included in this article are a few guidelines when it comes to finding the right thinning hair treatment.

1. There are a number of things that can cause hair loss so the first thing an individual has to do is to figure out why they are losing their hair. Sometimes the reason for thinning hair is a temporary issue and the hair will grow back after the issue has been dealt with. things such as childbirth, illness, an extra amount of stress or medication can cause temporary hair loss. However, there are also some other causes that may not be so temporary. Things like heredity, pattern baldness and that dreaded getting older business can all cause hair loss. You will want to consult your family doctor to see if your hair loss is temporary or not.

2. You also need to understand the proper guidelines for hair care that may or may bot be a cause of your hair loss. Certain chemicals, even some of those found in shampoo, can cause loss of hair. Find out what works best for you and perhaps even change what you are currently using to see if it has an affect. Avoid over brushing when you have wet hair as it is extremely fragile and you may break it off or pull it out.

3. Your nutritional diet may also be the culprit of your problem. A healthy balanced diet can be the best thinning hair treatment available to you. Watch what you eat and you will be better off, not only with healthier hair but also in losing some of your excess body fat. Getting your blood circulating with a decent exercise program is very helpful when it comes to your ability to stop thinning hair. It will not hurt for you to give yourself a scalp massage every week or so as well. All of this will help bring needed proteins to your hair follicles.

4. The hair loss industry is a multi-billion dollar business so be careful when it comes to purchasing products that claim to do miracles. There are a few good ones available but you really need to do your homework and research before you purchase. Make sure that the main ingredient is also FDA approved for hair re-growth.

Well I hope I have helped you at least a little bit when it comes to a thinning hair treatment that will help you to feel better about your ability to stop thinning hair.

You can find the one that I think is the nomore-hair-loss.com best thinning hair treatment on my website nomore-hair-loss.com nomore-hair-loss.com There is also a great free e-book available there that will give you 3 key secrets to stop hair loss.

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In order to maximize your personal hair growth cycle, you should implement a consistent hair care routine. The following is my recommendation to ensure healthy, beautiful hair. Remember healthy hair is key to getting your hair to its longest length. Alter this technique so that it suits your particular needs.

Wash your hair often (at least once a week) with a good quality moisturizing shampoo followed by moisturizing conditioner. Remember to steer clear of alcohols which are very drying to the scalp and hair. Greasy hair needs to be washed more often than dryer, curly hair. **Dirty hair does not grow faster than clean hair. That's just nasty! Avoid 2 in 1 products; their conditioning is rarely as effective as a stand alone conditioner. For softer hair, do not rinse away all the conditioner. Leaving a trace of conditioner on the hair helps to smooth the cuticle layer and provides a layer of protection until the next wash. Once a month, I recommend a deep conditioner. Leave it on for no less than 10-15 minutes, but really what's the rush? Relax, watch a movie, read a book.

As previously discussed, regular trims are essential to ensure the hair on your hair is its healthiest. I usually get my ends trimmed with every relaxer treatment. For me that is every 4 weeks. Most stylists recommend a trim every six to eight weeks. Just be mindful of how your ends look. If they are frizzy, dry or transparent, its definitely time for a trim.

Since heat is not a friend to our hair, keep heat styling to a minimum. Blow dry your hair and then heat style as desired ONCE A WEEK. Use a light hair oil or a thermal styling product to help protect your hair from heat damage. Do not pick up a flat iron, curling iron, crimping iron, etc again until the next wash. You'll be surprised how much you reduce split ends and breakage just following this one rule.

There is a lot of pressure to go natural these days. If you feel the urge, look for products with botanicals, herbs and minerals in the ingredients. Such products will provide many nutrients that the body does not produce on its own. You can get the same benefits of natural hair care by altering your diet to include the foods discussed in "The Friend". When making the switch from mainstream hair products to all happinesslifetime.com natural hair products, the condition of your hair may appear to get worse before it gets better. This phenomenon is similar to an addict in recovery, the hair goes through a withdrawal period.

One last note, chemically treated hair needs extra TLC. If your hair is permanently colored, bleached, permed or relaxed, you should consider using a deep conditioner with each wash and adding a hot oil treatment once a month. You may also find that you need to get your ends trimmed more regularly. To one and all-- go easy on the styling products. Product buildup is definitely "The Enemy".

