It's sad, but true; as many as two-thirds of all women will experience some degree of hair loss during their lifetime - that's nearly 30 million! The good news is that it usually doesn't result in complete baldness, and may often be reversible.
The two main causes of hair loss are: androgenetic alopecia and alopecia areata.
Alopecia Areata:
Alopecia areata is an immune disease that affects nearly 4 million people in the United States alone. It is most often found in children and young adults and is caused when the body's immune system begins to attack the hair follicles for some unknown reason, causing damage that inhibits hair growth. Immunology therapies can be helpful.
Androgenetic Alopecia:
Androgenetic (or inherited) hair loss is most linked to female hair thinning - not baldness. Does that mean if your father and grandfather are bald, then you will have thinning hair? Absolutely not! The genes for hair loss (and thinning), come from both parents, so unless there is severe hair loss on both sides of the family, you don't have any real greater chance of thinning hair as anyone else in the general population.
Hormones and Hair Loss:
Hormones may be one of the biggest culprits to female hair loss. Severe fluctuations from monthly menstrual cycles may inhibit hair growth temporarily, causing some hair loss. Having a baby is the most typical time to notice changes in your hair. While you are pregnant some of the hormones that are triggered may signal your body to keep hair that may normally be shed on a daily basis without being noticed. But, about three months after giving birth, those hormone return to more normal levels, causing your body to suddenly begin to suddenly shed that excess hair. No, you are not going bald; you are just beginning to return to normal, thus losing that ultra thick mane of hair you may have become accustomed to during pregnancy and new motherhood.
Polycystic ovary syndrome, [a common hormonal problem in women], is a main cause of female hair loss, according to experts.
Crash dieting, surgery, or even a traumatic emotional event such as a divorce, or the death of a spouse or child can all contribute to temporary hair loss by causing a sudden change in your hair growth pattern.
Other causes of female hair loss may include thyroid disorders, anemia, even chronic illness or the use of certain medications can also cause hair loss in women that is often undiagnosed. Birth control pills too can be a factor.
Since there are so many reasons (many very serious medical conditions), that may be causing a woman to lose her hair unnaturally, it is extremely important to see a doctor to rule out any physical reasons for your hair before trying to treat it.
If a physical reason can't be found through a complete physical exam with a doctor who specializes in female pattern baldness, then consider your normal hair care regime. If you have the tendency to have harsh chemicals put on your hair on a regular basis (perms, relaxers, dyes, etc), you could be seriously harming the hair follicles in your scalp, which can inhibit future hair growth. Tight weaves, curlers, corn rows and even ultra-tight ponytails worn regularly can also damage follicles, causing temporary (or even permanent), hair loss.
If you notice severe hair loss, here are a few things you can do slow it down until you find the underlying reason:
· Avoid hair dryers and curling irons.
· Wash hair with a gentle baby shampoo no more than once a day.
· Do not rub dry - pat only.
· Avoid any harsh chemical use on hair - coloring, perms, etc.
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