Despite being quite strong, our hair is very sensitive and can display signs of damage faster than any other part of our body.
One of the biggest reasons for hair damage is a poor diet. Eating a diet packed with junk and lacking in nutrients can make your hair look frizzy, greasy, limp and can even result in split ends. Our hair relies on nutrients from the inside as much as it relies on good hair care products. It is particularly important to get a regular intake of Vitamin B, which can be found in whole and un-processed foods such as beans, bananas, potatoes and turkey. Eating white processed flour and sugar can deplete your body's supply of vitamin B, so avoiding high amounts of white carbohydrates and sugar is important. Vitamin C is most infamously found in Oranges, but can also be found in sources such as broccoli too.
Another diet than can cause hair damage is a crash diet. This means any fad diet that will deprive you of one or more food group, such as The Atkins diet, which allows no carbohydrates or The Maple Syrup Diet, which doesn't allow much of anything at all. These diets may lead to fantastic weight loss, but they are not healthy and in order for our hair to look healthy we need to actually be healthy. Being healthy means also steering clear of binge drinking and smoking, both of which can damage your hair.
The over use of hair care products can also lead to damaged hair. Too much hair spray, gel, wax, serum and even over washing can strip your hair of the natural oils it needs to maintain its healthy shine. When using hair care products, less really is more and the less frequently you do things such as wash your hair, the better.
Of course one of the major hair damagers is heat styling too often. If you wash, blow dry and then heat style further with straighteners or tongs on a daily basis, you are guaranteed to cause split ends. It is better to try and heat style every other day, or avoid blow drying altogether by leaving your hair to dry naturally.
If you are going to use heat styling (as many of us do) remember to use a heat defence spray and use a heat styling tool that is not cheap! For example, your local shops own brand of hair straighteners will do your hair no favours compared to brands that need their straighteners to serve your hair well in all ways, such as GHD's. So if you are going to invest in straighteners or tongs, don't skimp too much.
Finally, one aspect of hair damage a lot of us over look is: the sun. We all take heed of the advice that warns us about how the sun can damage our skin, but not many of us think about our hair. When going on holiday or living in a hot climate it is important to use hair care products that are designed for hot weather. Brands such as Mark Hill have created lines of products designed to combat sun damage.
L J McKeever promotes good hair and body care. She has created websites for those wanting to find wide hair straighteners [] and fitness treadmills at great prices in The UK.