A thorough massage is necessary to improve the blood circulation of the scalp. By massaging the scalp the hair follicles are stimulated and the texture of the hair is also enhanced. Massaging activates the nerves and a sense of calmness in the mind ensues. This therapy is useful for people who have routine stress.
Everyday spend about 5-10 minutes massaging your hair with your fingers. Move your fingers circularly all over the head starting from the temporal parts to the occipital area. Apply the necessary pressure to the areas. Even Yoga exercises such as the headstand are recommended for proper circulation to all the parts, especially the hair follicles to stimulate growth.
There are various types of massaging techniques, which can be followed. Indonesian style is best suited for relieving mental tension and improving the quality of the hair. The massaging steps are given below in detail:
1) Stand with your feet apart and start breathing in and out
2) Bend from the waist till the level of your head falls below the waist area.
3) Bring your feet close to each other and start rubbing your scalp with your knuckles all over your head for about half a minute.
4) Slowly start bringing your body to the normal level and continue rubbing on the scalp.
Be careful that when you are massaging your scalp, do not massage roughly. The hair fibers may split causing you pain and damage to the hair. So massage gently and thoroughly.
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