It is understandable when a person gets frustrated from damaged hair. If your hair is dry and brittle, this can affect your hairstyling regimes. Also, dry and brittle hair may not allow you to style your hair as much as you would like. Because of this, people may feel like they are losing a hold on their own physical self images. Well, do not lose hope for restoring health to your hair. Here are just a few things you can do to help your body restore your dry and brittle hair to a nice and healthy state.
Do Not Dye or Highlight Your Hair
When your hair is dry and brittle, it may not be able to withstand the chemicals and other harsh agents that hair dye has in its ingredients. As a result, if you were to dye or highlight your hair while it is in its dry and brittle state, you will only be doing more damage to your hair. Not only will your hair become even more damaged, but you increase the risk of permanent damage to your hair. So, as fun as it is to highlight and dye your hair, you would do well to refrain from these acts for the time that your hair is in this delicate state.
Avoid Over Brushing Your Hair
While many believe that brushing your hair will keep your hair healthy, every brush stroke actually does a small amount of damage to your hair. The brush stroke motions on your hair may cause tearing and breakage no matter how good your brush is or how gently you brush it. I would not refrain from brushing your hair all together, however it would be good to keep this to a minimal.
Consult a Professional Stylist
When you are sick, it is not uncommon to go to a doctor to seek out help and advice. We go and see a doctor during this time because they are trained professionals who are qualified to give us the help and advice that we need in order to become well again. Well, this can be applied to stylists and salon professionals. Stylists and salon professionals are hair doctors. These people know what is good for our hair, and they are qualified to give us knowledgeable advice that will benefit the health of our hair.
So, if you are suffering from dry and brittle hair, use these hair care tips to your advantage. Do not dye or over brush your hair, and do not be afraid to seek professional advice in the form of a hair stylist. We wish you the best in your quest to restore your hair to good health once again.
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