Have you noticed the hundreds of products in the hair care aisle of your local grocery store? Your hair stylist may have suggested to you that you buy a salon product, but you're probably thinking: 'why pay so much money for Black hair care products when there are lots of inexpensive hair care products on the market?' The answer is simple - Black hair has specific, unique needs that most grocery store shampoos just can't meet.
As you've noticed there are many hair care products on the market, but not all of them are appropriate for Black hair. Most of the products on the market are designed for White hair, which has a different structure and needs to Black hair. You need to be on the lookout for products specifically created for Black hair.
The products you need in your hair care arsenal should include some of the following:
High-quality hydrating shampoos
Deep moisturizing conditioners
Hot oil treatments
Leave in conditioners
When you're out buying these items one of the most important things you ought to do is: Read The Labels! Remember Black hair can be quite dry so you will need to buy products that will provide moisture, not dry your hair and scalp further.
Many products on the market claim to be moisturizing or hydrating, but they may contain ingredients that will cause further damage to already dry or brittle hair. Some of the ingredients to avoid are:
Isopropyl alcohol
If you see any of these items mentioned on the product label - put that product down immediately and find another! There are many Black hair care products available, there's no need to settle for anything inferior.
Before you use any hair care product for the first time acquaint yourself with the condition of your hair and scalp. After the first week or two of using a new product, examine your hair and scalp again. Do you notice any changes in the condition? If you do see a difference, it should be that your hair and scalp are healthier. If your scalp seems unhealthy or you notice more breakage or damage, then stop using those products, it could be a sign that they are not the right hair care products for you.
You'll know when you've chosen the correct Black hair care products for your hair, you will begin to see a noticeable difference within weeks and will never go back to using the wrong products again (no matter how cheap they are!).
Marianne Parker is a writer at locksandlinks.com locksandlinks.com. Visit the site for articles, images and information on locksandlinks.com Black Hair and locksandlinks.com Black Hair Styles.