Regardless of the fact how grown-up a person is, one never fails to look at his hair. The majority of magazines are filled with women pictures in 20s and 30s, and it is hard to find women above 50 featuring the best hair. In fact, some of them are figuring out the exact reason for losing hair, whether it is hereditary or an unhealthy lifestyle. Fifty and above is the age when hair starts becoming brittle and is prone to frizz, split ends and damage. Eventually, hair starts graying and becomes thinner in a way that women shy away from attending occasions and become introverts. This situation can be overcome by following few tips that may prove to be beneficial in maintaining a healthy hair at the age of 50 and above.
1. Eating properly is mandatory to support a healthy hair, such as fruits, lean protein and vegetable, as it does the majority of nourishment to the hair internally. However, vitamins are also good for overall health and hence eating nutritious and balanced diet is a must to maintain a healthy hair at mid age.
2. Another important thing is that one should pay much attention on comments made by other people about the looks being faded or shading away. Hence, decide for yourself to cut the hair short or coloring the hair as it is your own looks, and you can think and do as you wish to suit your best.
3. Maintaining healthy hair at 50 + is not a simple task, but can be done without much effort, by taking appropriate care regularly. For thin or limp hair, cutting off the length makes it look thicker, and if the person has beautiful eyes, short hair looks simply beautiful. Conversely, there are women who cannot comprise in giving up the length of the hair; they can have extensions added so that it looks thick and lengthy. Moisturizing shampoo and formulated conditioners are also fabulous products that keep the hair look thick and healthy.
4. Trying a new color that is totally unique from the natural color gives a diligent touch and this can be well-maintained in every six weeks, but avoid giving a professional color permanently as it will look like a makeover. If there is a little of gray hairs, feel blessed that you are fortunate enough to color all the white strands such that it will highlight as a lighter shade depending on the choice of color you select for shading.
5. It is not mandatory to undergo a complete color change, hence opt for highlighting as this looks remarkably well on 50+ women. Variations in color make the hair to appear movable and flexible than having a uniform color, and maintaining a healthy hair at 50 + are not actually different than at any other age. However, it is a must to eat well, acquire enough rest and to avoid over processing the hair as a healthy mane takes off the years and there are adequate options to make the hair look and work best.
Eventually, avoiding harsh chemicals as hair coloring or straightening or curling is best avoided as they cause breakage and hair damage. Even, heating tools such as curling irons, hair dryers and hot combs leads to hair breakage. Stress also has a significant role in thinning hair and hence avoiding stress and promoting hair growth by acquiring the recommended minerals and vitamins, besides regular exercise helps in maintaining a healthy hairstyle at mid-age as well.
Roberto Sedycias works as IT consultant for Polomercantil