Here's to the Glam Life and Long, Luxurious Hair!

Desiree Mattox

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Hair care is an overall term for parts of hygiene and cosmetology involving the hair on the human head. Hair conditioner is a happinesslifetime.com hair care product that alters the texture and appearance of human hair. Conditioning is mainly used for dry hair because it adds natural oil supply. It makes dry hair shiny. For oily hairs mild conditioner should be used and that too at the ends of your hair. It is like giving nourishment treatment to hairs.For centuries, Natural oils have been used to condition human hair. These natural products are still used today, including essential oils such as tea tree oil and carrier oils such as jojoba oil. There are several types of hair conditioning. Pack conditioners, heavy and thick, with high content of surfactants able to bind to the hair structure and "glue" the hair surface scales together.

These are usually applied to the hair for longer time. Hold conditioners, based on atom polyelectrolyte polymers, holding the hair in a desired shape. These have both the function and the composition similar to diluted hair gels. Leave-in conditioners, thinner, containing different surfactants, adding only a little material to the hair. They are based on unsaturated chains, which are bent rather than straight. This shape makes them less liable to crystallizing, making a lighter, less viscous mixture and providing significantly thinner layer on the hair. Some important method when you apply conditioning. Remove the excess water from hair after shampooing your hair. Then remove tangles from hair by combing. Rub the conditioner with your fingers on hairs. Now gently massage the hair to loosen the conditioner.

Hair Conditioning Tips

1. Hair conditioners can coat the hair with a lubricant or synthetic that replaces the stripped out sebum.

2. Hair conditioners are used to smooth the cuticle and restore sheen to the hair.

3. Avoid using shampoos that will strip your hair and leave it dry.

4. For the better effect of conditioners that you have applied, wear a hat in the sun.

5. Before applying conditioners, dry your hair gently, by blotting and squeezing, not rubbing.

6. Never brush wet hair. Instead, use a wide-tooth comb.

Alicia Stock writes articles for beauty-makeup-guide.com/blog skin care blog and hairstyles-picture.com hairstyles picture. She also writes articles for celebrities-hairstyles.com celebrity hairstyles.

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Macadamia Hair Care products are specially formulated with selected ingredients that help in providing a complete hair care treatment for your hair. Macadamia has hit the market with a myriad of natural products that includes rejuvenating shampoos, nourishing leave-in creams, natural oil and healing sprays, deep repair masques etc which are just some of the many amazing hair care products in its product line. Macadamia Hair Care products are just the ideal choice for those who are worried about the health of their hair and are designed to suit every hair types. While cleansing and repairing your dry, lifeless and damaged hair, these natural products of Macadamia are excellent for retaining the health and beauty thereby steering away any hair problems that can arise in future. If you are not familiar with some of the healthiest choices of Macadamia Hair Care products, then here are a few products that you will die to make use of.

Deep cleansing and shampooing of the hair on a regular basis is very much important for the health and beauty of the hair. But shampooing with any ordinary shampoo may in turn adversely affect the life, thereby making it dry and brittle. Macadamia Natural Oil Rejuvenating Shampoo is just the ideal choice for those who are looking for a reliable, natural treatment. While moisturizing and conditioning the lifeless hairs, Macadamia Natural Oil Rejuvenating Shampoo and oil spray treatments are vested with the task of cleansing without any damage weightlessly and enriches the natural shine and strength of the hair after its use. It helps in restoring natural oils on the scalp and hair and helps to fight from any unfavorable environmental conditions that may tend to damage the hair. Made with unique combination of natural ingredients that resembles the natural oils of your hair, they offer rapid absorption and penetration of the nutrients by the hair thereby replenishing its natural beauty.

The oil nourishing leave-in cream of Macadamia is formulated specially to tame the frizziest and unmanageable locks by making them smooth, shiny and silky. This keeps your hair guarded from the harmful UV rays of the sun and keeps your hair in place the whole day. Macadamia's Natural Oil Deep Repair Masque is yet another amazing product that can even be applied on damp hair offers the best hair protection along with revitalization and nourishing features.

