
Are home remedies for hair loss really possible? If so, why are so many men and women like yourself needlessly losing your hair?

What the experts want you to believe is you're just another bald headed old man or woman in dire need of their services! And they don't want you to know WHY 99% of men and women have extreme hair loss problems!

Because if you did, they wouldn't make a profit on overpriced medications and costly medical hair replacements! The truth is, 99% of hair loss is not necessarily genetics! You're not just a helpless old bald headed fart after all!

Why Are You Really Losing Your Hair?

From the experience of one home remedy hair loss practitioner, who has been working in the field - with success - for 22 years; "99% of all hair loss in both men and women are mainly caused by one thing, EXCESSIVE OIL!"

The technical term for this oil is called sebum. When this oil clogs the course of your scalp it prevents the hair shaft from growing. In time, sebum causes the root of the hair to be strangled. This "prevents growth and usually causes receding hairlines known as hereditary male pattern baldness (or androgenetic alopecia).

In Women It Usually Results in Thinning Hair.

Although, another manifestation of hair loss in women known as alopecia areata, is the excessive and irregular patches of balding hair. In many cases this results from injury to the nervous system, causing deficient nourishment to the root. So, if the scalp has excessive oil and begins clogging the pores, it prevents natural shedding of hair. The hair gets stuck in your scalp and prevents any further growth of new hair.

It's almost like a traffic jam on a crowded freeway. Everything comes to a halt! You can imagine what effect that has on the health of your hair.

Now That I Know, What Do I Do?

There are many reasons why excessive oil causes your hair loss. But very few causes that can't be treated by a good hair loss remedy. Many environments produce excessive oil and dirt. Also, many hair care products can be the very cause.

Before you take action, take hair loss pictures so you can compare the results later! Then make sure you have a good natural hair loss remedy program to work with. It would be a good idea to clean your scalp of excess oil. Using a natural shampoo and conditioner would be good. Remember, some hair loss can be directly caused by chemicals in hair care products.

Avoid using hair gel and other products that are oil-based and not biodegradable. Otherwise you're starting the process all over again which makes excess oil build up. During my hair loss remedy program I made sure to stop using all chemical based hair products.

Also pay attention to your environment. Do you work in an environment with a lot of dirt, smoke, oil and other pollutants?

Be careful of the type of hair brush you use. Use natural bristle brushes which are not so damaging to your hair. Flexible bristles move through the hair best. Bristles that are rounded are much healthier for your hair than those that are sharp and pointed. Also Use combs that have teeth that are rounded as well. It is very important to wash your brush and combs of old dirt. It would be a good practice to do this every time you wash your hair.

Don't take this tip LIGHTLY! A dirty oily brush and comb will promote your hair loss significantly!

If you saw my hair loss pictures, before and after, you would see the wonders natural hair loss remedies can do for you!

At 44 years old I was losing hair rapidly, my father was extremely bald before he retired from the Army and I never knew my grandfather without a toupee. But I broke the curse of - so-called genetic hair loss" with simple hair loss home remedies!k

To get more information on home remedies for hair loss that work and hair loss pictures with before and after results, visit - Take advantage of all the tips that work for both women and men.

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