The hair is a woman's crowning glory that adds to her glamour and beauty. This is basically the reason why seeing a relatively unusual amount of hair strands after a shampoo or a vigorous brushing can be pretty alarming, most especially for women. Wouldn't a thin-haired or bald woman make you awkwardly uncomfortable?
Hair loss can be considered disastrous, especially for the female gender. There are many hair loss medical treatments, which offer positive results, depending primarily on the cause and extent of hair loss. However, experts say that there are also various natural treatments that can be beneficial to one's hair, one of which is eating a healthy and nutritious diet.
1. A Healthy and Nutritious Diet
Basically, the foods that contribute to the overall health of the body are also good for the hair. These include foods that are rich in protein and have low carbohydrates and fat content. Canola oil, fish, soy, and walnuts contain essential fatty acids, which is an important dietary content in promoting a healthy hair growth. Omega 3 fatty acids are also beneficial for the hair.
Iron deficiency may lead to anemia, which consequently reduces the supply of blood to the hair, causing hair loss. Hence, foods that are rich in iron, such as brewer's yeast, liver, and broccoli, must be added in the diet. Meat, eggs, and poultry are also good foods for the hair because of their vitamin B12 content. Other B vitamins, especially biotin, are also essential for a healthy hair growth. Most often than not, biotin supplements are prescribed along with drugs of choice for hair loss, such as Proscar, Propecia, and minoxidil. Biotin is not just good for the hair, but is also good for the skin and nails as well.
Zinc supplements are also recommended because zinc because it can help reduce the androgen levels in the body. Androgen is one of the hormones that are involved in some genetic hair loss such as the male-pattern baldness or androgenetic alopecia. However, it is essential that zinc should remain properly in ratio with copper.
2. Herbs
The saw palmetto acts very much like Finasteride which inhibits the activity of hair loss causing androgens in the follicles of the hair. As this is the case, women should never use saw palmetto without consulting a physician. Green tea can help reduce the testosterone in a woman's bloodstream, hence blocking the cycle of hormonal activities that are responsible for the occurrence of some types of hair loss. Sage tea and apple cider vinegar can be directly applied on the scalp to stimulate the growth of hair. Horsetail is one great source of silica, which is an essential component of a healthy growing hair.
3. Hair Care Hair care products and procedures, such as shampoos, bleaches, dyes, even hair iron and blow dryers may not cause medical or genetic hair problems. Hence, women suffering from genetic or medical hair loss should not be scared on perming or grooming their hair. Necessary precautions are needed though as dye or perming solution might inflame one's scalp and may bring about hair loss problems.
Darren W. is an online medical researcher and webmaster of Hair Loss Treatments. Related topics: DHT and Hair Loss and Treatment for Thinning Hair and Massive Hair Loss.