Flat Iron Experts introduces flatironexperts.com/Macadamia-Hair-Care-s/311.htm Macadamia Hair Care products. Read our experts reviews on various flatironexperts.com hair care products online from our website.

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Against frizz

What do you do when you're away from home and your hair suddenly goes "boing!"?

It's not practical to drag your straightening iron everywhere you go, but you can pack a small bottle of styling product in your purse. When trouble strikes, run some instant conditioner, curl-enhancer or anti-frizz serum through your unruly locks to keep them totally spazzing.

Silky hair

To get a smooth hair with enjoyable touch, apply a simple method: prepare a "mayo" with one yolk and 2 teaspoons of olive-oil. Apply the mixture on your hair before washing. Then cover the hair with packaging foil and leave it for 15-20 minutes. Finally, wash your hair with warmish water and baby shampoo and rinse it well.

Shine on

More natural shine for your hair? After washing the hair with the proper shampoo and after rinsing, pour one little bottle of warmish mineral water on your hair. The minerals fro the water makes the hair shiny - they have a pronounced reflection-capacity and interesting light-reflection. And it really works!

Over-use of a flat iron splits and fries hair-ends making them look like synthetic dolls' hair. Use it less and save your hair by blow-drying with a flat, paddle brush or a double-brush. The double-brush looks like a flatiron but it's lined with bristles and used with a blow-dryer. Don't forget to use a straightening product or a leave-in conditioner.

Don't put wet hair into pony-tail

Wet hair is weak and hair strands can snap off wound up in a hair-tie. Let the hair dry completely before tying it up. If time is an issue, then wash your hair the night before.

Preserve your hair color

Like any extra stress you put on your hair, coloring makes the hair weaker and can cause breakage, which is why it's so important to deep-condition to lock in moisture. If you're heat-styling your hair frequently, be sure to protect it with a gel or salve, which will ensure that the heat burns away the product and not your hair color. Also, be mindful of your shampoo and conditioner: Tailor them to your hair type and color to prevent fading and brassiness.

Great use of vinegar

After shampooing your hair, use 2oz. of brown vinegar (if hair is dark or in brown category) or white vinegar (if hair is grey, light, or colored blonde) to 8oz of water. Mix. pour over hair and work it through.

Rinse. Do not shampoo. Hair will smell fresh, and your scalp will have an astringent treatment as well. The vinegar closes the cuticle of the hair, thus, letting the hair reflect light .The hair will shine like a new dime! Vinegar rinses also help keep down bacteria growth on the scalp and cures dandruff.

For more hair.becomegorgeous.com Hair Care Tips, gallery.becomegorgeous.com/hairstyles_gallery Hairstyles Pictures and becomegorgeous.com Beauty Tips visit us!

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Do you have thinning hair? If so you are not alone - over a third of women suffer from some kind of hair loss in their lifetime. Approximately four out of every ten women in the United States experience thinning hair. That's about 43 million women.

When thinning hair occurs to women they lose far more than men - it destroys their femininity.

Coping with thinning hair can be one of the hardest things any woman has to bear. For this reason, we often hair questions such as: How can I stop thinning hair? or What is the best product for thinning hair?

Thinning hair which is not immediately obvious to others is called Chronic Telogen Effluvium. It is caused mostly by iron deficiency. You need to increase your iron levels with lots of red meat and dark green vegetables. If you do not eat meat, you should take a good iron supplement.

Thinning hair can also happen during pregnancy or menopause. This is because of changing levels of hormones. You should eat diet high in vitamins and minerals. You also must avoid chemical treatments like coloring and perming.

Women with thinning hair should not use too many hair products, such as hairspray, gel, mousse, oil, etc. They will weigh the hair down and make it look even thinner.

Some women reported good results by taking prenatal vitamins. They will make your hair strong and shiny.

Shorter cuts, above the shoulder, are best to camouflage thinning hair. In addition, women should choose lighter shades that are closer to the skin tone. This will also camouflage thinning hair.

Do you want thicker, fuller hair? Do you want quick solution for thinning hair? Starting in just a few weeks from now? To learn about a faster haircareinfo.info/thinninghair/solution-for-thinning-hair.htm solution for thinning hair visit haircareinfo.info/thinninghair/solution-for-thinning-hair.htm haircareinfo.info.

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Nowadays, there are masses of websites springing up offering black hair care advice from washing, to twisting, to relaxing. Suddenly everyone is an expert. We find product junkies telling us what to buy. Fanatics blogging about their hair care regimes. Books urging you to spend. Groups urging you to share. It is never ending and no wonder we get confused. Everyones' mane is different.

Factors such as lifestyle, health, genetics, environment, porosity will all affect the end results. Simply put, what works for me will not necessarily work for you. So if you want to save time and money, read on, I will tell you the facts about highly textured afro hair according to the research.

The Research

Dating back to the earliest recordings of black hair care, a variety of methods for managing this hair were adopted. Documentation highlights the use of hot stones; potatoes; lard, and lye, up to modern day methods. But why is afro hair so fragile?

Research shows that essentially while Caucasian, Asian, African hair have the same make-up, the structure of the proteins in black hair differ somewhat. Proteins are the building blocks of hair, providing rigidity, elasticity and strength. Together with water, these determine the overall mechanical properties. However, with afro there are three points worth bearing in mind.


African American hair consists of a reduced percentage of cystine, a protein synonymous with the hair diseases where the hair is extremely fragile and frays.


Black hair proteins are also laid down in an irregular fashion. This occurs deep inside the follicle bulb within the scalp and also determines the tightness of the curl. Basically, the tighter the curl, the weaker the hair. In addition, this irregularity creates weak spots all along the shaft of the hair.

Ellipsoid Follicles

Black hair grows from ellipsoidal follicles as opposed to the oval shape of Caucasian/Asian hair. In essence this means that the stresses working over the hair also attribute to splitting.

As you can see, Type 4B hair is designed primarily to grow outwards for protection, not downwards.

However there are many methods for combatting the fragility.

For example, conditioners can help enhance the texture and appearance. These contain many ingredients for example hydrolyzed proteins, such as wheat protein that have been shown through studies to penetrate the shaft and help strengthen hair. A healthy, balanced diet containing omega-3 oils, sufficient proteins and plenty of water will also give you a head-start.

Follow Sonia Evelyn as she shares her knowledge as an expert writer in the field of hair breakage and natural black hair care. For a free article that provides further facts on hair care products, click evelynproducts.com Black Hair Care Rules and further reading at evelynproducts.com evelynproducts.com/

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Everyone has a different hair type, hair texture and color. Many people have some hair problems. Dry and damaged hair is one of the hair problems which should be taken care of. One should be really concerned about this problem. It is really difficult to maintain the damaged and dry hair. Dust, change in weather conditions, usage of harmful chemicals for coloring hair and a lot of usage of shampoo are some of the reasons for having dry set on head.

Like every hair care problem there is a solution for dry and damaged hair too. This problem needs extra care to be solved. Oil massaging will help you to sort out this problem. Moreover, you should also avoid using colors, hair dyes, etc. The most important thing is to use the best shampoo with the best conditioner for dry hair.

A lot of things need to be consider before buying the best shampoo for dry head. Check the ingredients carefully before purchasing the shampoo. Buy the one with less chemical ingredients and more natural ingredients like herbs.

Go for oil based shampoo. Oils like olive oil, coconut oil and jojoba oil are very useful for dry and damaged hair. They act like a sebum for your hair. Furthermore, carefully check out the Ph level of the shampoo. The ones with a high Ph value will cause more damage. For best results buy the one with the least Ph value. As the Ph value increased the acidic solution becomes more alkaline which is no good for the hair.

Buying the best shampoo is one of the best solutions to get rid from the dry and damaged hair. But using the best shampoo will not work that much. For better and best results buy the best conditioner for dry and damaged ones too. Use the conditioner after washing your hair with your best shampoo. However, there are several other treatments too for dry and damaged hair. Eating healthy food, using vitamins for hair and doing exercise on regular basis will help you get rid of the problem of dry damaged hair.

Check our Phyto product suggestion - flatironexperts.com/Phytonectar-Ultra-Nourishing-Shampoo-for-Ultra-Dry-p/phytonectarshp.htm Shampoos for Dry Hair as well as flatironexperts.com/Nisim-Hair-Loss-Shampoo-p/nisimshamp.htm Nisim Hair Loss Shampoo for dry hair.

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There are 2 ways you can make money in the hair care market. You either provide a service, or you sell hair related products. Most hair specialists do both. When providing hair services, they also recommend great products to help customers maintain the health of their hair.

But services can be very time consuming. To boost your income, you may wish to sell more happinesslifetime.com hair care products. For example, customers can go online to buy products that you recommend. You only need to make the recommendation once. After that, customers know where they can buy the products - on your website!

Now that you have a website selling happinesslifetime.com hair care products, you should start thinking about how the promote the website. The sales shouldn't just come from your recommendations. The Internet is a place where you can acquire new customers as well. Someone seeking good hair treatment products that work will need more information.

1) Price of the hair tonic.
2) What type of hair the product is for - dry, oily or normal.
3) Whether the brand is reliable.
4) Customer reviews.
5) Whether the product is suitable or not.

Your articles can write about these subjects. For example, you can hair tonic product reviews and comment on the price. In your articles, you should also clearly state who can benefit from the use of such products. Someone with oily hair should not be using a hair tonic meant for dry hair. It will just damage the hair even more. Note that these are articles that potential customers are most interested in. So they are likely to search for such information on the Internet.

Want to learn how to get to the top of Google using Article Marketing? I have the tools, knowledge, and resources to help you achieve your traffic and income goals.

Join the fastsubmitarticles.com/article-marketing-newsletter.asp article marketing newsletter by darrenchow.com Darren Chow

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Manufactured by the popular hair care specialist Nisim International, the advanced Nisim hair care products are just the ideal herbal formula for anyone having problems regarding hair fall and related hair diseases. Nisim is specialized in preparing all natural, herbal based products that offer safe and side-effect free hair treatment. There are a good number of Nisim hair care products available to choose from.

The Nisim's DHT blocker hair loss products are specially prepared to prevent the adverse effect of the DTH hormone that cause hair falls in men and women alike. You can try out the Nisim Hair Stimulating Extract and Deep Cleansing Shampoo and Nisim Conditioner to treat your hair from all the hair problems and also to nourish your hair with required hair nutrients. Clinically proved to provide 85 % of hair re-growth, the advanced Nisim shampoo and stimulating extract is one of the best products formulated by Nisim. It is included with powerful herbal extracts of medicinal plants that were used by people before centuries. The products prepared by Nisim are created to suit your specific hair type. You can choose it according to your hair type, whether dry or oily hair. Nisim products are highly efficient in treating a number of hair problems that includes alopecia areata, androgenetic alopecia, and hair problems that are caused after delivery, menopause etc.

There are so many factors that distinguish Nisim from its competitors. The most important factor that makes it so unique is the guarantee it provides in controlling excess hair loss. Nisim products claim to offer control on hair loss within 7 days of its use. The effectiveness of the product and the safe mode of its action are yet two other features that make it highly preferred today. It is also known as the only non-pharmaceutical product that is capable of neutralizing the action of the harmful effect of the DTH hormone on the scalp. Thus, it prevents the main cause for hair fall in men and women.

Nisim works safely on the hair by deeply cleaning the unnecessary dirt, oils, sweat, sebum, and other debris that is responsible for hair fall. The herbal extracts with which they are made can easily penetrate into the scalp and help in neutralizing the DTH hormone and stimulate the re-growth of hair. These products are prepared with active herbal ingredients such as Saw palmetto, Rosemary extracts, Horsetail, Chamomile etc along with a number of fatty acids provitamins and amino acids like Panthenol Inositol, Cystine, Methionine, Cysteine, Biotin and many more. They are safely tested it no side effects and can be applied 3-3 time a day.

Flat Iron Experts offers various flatironexperts.com/Nisim-Haircare-s/62.htm Nisim Hair Care products including flatironexperts.com/Nisim-Hair-Loss-Shampoo-s/68.htm Nisim Shampoo, Nisim Conditioner etc.

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